Exercise 3.1.2: Narratives – Young Sun You

Hope everyone enjoy a great Thanksgiving, Friendsgiving and long weekend! On the day before Thanksgiving, I wanted to celebrate the long holiday weekend and decided to get some dessert for myself. I was going to go to my observation site and the Union Market located at the site but I wanted to get a cheap, fast and delicious types of dessert that night. I love Union market and all the food and dessert in there, but I didn’t want to drive up to there to get a luxury dessert for that night. So I ended up going to a Korean supermarket near my house, wandered around and bought a bunch of snacks. And luckily, I found my favorite ice cream, watermelon ice bar! It is super tasty and is only $5 per box (it contains 6 bars!). I was happy with my choice of going to the supermarket and to be able to buy a variety of desserts in a short time. (I got 2 boxes of ice cream, 3 different snacks, coffee, and more) I express my happy and satisfying feeling using my 3d avatar.


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