I started my mapping from my house which in hindsight may have been a poor decision. My neighborhood has large blocks and plenty of gated communities that you can’t turn into, forcing you to walk endlessly to a turning point. I definitely got my steps in though! It was nice to explore different streets too. Having a dog I tend to repeat the same handful of patterns when I walk her and rarely feel the need to venture beyond those patterns. This assignment had me walking down streets I otherwise wouldn’t have reason to go down. My neighborhood is pretty densely populated so there were so many things to look at and see while walking. It was interesting to try to pick out what I considered noteworthy from the chaos of stimuli.
Hi Lisa, I love the way you close your walk “The End” : )
Did you also feel that we record and report what we want to record and report? I mean, I felt that if I were to map everything that I was seeing during my walk, I’ll take much longer to walk and also write a much longer post. How did you feel about that?