Exercise 3.2: Personas – Annie Luong



Jill and her husband are young couple who lives in Huntington Beach area. Her husband is active and enjoys outdoor activities such as riding his bike and hiking, while Jill’s interest is more geared towards art. They usually spend their weekend at Huntington Beach, doing different things such as water sports, biking, and going out to eat. However during weekend, it is really crowded at the beach area. They are looking for local activities that are not too crowded, but also can fulfill their interests. Today, while shopping at the Pacific City, Jill sees an ad about the Exhibition Ride to the River. She asks her husband to check it out this weekend. On Saturday, they start biking from the beach to the Santa Ana River area. From there, they see many popup art display panels along the river. They bike along the river while checking out local artist’s work. Jill is happy because she can find a place where she and her husband can do things they love together. She is also happy to know that the exhibition supports the American Family Housing & charity organization, who shelter and care for the poor. She looks forward for next weekend ride with her husband back to the river area again.





Exercise 3.1.2, Narratives: Annie Luong

Follow your dream.

This is my friend’s bedroom. Last year around this time, after having a late brunch with her at Pacific City Mall, I went back to her house for the first time. My friend, whose parents were immigrated from Laos, lived in a suburban city in Arizona. She has 3 siblings, who all quit school and started having kids since they were 17. They were still relying on her parents for support.

She decided that she need to go to California and follow her dream. She said if she stayed, she will become like one of her siblings. She needed to get out of the nest, spread her wings. One day, 7 years ago,  she left her home around 3 am, drove from Arizona to Orange County in California. All she had were on the photo. Her room was still the same after 7 years. She is saving for her dream.

Follow your dream, and work towards it.

Exercise 2.3.2: Geographies – Annie Luong

I am going to tell you my first time-mom venture out of the house with my newborn baby on my own. After almost three weeks home from the hospital, I think it is time for the baby to get out there and literally see the world. I also combined this trip with some time to exercise, and it turned out to be an interesting trip, with some mortify moments.

My first plan was just to walk to the park nearby our home, which normally would take me about 5 minutes to get there. It took me almost an hour to pack everything the baby needs (how many diapers the baby need in 20 minutes walk?). Along the way to the park, I got to observe different things I don’t get see when driving. It is nice for a couple of minutes to live in a moment, take a deep breath, walk slowly instead of driving, which we don’t usually do in our busy lives. I see houses with different constructions, different backyard designs, which showed the taste of the owner. I smelled the grass mixed in the fresh air.  Halfway there, my phone reminded me that Starbucks was having a happy hour discount, and I thought maybe I should go to Starbuck instead. Then the baby looked like he was not comfortable, so I decided to stick to the original plan.

After several times, I stopped on the street to take note and check on the baby, then I finally made it to the park. The baby started crying, louder and louder. I felt several eyes on me, which embarrassed me even more. There are many thought inside me: how to comfort a crying baby? Why are there so many people at the park today? Or they might think I am a child kidnapper? After sitting down for one minute, I could not take it anymore. I stood up and got home as fast as possible, passing by some other eyes that were still on me. When we finally got back home, I felt so exhausted and slept for two hours.



Project 2 – Mapping: Annie Luong

I picked Pacific City mall in Huntington beach as my site because it is only 10 minutes from my house. The site is taken from the old name of Huntington beach city, which was an ocean front village. It sits across from the Huntington Beach pier and offers a mixture of restaurants, gym, coffee shops, and shopping stores.  

Force 1: Retail-tainment

As we can see the old type of malls, which only offer shopping stores like Macys, Jcpenny, are slowly dying and out of favor. There is a rise for a new future type of mall, called retail-tainment.



This new type of mall offers its guests with entertainment, shopping, and locals event options. Shoppers come here not only for shopping, but can also enjoy the food, spending time socializing with others while enjoying the amazing views of the beach. It is a whole new experience that people are rapidly embracing.




Force 2: Green building

The Pacific City mall is built as a green construction. This natural environment can be observed throughout their landscaping, to accent outdoor decor. Mixing between shopping stores and restaurants, there are beautiful green arrangments, wooden walkways with plant pots, give people the relax feeling while visiting.  Additionally, the usage of natural materials like wood is very prominent through the complex.



