Informations 2.1.2: Renee Reid

Silicon Valley Office Wall Map

This wall map is in one of the campus buildings where I work and displays the specific cities and areas that are considered in Silicon Valley.  Several designs principles are used  in this depiction of the area 
One of the more apparent principles used in this map is Wayfinding which is also a universal principle used in maps in general.  In this example, location pins and illustrations of landmarks are used to assist with orientation. These symbols help to indicate, where you are.

Ockham’s Razor Another principle shown in the design of this map is its simplicity, following the  Ockham’s Razor principle. The minimalist approach in designing this wall map helped to make the map appealing to the eye, especially at this large scale.  Keeping the use of color at a minimal,  as well as only highlighting a few landmarks within each city still help to provide context and orientation without overwhelming people.

Proximity  The location pin, illustration of a landmark, the landmark names and written out locations used throughout the map help to group each of the areas on the map in an easy way that allows people to quickly comprehend.  This Gestalt principle of proximity is used throughout the map and is essential to the overall appearance and usefulness of the map.

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