About the sites
1. The CAMP site of Costa Mesa
2. North Financial District of San Francisco
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Part 1: Three ideas to enhance the overall design of the sites
Part 2: Two options to build a self-parking system on the CAMP site of Costa Mesa
Part 1: Three ideas to enhance the overall design of the sites
Idea one: Self-parking on the CAMP
Parking at CAMP has always been a challenge. The deficiency of the parking arrangement has turned away a lot of potential customers. Our first idea is to turn valet parking into self-assistant parking using an existing parking app “ParkMobile”. In addition, based on interview survey, most people do not like the idea of valet parking as they shared their concerns about having a stranger to possess their car keys while being away.
Self-assistant parking is very common in busy places. The CAMP has always been overly popular and lack of good parking system. Replacing valet with self-parking meters could help the site to direct traffic more effectively.
The city can put in meters to set up a self-parking system on the site. The apps works with most meters that takes credit cards.
Using an existing app “ParkMobile” which has grown tremendous popularity among mobile apps enhances people’s experience when visiting busy sites. The free app makes it easy to find and pay for parking without running back to feed the meter. And visitors can reserve spots ahead of time for events. With more than a million spots and 3,000 locations across North America, we can integrate CAMP’s parking system to work with the mobile app by asking the city for special zoning for parking.
Idea two: Eco-friendly kids zone on the CAMP
Most of the children’s places in Costa Mesa are designed to be indoors. The outdoor campground setting at The CAMP provides a touch of nature unique to this site that can encourage children to play and experience nature. Currently the retail campus lacks kid friendly spaces. We propose to the Orange County Urban Development special zoning for parks a kids play area at The CAMP where kids can roam in the outdoor setting without leaving the urban area. The play area can be eco-friendly to fall in line with the mission of The CAMP, and can promote kids’ learning to support the city’s development.
Idea Three: Ally intervention in North Financial District of San Francisco
Part 2: Two options to build a self-parking system on the CAMP site of Costa Mesa
Option 1:
Setting up a self-serving parking system on the CAMP site to make parking more effective and to enhance people’s experience when visiting the busy site of CAMP.
Managing your Parking via self-serving meters
Moving in the park-it-yourself touch screen meters in the valet parking areas, to allow people manage their parking from the screen. First 2 hours are free, and after that the visitors can reserve the hours based on their anticipation of their time of visit. This is one option for those who do not want to download parking app to reserve time and manage their parking from their phone.
Managing your Parking via Mobile app
Integrating the self-serving parking system into mobile app to allow visitors to manage their time for parking before their visit. A lot apps offer free services to make it easy to find and pay for parking without running back to feed the meter. And visitors can reserve spots ahead of time for events.
Option 2: The CAMP Counselors