Force 3: Location

Sitting just across from the beach is a prime spot not a lot of places can beat this location. You can sit from the restaurant, enjoy the sunset while having your fish taco, or hanging outside drinking coffee, where there is plenty of outdoor furniture provided that help you relax and enjoy the scenery.






Force 4: Environmental awareness

The building has trash can everywhere, which also has fun signs to remind people to keep the place clean. They also offer priority parking for electric vehicles as an incentive. We can see how they embrace the environmental awareness.

Force 5: Local

Since the outdoor mall is in the beach city, we can see there is an influence of the ocean vibe everywhere, from the deco design to how the local dress up. From the photo, we can see the design of the lights was inspired by ocean waves.

The local people are all in relaxed, chill outfits, taking their time drining their coffee, enjoying the sights of nature.  

Final map:

Link PDF


Informations, Part 2: Annie Luong

If you happen to be in the San Diego area and are looking for an activity to do, I recommend checking out the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. The park is separate from the San Diego Zoo and is located at a different location. I prefer the park over than the San Diego Zoo because it is more compact. It is also designed in a way that it is easier for visitors to browse around.

The San Diego Zoo Safari Park Map is one that I enjoyed reading. This is one of the examples of wayfinding. By showing Orientation, Route Decision, Route Monitoring and Destination Recognition, the map creates the 4 stages of how visitors can browse the zoo. After locating themselves in the environment and comparing to where they are at on the map, they can then make a route decision to where they want to get to. Visitors will follow the map trails, which is illustrated on the map by indicated routes, to monitor their progress to the destination.

The map also presents a very unique choice of colors. Since the theme of the park is Safari, the ground colors are also in a Safari-like color palette, which includes neutral, earthy tones combining with different shades of green. This use of color helps relate the reader to the safari and makes it more enjoyable to read.

With the complex information of the map, in order to separate necessary information with the different colors backgrounds, and busy illustrations, the different map routes, there is the use of highlighting technique. All the important activities of the zoo are highlighted in red color, in which make them stand out from the busy background. Usually, we have to be careful while playing with highlight. If we use highlight on busy content, it can give a negative effect. However, the use of red color with black stroke as highlight works in this case.  

Looking at the locator icons like the above photo, we can see how the figure-ground relationship principle which really makes the images stronger. The relationship between ground contrast with the figure in black/white color leaves the interpretation to the user without explaining. Hence it creates a smart and intuitive call to action icons.




The map is also pretty easy to discover, even for younger kids. On the map, we can see different areas that are illustrated with the drawing of the animals which are located in that specific area. A visitor does not need to look at the description to know what area it is. They can look at the drawings of the animals to decide if that is the destination they want to go.


Team 7 Principle #1: Alignment

Alignment allows us to create order and organization among elements.

Alignment is one of the most basic principles in design, together with contrast, hierarchy, balance, proximity, repetition, simplicity and function. In general design, alignment helps connect all the visual element together, make the design more cohesive.

In graphic design and web design, there are many good and bad alignment examples. Good alignment brings proper visibility, guiding the user’s eyes to the information they are looking for. It also helps to balance the design and helps provide the overall structure of the entire object. Bad alignment makes the content more complex and difficult to read, and therefore provides bad feedback to the user.

Usually, alignment is defined by the rows and columns or along its center line. Alignment can be archived with a grid to help with more accurate alignment.  The grid is an invisible line system, which helps organize elements from simple to complex content.

Below is an example of the different technique of alignment on Maddison Design website. Elements usually are aligned by rows and columns. However, designers have been experienced with different layouts, which aligns along diagonals, as above samples.

Alignment helps articles with complex contents easier to read. This is an example of using grid system to align various elements. With grid system, it is much easier for the user to read the article, although there is a lot of information on the page. 

This photo of the stadium I took during my trip to Toronto is an example of how alignment connects elements together in architecture. All the seats were aligned to create a form of the stadium.

