Exercise 3.2, Personas: Omar Filippelli



Eddy is always busy and on the go. His modus operandi doesn’t allow him to pay attention to many other things around him. But he is also in need of doing something different from the same old routine. He needs to feel part of something greater than the mundane are greedy. Today, during his walk away from the office, in the Promenade at the Santa Monica Place, while answering a phone call. He notices something different, something innocent and colorful. A balloon display attached to a building he know very well. Eddy is moved to take a closer look and see what the campaign is about. He ends the call and comes close to one of the cutout figures. The image of a beautiful child, who is obviously suffering from cancer, touches Eddy’s emotions. This child is happy, he looks so human, so child-like. Eddy continues engaging with the props and reads the message on the child’s shirt and is moved to do something about the issue. He picks up a balloon and takes the necessary steps to make a difference in a child’s life.


The New and Improved Redondo Beach Pier Sign








Sam has a girlfriend visiting from out of state for the weekend and Sam wants to show her around since it’s her girlfriends first time in the area. Her girlfriend wants some good seafood and Sam takes her friend down to The Redondo Pier for dinner.  After dinner, Sam suggests they walk out on the pier where they will be able to take amazing pictures to commemorate her girlfriends first time to the area and to add some envy-worthy selfies to their Instagram’s. And maybe even get featured on The Redonda Pier sign Instagram page, where pictures are posted that people have tagged #TheRedondaPierSign.




Exercise 3.2 – Christina



Sarah often travels with her team to various destinations for work. When they arrive at Phoeniex, they go to the Desert Ridge to shop, eat, and wind down after work. At one point, they regroup and decide to take a group selfie to remember their time in Phoenix, especially with their famous sunsets. They remember that there is a watch tower and see that the sign says it is almost sunset time. They decide to go take their photo there. If they got that angle of the sunset, they would have an amazing photo to remember that day, definitely instagram-worthy too. As they return from the roof, they are satisfied with how the photos turned out and saw one of the most beautiful sights Arizona has to offer. They return home and post the photos online to show friends and family.


Exercise 3.2, Personas: Alexa Steinhauser



Michelle is walking back to her apartment from work, and needs to stop by Santa Monica Place to buy a new cooking apron. On her way there, she sees a giant balloon installation and stops to see what is happening there. She reads about the childhood cancer campaign that’s being promoted, and decides to purchase and blow up a balloon to contribute to the cause. They let her tie her balloon to the grouping, and also tell her to stop by again or save the website address to see the progress of the balloon installation over the promenade. She walks to work the next week and is surprised to see that the balloons cover a good portion of the promenade section!


Exercise 3.2: Personas – Annie Luong



Jill and her husband are young couple who lives in Huntington Beach area. Her husband is active and enjoys outdoor activities such as riding his bike and hiking, while Jill’s interest is more geared towards art. They usually spend their weekend at Huntington Beach, doing different things such as water sports, biking, and going out to eat. However during weekend, it is really crowded at the beach area. They are looking for local activities that are not too crowded, but also can fulfill their interests. Today, while shopping at the Pacific City, Jill sees an ad about the Exhibition Ride to the River. She asks her husband to check it out this weekend. On Saturday, they start biking from the beach to the Santa Ana River area. From there, they see many popup art display panels along the river. They bike along the river while checking out local artist’s work. Jill is happy because she can find a place where she and her husband can do things they love together. She is also happy to know that the exhibition supports the American Family Housing & charity organization, who shelter and care for the poor. She looks forward for next weekend ride with her husband back to the river area again.





What makes a persona truly useful? (Also, is one persona enough for a multi-stakeholder project?)

