This sign for mayor is one of my favorites of all time. It even highlights one of the principles that I personally worked on for our list, the von Restroff Effect. With Its diamond shape rather than square or rectangle, and the firefighter cap on the top, this sign will be remembered long after the campaign ends. This sign actually won my vote, mainly because all the Phoenix Mayor’s were saying pretty much the same thing, and didn’t speak on any of the issues I care about, but that’s a different class.
This sign for school board is awful. Not because of how its organized, but because of its Color. For some reason, this pair of candidates decided that in order to stand out, they were going to use the exact same color as all the “NO” proposition signs. Prop signs have always historically been yellow when telling you to vote NO (see examples below), and been a whole range of colors for yes. (You can see somewhat below that right next to a sign is a red “yes” sign. What were these two thinking, “People will see this, and will vote ‘NO’ for us too!”???