Citation and References:

  1. https://maddisondesigns.com/2009/03/the-5-basic-principles-of-design/https://254-online.com/alignment-principle-design/
  2. https://www.cnn.com/
  3. Lidwell, William, et al. Universal Principles of Design 125 Ways to Enhance Usability, Influence Perception, Increase Appeal, Make Better Design Decisions, and Teach through Design. Rockport, 2010.



Team 7 Principle #2: Closure

Objects grouped together are seen as a whole

According to Gestalt psychology, our brain perceives forms and shapes as one whole object even though there are some parts missing. When looking at a visual design, our brain will automatically fill in the gaps of what is missing in what our eyes see. While using the Closure principle, we play with the negative and positive of the space to create the object. We can also apply the Closure Principle by grouping individual elements into a special arrangement or create patterns that trigger our brain into forming an object.

The principle of closure was used wisely in design and graphical elements. It helps simplify the details that are not needed to make it a stronger image.  It also combines with other shapes to bring out deeper meaning or hidden messages of the design. This makes the design more appealing and interesting and invites the viewer to spend more time studying the design in more depth.

This is the sample from Universal Principle of Design book. The shape of the penguin was created by different shapes and colors.  Although several parts of the penguin are missing and lacks enough details, our brain was still able to form and associate the various elements into the shape of a penguin.

Unilever created their logo by putting different smaller objects into a shape of the letter “U”. All of the elements are stand alone and have different meanings.  But when they are formed into the shape of U, they are acting as a pattern, which is easily recognizable.

This is a set of wooden chopsticks I got in from Vietnam. If we glance through the object, we can see it has a shape of a fan. However, when we take out any part of the object, it can also act as a practical element.

Citation and References:

  1. Lidwell, William, et al. Universal Principles of Design 125 Ways to Enhance Usability, Influence Perception, Increase Appeal, Make Better Design Decisions, and Teach through Design. Rockport, 2010.
  2. https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2016/05/improve-your-designs-with-the-principles-of-closure-and-figure-ground-part-2/
  3. https://www.unilever.com/

Exercise 1.2.1: Objects, Part 1: Annie Luong

The product I love:

This is a Christmas gift from my boyfriend’s company. It is a recreation of the “loot box” from Overwatch game. Loot boxes are often given to the user when they played, as rewards to level up. I am not a gamer, but when comparing the object to the game, it is very close in term of design. The material is plastic, with very nice color combinations and does not look cheap. I think for game fans, this is definitely something fun to relate to.

When he first introduced the gift for me, I looked at the box and thought: “It was a well-made toy. But that’s about it?” Initially, when looking at the product, from a design standpoint, it’s purpose was not clearly visible. I was unsure of its intended use and function. However, the way it was put together made me want to explore it further.  It also made me want to know what was in the inside.

But then when we opened it, my perspective was different. It was very clear that the intended use was easily visible and discovered its use was of a mini picnic set. There are 4 pairs of coaster and glasses, which all contain details and illustrations from the game. When we removed all of these items from the box, we discovered that it could also be used as an ice box.

There are so many times I bought some functional object mostly for the look of it. I think this is a great design from both visual and functional standpoint. The object brings fun and entertainment to the user. It also gives us a surprise of affordance (we don’t know what it really is until we open it), but easy mapping (We can figure the coasters are there to be used with the glasses).

The product I love/hate:

Why do I have a love/hate relationship with this machine?

This machine saved me during the hot summer, but it also ruins the look of where ever I had to put it. This is a portable air conditioner so it convenient for me to move it to the location where I needed to use it.

While it provided me with cooling relief during the summer, the cost-benefit of the product was relatively high. This is due to the fact that this machine has only one main purpose which is providing cold air.  However, this does not provide any benefit whatsoever for the cold winter months. So, therefore, I would need to purchase another product to keep me warm during this period.

While it provided benefits during summer, one of its major constraints is due to its physical size.  When fully set up, the machine almost took ¼ of the available space.  The product came with two big tubes, that needs to be connected to the outside of the window.  To properly install these tubes, you have to open part of your window and attach them to a panel so the air can be circulated. When looking at the overall design, we can see it doesn’t provide good feedback. We don’t know if the two air tubes will fit in different windows if we have to move the machine to another location.