When I started in advertising, I used to love the idea of personas. Personas simplified complexity. Because personas clarified ‘who’ we were talking to/targeting, they forced us to make important choices about ‘what’ we we wanted to say in our ads. This helped us in prioritizing our messages and articulating our desired outcomes. There was just one problem, most of these personas were based on traditional qualitative research, such as one-on-one interviews and focus group discussions. While many personas that were based on qualitative research were useful, all of them were not. This is because not qualitative research yields deep insights. Over the years I’ve realized that while there are some very smart qualitative researchers who are really good at what they do there an equal number, if not more, who are not. This, at least, has been my experience working with qualitative researchers in marketing. Personas built on mediocre qualitative research just don’t cut it. They checks all the boxes, but seldom give clear direction to what needs to be designed and to what affect. Such Personas end up becoming a collection of “generic descriptions” and “claimed behaviors and attitudes,” which do not represent underlying consumer reality.

Here’s an example of how this impacted our work. A few years back, I was working on a leading global enterprise technology client. Year after year, their brand tracking study showed that the brand had high awareness, high brand recall and top intention to purchase among all competitors. However, in spite of this, the brand kept losing market share. Not just in the US, but globally. We realized we needed a way to cross examine our qualitative consumer data and the personas we were working with. This made us reconsider our approach.

Enter behavioral data. Behavioral data (for all its limitations in terms of answering the ‘why’ of consumer behavior) can be a great way to cross examine findings from claimed behavior and attitudes generated by qualitative research.  Personas that are based on a combination of qualitative data (small data?) and behavioral data (big data) about the same target audience can truly represent what is going in a person’s life. Personas built on a combination of qualitative research and behavioral data are more nuanced and thus more reliable than those created only from qualitative research. Such personas help in answering nuanced questions like, “what experience are people looking for” and “what behavior are we wanting to change,” among others. A persona that does not answer these questions is not actionable and thus a wasted opportunity.

For our project (“Revitalizing Forgotten spaces in LA” and starting with LA River by developing an LA River Garden) there are multiple stakeholders and audiences. Thus, we have penned multiple personas. It may be noted that these personas are based only on qualitative data collected via informal interactions. In that sense, these personas are not as accurate as they could’ve been had we also had access to behavioral data.

Detailed personas and scenarios for our project are outlined here.


Exercise 3.2: Personas, Scenario, Storyboard – John Molendyk


Gloria moved from Los Angeles to Irvine to work for a tech firm as a product manager. Busy with work and trying to get settled in, Gloria’s times is consumed most days, although she seeks connection to something more meaningful. Typically weekends are spent outdoors with friends or hiking local wilderness areas. Gloria has volunteered in the past with the Humane Society in high school and a little in college, but stopped when she moved. Gloria is someone who is looking for opportunities to make a difference and connect with like minded individuals. Seeing an opportunity to volunteer would provide Gloria with the connection she is looking for and could convince her to make the time for it, as she believes “need doesn’t wait”.

Gloria is at happy hour with her co-workers from the tech company she works at. Its a typical week night and she is feeling connected to her co-workers and grateful for all that she has. It’s getting late and Gloria bids farewell to her team for the evening and heads off through the spectrum towards the parking garage. As she is walking, Gloria notices a cut out of a small child wearing an ASPCA shirt holding a dog with a cast on its leg… Gloria smiles, wondering what the connection is. As she turns the next corner, Gloria notices the ASPCA is standing out in front of what used to be a yogurt shop. As the the volunteer standing in the door sees Gloria approaching, she smiles, and as Gloria smiles back as she asks about the sign “Volunteers Needed”, remembering her days in high-school helping at the animal shelter.

Exercise 3.2: Personas – Cindy Wang

1. Hi, meet Rachel, a fitness conscious park goer.

View high resolution pdf here.
Note: I pulled these joys and frustrations from an aggregate number of responses from Yelp here, and had to make an assumption on her biography.

2. Scenario

Rachel was able to park near by an entrance today because it is raining, so the struggle to park is a little less this morning. She’s glad she has her nasty rain tennis shoes on, because she already knows it’s going to be wet and muddy. She approaches one of the main entrances to the park and her eyes are immediately caught on the new… whatever that is near the entrance. She approaches it somewhat with curiosity, wondering who would be so audacious to install some sort of ginormous art installation at the beloved park.

