Note: This is not an assignment post, this is a reflection post. These reflections might not even be accurate as these are just opinions, However, it’ll be great if we can have a conversation around this and make it more useful. (A.k.a learn more from this assignment : )
Greg’s post helped me crystallize my thoughts on this assignment. Greg’s post is here:
Greg’s honesty about not understanding why we were doing this assignment helped me think more about this. Because, like Greg, I too was not sure why we were doing this.
1. Why are we doing this?
2. Should I leave the apartment complex (neighborhood)?
3. When should I turn? Should I time it? Should I base it on the distance walked?
4. Should I map everything I see?
5. Should I highlight everything that I see?
6. How much detail is to much detail?
I had many more such questions.
After doing my walk, I’m realizing that perhaps the goal of this exercise is to:
1. Sensitize us to our environment
2. Help us observe closely
3. See things in a new light
4. Be conscious of our biases (what we do vs. what we don’t do; what we report vs. what we leave out etc)
[Bias is a big one. For example, all of us use Google maps. Google maps has (kind of) killed all other maps. But we must always remind ourselves about Google Map’s inherent ‘advertising bias.’ Everything that they do (I think) is aimed at collecting data to help advertisers and improve advertising on their platform. Thus, their maps will always see the world through that lens. This is just one reason why other maps must persist. I think as a society we can do better than relying on a map whose’ main goal is to sell more stuff : ( Never thought about this before.]
5. Make us realize the subconscious choices we make when we are interacting with our surroundings
6. Dwell upon these choices and try to think what might be the motivations behind our choices so that we are aware of our blind spots (For example, I think I’m always seeking contrast. That is my observation bias, thus it is also my mapping bias and I need to be aware of it so that it does not impact my work adversely.)
(By the way, this ‘self-discovery’ is also going to help me in the ‘User Needs’ course and the research and interviewing I’m doing there.)
Why all this?
May be becoming more observant of our surroundings and of ourselves can potentially help us in becoming better designers? Because a good designer is a good listener and observer (thus has more empathy)? And that’s why s/he is a good innovator and visualizer too? A good designer is at peace with herself/himself and that is why s/he is able to observe and understand and create more and do all of this better?
I think there could be many more dimensions to this.
What do all of us think?