My site is an outdoor mall, and I wanted to connect my receipt to the idea of shopping and fashion. I know there were times, especially when I was younger, that I have gone shopping and I would find myself not trying clothes on because I thought that in order to pull that particular look off, I needed to be thinner. So there is this idea of wanting to look a certain way that is influenced by what we see strolling past the mannequins in the window displays. My recent receipts show that I am buying a lot of lean meats and green vegetables, in a personal effort to live healthy and stop with all the Taco Bell runs. So, in this collage I have the dumbbells, the yoga, the runway and clothes rack all meshed with the receipt unifying the separate images. And of course, the girl’s expression because sometimes that is what it feels like when shopping, eating healthy, or being told to do burpees at the gym.
All images used are royalty free with no attribution required: Pexels and Unsplash