She’s not totally impressed by the structure at first, but still gives credit where credit is due – it must’ve taken a while to build. When the person before her walks through, her eyes light up in surprise – the structures unfurls towards them, shielding them temporarily through the rain. The structures returns to their original structure when the person passes, and continues to unfurl towards them as they walk by. She picks up some speed, now very curious. When she passes near one, the installation unfurls with a pop and leans towards her. Her attitude changes 180 and she thinks it’s kind of fun, and sort of wishes the installation goes on for longer than a couple hundred feet. She starts to jog the beginning of her daily two miles, and looks forward to returning to the structure on the way back.

3. Storyboard


Personas – Greg Puett


870×1024 A Charming Grandpa Sprints For A Workout Cartoon Clipart Vector

(more beautiful sunsets*)


Jason is sitting at home after a long but simple day of chores around the house and spending some time in his pool, as well as watching some TV. He saw a commercial about that new mission impossible movie and he just had to see it. He convinces his wife to come with him to the movies, and tells her if she doesn’t want to watch the movie with him, she can always go shopping. She agrees, and when they get there, it is still early afternoon. Jason goes to the movie and his wife goes shopping. After they finish up, they’re both a little stressed out by the labors of shopping and the intensity of the movie. They decide to go home and watch the sunset together. As they’re leaving, Jason notices a lookout tower, and decides to see what it is about. When he gets to the top, he sees a wide platform with a railing facing west, and notices that he has a fantastic view of the soon-to-be sunset. Jason and his wife decide to stay in the lookout tower and watch the sunset from there, occasionally using the binoculars and other various tools provided to make their experience a little more exciting and different than if they were to watch from home. After some time, and a gorgeous sunset (shown below) they leave the tower happy, and head home.


Exercise 3.2: Personas, Lisa Grossi



Victoria heard about a fun new playground at the pier that is wheelchair accessible and teaches kids about conservation through her support group Parents of Children with Disabilities. Her son John uses a wheelchair and it is so hard to find a playground that both he and his sister can play together on. On Saturday, Victoria and her family go to the pier and the children are excited once they see the life-sized whale above the water. As the family approaches, they see the friendly sea turtle character leading the way onto the playground, the kids turn excitedly and ask if they can go in. Mom and dad excitedly enter with their kids and are intrigued by the technology being used at the playground. The family plays for the day and the kids are excited to learn about conservation. After playing, the kids are tired but still talking about what they learned on the way home, at one point John remarks “Did you see how big the whale was? It was huge!”. They can’t wait to tell their friends at school the following Monday.




Exercise 3.2: Personas, Ken Mead


persona of Sarah


Sarah, clad in a raincoat and waterproof shoes is walking her dog near Green Lake Park. She is lamenting needing to take her dog out in the miserable weather when she sees an unusual structure emanating light near the big entryway near the south end of the park. She sees people gathered underneath, looking up, taking pictures. A child is running at full sprint underneath, delighting in seeing the structure react to his movement.

She walks toward it to investigate. Sarah loops the dog leash over her wrist and takes her phone from her pocket. She opens Instagram, points her phone upward and captures the canopy of umbrellas above her. “Beautiful art at Green Lake Park. Keeping us dry!” she posts with the photo.

At home later that evening, she looks back at her post which now has 68 likes and comments from her friends. The comments read “Wow!” and “Wish I lived in Seattle! Miss you!”


