Personas: Serena

two personas for users at our site scenario and storyboards incorporating both personas

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Persona 1: May C.
• 67 years old
• Retired
• Married, with three adult kids & two grandchildren, ages 4 and 7

Languages: Cantonese, English
Interests: family, cooking, gardening, walking, mahjong

Quotation: “It’s important for my grandchildren to spend time outside, but they get bored easily. I want to find something we can do together.”

Persona 2: June C.
• 7 years old
• Second grader
• Younger brother, age 4
• Wants to build robots when she grows up

Languages: English, learning Spanish
Interests: drawing, science class, reading, Luna (pet cat), reptiles

Quotation: “I like going on walks with Grandma, but she’s slow. I want her to play more games with me and help me take pictures of animals.”

May takes her two grandchildren, June (7) and Justin (4), for a walk at the wildlife refuge on a Sunday afternoon. Last time they were here, the kids spotted an egret and some lizards, so today they’re running along the trail looking for animals. May’s knees are feeling stiff and she calls to the kids to slow down and stay with her.

As they round the corner, they see a large wooden structure that looks like a beehive, with a bench inside it. May sits down inside the hive to rest her knees, while June and her brother play with the beehive, pretending to be bees. They ask May to tell them some bee facts, which she reads from a nearby sign.

[Four storyboards depict the scenario.]

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