Informations, Part 2: Sahar Abdizadeh





This the Newport Beach Public Library’s map. I believe this is a user friendly map. It helped me a lot in find different departments in the library when I visited this place for the first time. I can see the following design principals has been used in designing this map.

Layering: Different colors are used to organize different departments. If the plan was designed in one color it would look complex. Also the related areas are rendered in a same color.

Iconic Representation: Universal Icons such as men and women’s restrooms, information, and elevators are used in this map. These icons along with furniture icons increase learnability and recognition.

Way finding:  Use of door icons, stairs, and entrance helps user understand the flow of movements in this building. It clearly illustrates where people enter, and how they access different departments and upper floor.

2 Replies to “Informations, Part 2: Sahar Abdizadeh”

  1. Dear Sahar thanks for sharing this local library map. It definitely utilized multiple design principles and I think the visual icons in combination with different dynamic color schemes (e.g., brighter and darker contrast and representation of activities) and Gestalt similarity really resonates with users across all ages.:)

  2. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to a local library. Thanks for sharing this map Sahar! I’m glad iconic representation principle is one your examples. Universal icons are great especially in places where many travelers visit from other countries. Something ubiquitous like bathroom and elevator signs can help people navigate through the space without having to ask someone for direction.

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