Narratives: Omar Filippelli

I was driven today, by the absence of office forces in my life, to travel to Gilbert, Arizona and visit my friends there. I am not working this week, I took this whole week off, to catch up with the world of homework, maps, friends, and lastly, but not Least, family, during the Thanksgiving weekend 🙂

One thing I noticed here in Gilbert is that the force of vegetation is somewhat lacking, or at least, it is not as exuberant as it is in north California. So, if I was representing this force in a map, it will be different than what you see on my map today. Vegetation will take the least prominence. But their supermarkets are the same as in North Cal., that is why I came to Target, to get some of the necessary things we needed for our friend’s early family-Thanksgiving celebration. The force of parking was very prominent at Target. If I was representing this in the final map, it will take the greatest dominant color, may be RED, as red is a strong color used to show agitation. Because it was so frustrating to find parking here today! There were so many cars here, it reminded me of a rock concert I’ve attended 35 years ago, you’ve been in one of those probably as well. Concerts where you can barely move, completely compressed by people all around, shouting, jumping, and dancing. Well, imaging that, but with cars now, minus the strobe-lights, the music, the rock & roll band. Well, I don’t know why it reminded me of the rock concert, but there were cars waiting to get in, forming a line, other trying to get out, people hurrying to get in and take any available spot; you get the picture. But inside the store, the human traffic was better than I expected, getting to where the chips were, took us weaving through the maze of isles all the way to the end of the store. Mapping this would have been very similar to my human traffic force in my final (which is not final yet) map. Then, we went all the way forward again to the soda drinks isle, this is the only water-flow force I can identify for this assignment, Arizona is pretty dried. All in all, we did this shopping happily, knowing that there was amazing food waiting for us at the house. All the thanksgiving goods, turkey, mash potatoes, sweet mashed potato, salads, pies, and my favorite one, homemade bread, and many other mouthwatering goodies. The lunch was to die for! Now, to bring this all back to the receipt, we got drinks and chips for a force of 50 people. Everyone contributed by bringing something. The host family provided the home-made turkey and my favorite home made bread. It was so nice to be there with friends and family, all enjoying a good time and good food, for the sole purpose of being thankful with each other’s company and relationship. Happy Thanksgiving or Frindsgiving week to all!!!!

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