In his 4 years at UCI, Andrew has never looked at all the flyers that paper the school’s exterior walls and bridges. As a senior who has an established network of friends and social groups, he does not really feel the need to peruse these flyers. However, he does often post his own flyers for ASUCI and finds them to be pretty successful in helping to recruit new members or advertise events for the club. He is concerned that some of the flyers posted on the walls could be sketchy and not real and there is no system to verify them. He has heard UCI has implemented all digital flyers with projectors displaying them on the walls and bridges and that the posters must be verified before being projected. Intrigued by the new system, Andrew heads over to take a look. Suddenly, the walls no longer look cluttered and confusing, but are easy to read and eye catching.
Note: I am trying to use more sketching for these projects since it is not something I am comfortable with or feel proficient in – critiques and suggestions welcome!
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