storyboard of sarah

Exercise 3.2: Personas, Kathy Emsoff


Persona of Julie


Julie is a busy mom of two who is shopping at Domain on a Saturday night with her husband, two young kids, and the family dog. Julie comes here because there is something for everyone: clothing stores for her, ice cream and toy stores for the kids, various men’s stores for her husband, and most of the businesses even put out water bowls for dogs. But things don’t always turn out as planned. Sometimes her kids get bored before she’s done shopping and this sets of a cascade of unhappiness that frequently ends in a less than satisfying evening for everyone. Tonight, Julie notices something new. There is some kind of event on the lawn where her kids usually play between various store visits. She hears music and sees tents with vendors set up and she is intrigued. Julie and her family walk over and she discovers it is a local artisan pop up market. Julie loves buying unique items from local vendors and is thrilled. She starts visiting the various booths and purchases a locally made necklace with a large, artistic glass pendant. There is even a funny little puppet show for the kids. After the kids enjoy the show and some hot cocoa, the family leaves and goes home. The next week, a coworker compliments Julie’s new necklace and she tells the coworker all about the event and how it was wonderful to have some new and interesting options at the Domain. She feels good about her purchases because she bought from the local artist and the proceeds go directly to a local charity that helps artists called the Hope Gallery.


For the storyboard, I used storyboardthat.com for the people and I traced over them so they would look more “in progress”.

Family night storyboard

Exercise 3.2: Personas, Youngsun You



On the weekend, Julie and her family visited the Northside Domain to buy her sister’s birthday present. After they have lunch at the mall, Julie asked her kids and husband to play in the new play area at the center of the mall while she was shopping. After purchasing a bracelet at Tiffany & Co., she returned to the play area and spent the rest of her time with her family at the play area. They were fascinated with the digital installations and had fun exploring new digital experiences.


Personas: Kathlyn Cabrera

Persona - Kathlyn Cabrera


Tyler’s co-worker knew that he had been on the search for dog-friendly businesses. He recommended a dog-friendly coffee shop at The CAMP retail area called Milk + Honey.  Tyler decided to check it out on a Saturday morning, which is when he typically finds his creative writing flow with a warm cup of coffee in hand.  Milk + Honey is only a short distance away, but Tyler knew he had to drive so that Rupert, who is an old rescue dog, doesn’t get too tired on the walk over.  When he gets to The CAMP, the parking lots were full and he could not find parking 🙁  He uses the valet parking option hesitantly.


Storyboard: Kathlyn Cabrera

Photos used are from Unsplash.com.

Personas: Sofanah Alrobayan



After spending 5 straight hours staring at her computer monitor screen, Tatiana is in need of a break. Her eyes are starting to get dry and she needs time away from screens. She’s also been stressed with all the deadlines lately and needs time to destress and clear her head. She remembers reading an email update from the Irvine Company regarding new tech-free swing additions to the courtyard area. She heads out of the building and straight to the courtyard and notices an empty seat on the swings by one of her friends who works in the same area. She sits down, swings all her stresses away, and has a pleasant human interaction with her friend.


Exercise 3.2 – Personas: Joe Davis


Persona of Mark. Gradient on one left side with profile picture of middle aged man. Description of Mark's attributes on right.


It’s a brisk Saturday afternoon and Mark has his two kids with him. He agreed with his wife, they needed some fresh air. Both kids had been restless today. They walked down the sidewalk of Salem street looking at the shops lining the historic district. He wanted to go to a coffee shop and perhaps get the kids some hot chocolate.

As they walked, Mark noticed a digital display in front of the chamber of commerce. A Cowboy avatar waved and smiled. “Let’s check this out,” he said to his kids. They walked over to the augmented reality kiosk. The kids instantly begin to touch the display and play with it. Mark was annoyed at first, he didn’t want them to break the display. But, almost immediately he realizes from the interaction that this was designed for kids to play with.

“Would you like to go on an adventure and explore history,” asked the friendly cowboy? “YES,” Screeched the four-year-old boy. Mark feels hesitant but decided to see what this is all about. He taps start adventure.


Depiction of AR Kiosk with Cowboy

Persona profile picture

Mitchell, James. Https://www.wbs.ac.uk/about/person/james-mitchell. . Accessed 8 Dec. 2018.

Characters used in storyboard

Storyboard That www.storyboardthat.com. Accessed 8 Dec. 2018.

Demographic data

Population Characteristics https://www.apexnc.org/918/Population-Characteristics Accessed 8 Dec. 2018.

