Informations, Part 2: Joseph Hornig

UCI Admissions Campus Map

This is a hand-drawn map of the UCI campus that we (the undergraduate admissions office) hand out to visitors who are looking to explore campus on their own. We also use it at college fairs to give students an idea of what campus looks like, where things are, and how green it is.

Biophilia Effect

People are attracted to nature, and images and depictions of nature tend to increase the aesthetic value of a design or environment. By using a green background and depicting an abundance of trees and bushes, the map is illustrating how lush and beautiful campus is, while also being aesthetically pleasing and vibrant itself.

Ockham’s Razor

Official UCI Campus Map

The admissions map favors simplicity over complexity. Compared with the official UCI campus map (pictured above), the admissions map eliminates unnecessary information and presents a simpler, cleaner design. Especially for visitors who are looking to take a walking tour of campus, the admissions map is a much more effective and usable design than the official campus map.

Depth of Processing

Anteater Illustrations

The map has so many fun little details scattered throughout that enhance the map’s richness and depth of exposure. The anteater illustrations are distinct and unique and allow users to deeply engage with the material. It’s almost like a Where’s Waldo picture, and the extra attention required to discover everything increases retention of the information.

One Reply to “Informations, Part 2: Joseph Hornig”

  1. I love the details section of the map. This is cool just as long as no one is misled by Peter being alone in each of those illlustrations, as UCI is so bustling with people and energy 😉 and I did’nt know until now that this is a hand-drawn map! I agree the admissions map is so handy and find it easy to navigate with this one.

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