I had originally written a story about a man walking down a crazy forest path though weird obstacles relating to my purchases, but then i reread the instructions, and it is supposed to be related to my project 2 site, so I had to make some modifications. I think it turned out OK.
The man opened his eyes, he was in a strange and unfamiliar place. He looked to his left and saw several buildings and storefronts, and on his right, a large sign that read “Desert Ridge Marketplace.” He was shocked to suddenly find himself in some strange place he had never seen before, and briefly wondered how he got here, and how he should get home. Thinking of home reminded him of his wife, and their small cabin in the woods, and their time spent together laughing and talking in front of their fireplace. He also remembered her spiced peaches, it was one of his favorite recipes that she had introduced him to only a few years ago, and now his mouth watered just thinking of them. Looking around once again, there was a clear pathway through the buildings in front of him, and a dangerous looking road behind, so he started walking. He first walked past a small green field with a large fountain in the middle, and seeing this reminded him of the flower fields near his home, with their running creeks and buzzing bees gathering nectar to turn into honey. He continued walking down the pathway through the buildings, and came to a long corridor, with palm trees running down the middle, and nothing inside any of the buildings flanking it. It was such a nice path that, for there to be nothing along the sides seemed strange to him, strange like a mild salsa. “Why even get salsa if it’s not going to have some spice?” he would always ask. And here he asked a similar question, “Why even have this path if nothing comes off of it?” He shrugged his shoulders and continued down the path towards a large clearing in the buildings. In front of him was a big round pad of concrete with several small holes in various places. As he stepped closer to investigate, the holes suddenly shot water into the air, and the man stepped backwards in surprise. As quickly as it came, the water left, down a small drain in the center. The man felt himself strangely drawn to stand on the pad, and to let himself get drenched in the water he guessed would return. He moved forward, and got to the very center of the circle. The small drain beneath his feet. Nothing happened. He looked around as if to ask the air “what now?” when as quickly as it came the first time, all the water jets turned back on, and sprayed water towards the sky. The man was buffeted by water and air as the jets sprayed, and he instinctively closed his eyes. Just as before, the water stopped as quickly as it started, and the now thoroughly drenched man opened his eyes. Only now before him, was not the slab of concrete, or the buildings he walked past, but a familiar cabin, with smoke puffing gently out of its chimney, and its two windows wide open letting the evening breeze roll in. Somehow, he didn’t understand it, but somehow, he was home, and looking down at himself, he was completely dry. The image of those spiced peaches passed through his mind again, and with a wide smile, he opened the door, and walked through.