Exercise 3.2: Personas – Gillian Eiserman



In his 4 years at UCI, Andrew has never looked at all the flyers that paper the school’s exterior walls and bridges.  As a senior who has an established network of friends and social groups, he does not really feel the need to peruse these flyers.  However, he does often post his own flyers for ASUCI and finds them to be pretty successful in helping to recruit new members or advertise events for the club.  He is concerned that some of the flyers posted on the walls could be sketchy and not real and there is no system to verify them.  He has heard UCI has implemented all digital flyers with projectors displaying them on the walls and bridges and that the posters must be verified before being projected.  Intrigued by the new system, Andrew heads over to take a look.  Suddenly, the walls no longer look cluttered and confusing, but are easy to read and eye catching.





Note: I am trying to use more sketching for these projects since it is not something I am comfortable with or feel proficient in – critiques and suggestions welcome!

Photo from: https://hechingerreport.org/colleges-confront-the-simple-math-that-keeps-students-from-graduating-on-time/


Personas, Clara Huang



After being cooped up in her apartment all weekend, Sheri decides to take a walk outside. She walks past building after building, wishing that there was a place to sit down besides a dirty bus stop bench or a restaurant patio. She passes a sign on the street that says “Rooftop Garden: Open to the Public” with an arrow directing her inside a building. She takes the elevator to the top floor and finds a well-maintained garden with chairs and tables around for people to sit down. She grabs a free seat and takes a deep breath of refreshing air. “Ahh,” she says, finally able to relax.


Personas: Liliana Hernandez



Sarah is an average high school Junior, enjoying a Spring weekend of shopping with her friends. When the topic of Senior year and college applications comes up, Sarah worries about what she will be able to include as part of her extracurriculars. She has succeeded academically and athletically in school, but worries about her lack of volunteer and community service experience. Just then, as her and her friends walk by one of the informational kiosks, she sees a large advertisement presenting a local non-profit in need of volunteers. “For more information on how to help, come visit us,” she reads, as she locates the non-profit right in front of the Giant Ferris Wheel on the provided map. She urges her friends to come along, and they find their way to the non-profit with ease. While there, Sarah learns all about the cause and finds how easy it is to help. She signed up to volunteer over the summer vacation, confident that this experience will help her while filling out college applications in the Fall.


Personas: Joseph Hornig

Persona Hornig

Homer is a UCI freshman from Victorville, CA. There were only a couple hundred students in his senior class, so campus can feel a little overwhelming now that he’s one of more than 6,000 freshmen. He’s joined the ultimate frisbee team, which has been a good experience, but he wants to get more involved. He likes soccer, hiking, and video games. Sometimes a flyer along one of the walkways will catch his eye, but there’s always so many people that it’s too hard to read. Plus, he tends to oversleep, so he’s usually rushing to class.

He just heard that UCI recently installed new touch screens on the tables at the Student Center to display all the flyers from around campus. Apparently you can send things of interest to your phone in case you you want to add an event to your calendar or follow up with the contact person. He’s interested to see how they work.

Storyboard Hornig

3.2 Personas: Sahar Abdizadeh



Aimi moved to the US with her parents three years ago as a refugee. She did not know any English upon arrival. The language barrier could not stop her form by finding new friends. Unlike her parents, she is an outgoing kid who loves fun and outdoor physical activities. Her favorite place is Natural Wildlife Refuge where she can meet new friends and get involved in outdoor activities. This place has beautiful nature and wildlife along with wonderful trails. She enjoys walking on trails and exploring the wildlife.


3.2 Personas: Grace Guo



Marcus O’Ryan is an overworked, over-achieving financial analyst at a top finance firm located in the Financial District of downtown Los Angeles. Every day he wakes up at 7 AM and walks five blocks to work. As a bit of a workaholic, Marcus constantly has his eyes glued to his phone screen checking for incoming new messages from work every 5-10 minutes. Due to the fact he hardly gives himself a break, he is frequently sleep deprived and stressed. However, as Marcus walks by a vegetative cooling wall on a nearby skyscraper, he feels a gentle breeze brush past him, as if reminding him to relax. Somehow, being in this lush environment regenerates him (biophilia effect!) and he puts his phone away, feeling less stressed and ready to take on the day.