  To use the air conditioner, I have to locate it in an open space, otherwise, it will block all the ways. It came with two big tubes, that will have to be linked to outside of the window. To install these tubes, you will have to open part of your window and insert it in. For me, it has so many physical constraints. When we look at the design, we can see it gives bad feedback. We don’t know if the two air tubes will fit in different window if we move the machine.


Exercise 1.2.2: Objects, Part 2: Annie Luong


1. The Asian wooden chair:







This chair belonged to the living room set at my parent’s house. It has been in the family house for more than two decades. I would consider this as one of the handmade types of chair. The chair was handcrafted by skillful craftsmen in Asia, in solid large pieces of wood. The design of the chair was inspired by Asian nobles house from the 18 century. During that time, your set of the chair really communicate your political view and power level, the more powerful they were, the bigger and more massive the chairs they had in their living room. The seating area is big, and could almost would fit two people. The chair is heavy with a mixture of oriented details. However since the set of chairs were designed in the modern time, the details was eliminated to fit with the current time.

2. The McDonald’s chair:

I took this photo at Mcdonald store. The chair was made in a lightweight plastic material. The color of the chair is in light cream, complimenting the interior of the store. We can see that it is mass-produced, very basic modern shape, easy to clean and maintain. Since it is the fast food place, the shop wants customers to mainly grab and go.  I  noticed the chair is not that comfortable. I guess the shop does not want customers to stay for so long.

3. The designer chair:

I found this photo through an upscale furniture Instagram’s store. The set of chairs built in wood, with geometrical cutting shapes. The chair itself is a piece of sculpture. Beyond the functionality, the design of the chairs enhanced the shape of the table. It is truly one of a kind chair. I am not sure how comfortable it is, but the look of the chair is already inviting people to come and have a seat on it.

4. The guest’s chair:

This chair was brought together with our solid grey sofa. The chair is wide and has a cushion, provides comfort for a guest to come and sit or just relax and unwind. With the print on the cushion cover, it also communicates as an accent piece of furniture to the rest of the furniture in the room, which are all in solid colors. I know it is comfortable and nice, but for some reason, the way the chair was designed, it unconsciously sent a message to me that it’s a chair for guests using only. I have not spent that much time with this chair.

I guess everyone has their own favorite chair in the house.

5. My office’s chair:

This was the first time I got furniture from Amazon, and it was a pleasant surprise. I was looking for something sleek, simple and not too pricey of a chair to go with my industrial looking desktop. Since I will spend a lot of time working on the chair, I was hoping that besides the look, the chair should be comfortable for me.

The chair is covered in faux leather and was inspired by the mid-century with organic shape that hugs the body of the person who sits on it. It is combined with three different materials: stainless steel for the leg; wooden material for the back of the chair; and faux leather for the seat – creating the modern look for the room. The chair is very comfortable for a person with my height (I am not that tall), easy to install, and has wheels at the legs so I can move around.

Histories: Annie Luong


The first time I went to Japan a couple of years ago, my local friend took me to one of his favorite ramen shops. It fascinated me to see a wide variety of ramen restaurants that have adopted the use of vending machines are the primary ordering system. This approach is a revolutionary because it changes the way we order our food. We Americans can realize many benefits in if we embrace this new paradigm.

How does it work?

You choose the ramen with any side dish you want based on the picture on the screen, then put in the money, and take the ticket or any change. Then one person will pick up your ticket, and sit you down. After finishing your food, you are welcome to leave. There is no reason to wave at the waiter in order for them to bring the check afterward.

Any wide idea could be successful if it truly meets the need of the users. 

It is not a surprise Japan is the root of many innovative products. The concept of vending systems is one. According to www. jnto.go.jp, Japan has over 5 million vending machines.

When taking a closer look at their designs, you may notice they are outdated. However,  they are still widely used, due to the fact that it serves the purpose of improving things by making them more efficient. The combination of the ease of use and convenience has led to the wide adoption of those vending machine designs. These small simple machines are high accessibility as you can buy the food by looking at the photo and order without knowing the local language.  

The machine inspires me to think of what needs to be considered when designing a product. There are so many wonderful pre-existing design ideas already been out there. Regardless, some of them can be redesign in the way which benefits our lives.