ONE Westminster
This beautiful folded map was designed by Herb Lester Associates and was commissioned by, an international advocacy organization fighting extreme poverty and preventable disease. This map was delivered in 2015 in Westminster for the election of the UK’s new parliament.
Find this project on Behance here
This design uses a limited color palette of 3 colors: orange, navy blue, and white. This simple palette utilizes the complementary colors orange and blue, adding to the aesthetic of the design.
Ockham’s Razor:
The map exemplifies the principle of Ockham’s Razor by simplifying the map to avoid unnecessary information. Minor street names and buildings are removed to create a simpler and easier to read the map.
The wayfinding system in this map is clear. The designers use recognizable landmarks such as Westminster Abbey, 10 Downing Street, and the Westminster Clock Tower (Big Ben) to aid in a user’s wayfinding. The map also keeps the River Thames central to the map as it is easily recognizable and a tool in wayfinding.
Dear Lisa: Thanks for sharing this wonderful illustration and the Behance website. The color palette also looks really appealing on flyers and large signages on their site. I appreciate the flat design that captures not only details in landmarks but also simple visualization of key components of the map for wayfinding. I saw additional layering and use of contrasts/textural overlays which are also very thoughtful. Hope you get to use some of these techniques in your design.