Exercise 3.2, Personas: Q









Scenario relevant to project 3 site

Bea has just finished her last class for the week. On her way out a new flyer advertising a festival in Great Park catches her eye. She realizes it has been a while since she’s been outdoors. It would also be a great chance to do some people watching and so Bea decides to go. She has no car but thankfully there is a direct bus line. As she approaches the site she sees the ferris wheel and grows excited.

Storyboard depicting the scenario 





– By Q aka Alex Duong

Resources used include https://www.storyboardthat.com/ to make storyboard and PersonMakr (internal Google tool) to create persona portrait.

Exercise 3.2, Personas: Robin Kang


Kelsey is a full-time MBA student at UCI and works part time at Saks Fifth Avenue to pay for her tuition.  She currently lives with her parents, rent free, but hopes to move out when she completes her MBA program next fall.  When Kelsey is not in class, she works in the billing department at Saks Fifth Avenue.  Kelsey works long hours but tries to make personal time for herself when she gets home.  She enjoys meeting new people through online dating apps like match and coffee meets bagel. She’s hoping to connect with someone who is highly intelligent and kind.



All images used are free for personal and commercial use. No attribution required. www.pexels.com

Exercise 3.2 – Cassandra Hoo

Persona - Carly - By Cassandra Hoo


Carly has been cooped up in her apartment for two whole days trying to meet a work deadline. She’s only left her place twice to get take out for dinner at her favorite Chinese restaurant a block away. She’s restless, uninspired, and craves sunshine.

Carly decides to take a walk in her neighborhood to clear her mind and get some exercise. About 10 minutes into her walk, she stumbles upon Pan Pacific Park and realizes that she doesn’t take advantage of it enough. As she meanders down the path, she notices a brand new walking labyrinth. She decides to give it a try. Along the path, she notices small stones with motivational words written on it. She picks up the stone that says, “You are the best version of yourself” and meditates on the phrase as she continues weaving through the path. She leaves the labyrinth feeling relaxed and recharged.


Storyboard - By Cassandra Hoo

Fullsize Version


  1. Headshot of “Carly”
  2. Girl at Computer
  3. Walking Labyrinth
  4. Meditation Stone

Exercise 3.2, Personas: Ruilin Zhang


Maria teaches math to 4th and 5th graders in a private school . She enjoys interacting with her students and always trying to find ways to make her classes fun and engaging. Maria shares the challenges she has when teaching math is that most children are not fond of math because they often feel stuck in the middle of solving a problem and are afraid of going further to uncover the fact and logic behind the science. She hopes to see an application that makes math-learning fun at the same time provides feedback to help the teacher with managing the students’ learning process.

Exercise 3.2, Personas: Tiffany Tam


Saya is a graduate student studying in the United States. She comes from an upper class family and is financially supported by her parents who live in Shanghai, China. She loves to travel with her friends and is currently on a trip in San Diego where she is checking out museums at Balboa Park. English is not her primary language and she does not like asking for directions. Her friends and her are using a map to figure out where they should go next. They decide to go to “San Diego Museum of Art” and follow their map to get to their destination.


Personas: Daniel Lau


Chloe's Persona


Chloe Kim is a data scientist for Stitch Fix. She lives in Hayes Valley because she feels most at home in that neighborhood. She is an avid foodie, typically spending most of her expendable income on good food with friends. Sometimes she works really late at Stitch Fix and is starving by the time she gets home. Instead of cooking something, she heads over to a local fast casual restaurant, Souvla. She doesn’t need a car because it’s walking distance from her apartment. Her typical order is the chicken salad to go. The warm rotisserie chicken pairs wonderfully with the briny feta cheese and crisp lettuce. She devours it when she gets home.


Chloe's Storyboard


Storyboard Creator | Comic Strip Maker | Online Storyboarding Prototypes