Personas, Clara Huang



After being cooped up in her apartment all weekend, Sheri decides to take a walk outside. She walks past building after building, wishing that there was a place to sit down besides a dirty bus stop bench or a restaurant patio. She passes a sign on the street that says “Rooftop Garden: Open to the Public” with an arrow directing her inside a building. She takes the elevator to the top floor and finds a well-maintained garden with chairs and tables around for people to sit down. She grabs a free seat and takes a deep breath of refreshing air. “Ahh,” she says, finally able to relax.


Personas: Liliana Hernandez



Sarah is an average high school Junior, enjoying a Spring weekend of shopping with her friends. When the topic of Senior year and college applications comes up, Sarah worries about what she will be able to include as part of her extracurriculars. She has succeeded academically and athletically in school, but worries about her lack of volunteer and community service experience. Just then, as her and her friends walk by one of the informational kiosks, she sees a large advertisement presenting a local non-profit in need of volunteers. “For more information on how to help, come visit us,” she reads, as she locates the non-profit right in front of the Giant Ferris Wheel on the provided map. She urges her friends to come along, and they find their way to the non-profit with ease. While there, Sarah learns all about the cause and finds how easy it is to help. She signed up to volunteer over the summer vacation, confident that this experience will help her while filling out college applications in the Fall.


Exercise 3.3 – Personas – Alex Rosales


Persona for Ray Hines


Ray Hines has lived in Hayes Valley for over 30 years. He’s seen the place change over to the gentrified neighborhood that it is now. However, access to affordable food is still an issue. Most restaurants are high-end dining establishments, and the cheapest lunch place down the street offers $15 salads! Ray is on a budget and is struggling financially, so he needs to cook often at home. However, the closest grocery store is pretty far away and he doesn’t want to give up his coveted parking spot on the street. As a result, he has to traverse over hills and cross dangerous streets to get to the Safeway. As he is getting older and has bad joints, this is difficult for him to do. He arrives at the grocery store, and now has to worry about getting his groceries back.



Ray Hines Storyboard

Personas: Joseph Hornig

Persona Hornig

Homer is a UCI freshman from Victorville, CA. There were only a couple hundred students in his senior class, so campus can feel a little overwhelming now that he’s one of more than 6,000 freshmen. He’s joined the ultimate frisbee team, which has been a good experience, but he wants to get more involved. He likes soccer, hiking, and video games. Sometimes a flyer along one of the walkways will catch his eye, but there’s always so many people that it’s too hard to read. Plus, he tends to oversleep, so he’s usually rushing to class.

He just heard that UCI recently installed new touch screens on the tables at the Student Center to display all the flyers from around campus. Apparently you can send things of interest to your phone in case you you want to add an event to your calendar or follow up with the contact person. He’s interested to see how they work.

Storyboard Hornig

3.2 Personas: Sahar Abdizadeh



Aimi moved to the US with her parents three years ago as a refugee. She did not know any English upon arrival. The language barrier could not stop her form by finding new friends. Unlike her parents, she is an outgoing kid who loves fun and outdoor physical activities. Her favorite place is Natural Wildlife Refuge where she can meet new friends and get involved in outdoor activities. This place has beautiful nature and wildlife along with wonderful trails. She enjoys walking on trails and exploring the wildlife.


3.2 Personas: Grace Guo



Marcus O’Ryan is an overworked, over-achieving financial analyst at a top finance firm located in the Financial District of downtown Los Angeles. Every day he wakes up at 7 AM and walks five blocks to work. As a bit of a workaholic, Marcus constantly has his eyes glued to his phone screen checking for incoming new messages from work every 5-10 minutes. Due to the fact he hardly gives himself a break, he is frequently sleep deprived and stressed. However, as Marcus walks by a vegetative cooling wall on a nearby skyscraper, he feels a gentle breeze brush past him, as if reminding him to relax. Somehow, being in this lush environment regenerates him (biophilia effect!) and he puts his phone away, feeling less stressed and ready to take on the day.


Project 3: Team 16 Liliana & John

Final Project Posting

Final Project

Feedback Received  [just a couple of them…]

  • I think you need an intro section talking about what the Irvine Spectrum Center is and what it’s like currently, because it’s hard to know how your intervention is going to fit in and why it would be beneficial without that background.
  • What kind of value does this have for the charity? A lot of nonprofits are strapped for cash and staff, so before dedicating resources to a project like this, they’d probably want to know what they’d get out of it.
  • In general, it’d be nice to see this information laid out in a more aesthetically pleasing way- the website really limits your options!
  • I like the idea about the space for a Cause program, using the unused space to support the community and charities. I like this idea a lot because it is very realistic.
  • Rather than building great technology or art installations, your idea’s more about social activity that we really need in our lives. And I think The Spectrum is the perfect place for promoting this kind of social activity.
  • The digital display is a simple but very smart idea. In the digital directory display, the pop-up or highlighted ads about the program will trigger people to click and learn about it in detail.

Revision History

Revision 2

Revision 1

Exercise 3.2, Personas: Q









Scenario relevant to project 3 site

Bea has just finished her last class for the week. On her way out a new flyer advertising a festival in Great Park catches her eye. She realizes it has been a while since she’s been outdoors. It would also be a great chance to do some people watching and so Bea decides to go. She has no car but thankfully there is a direct bus line. As she approaches the site she sees the ferris wheel and grows excited.

Storyboard depicting the scenario 





– By Q aka Alex Duong

Resources used include to make storyboard and PersonMakr (internal Google tool) to create persona portrait.

Project 3 – Team 17 – Christina and Greg


Project 3 Pitch



Sunset Lookout – Phoenix
Our Project 3 Pitch is designed to be presented in front of an audience like a salesman would. The spoken portion of the pitch is in the “notes” on each slide, and is designed to be read at a normal speaking pace. The pitch is also broad enough that it can be presented to many different audiences without modification, but our primary target audience is groups of people who would actually visit the structure, be they tourists or locals. The pitch can also be presented to the City Council, or the Tourism Board or other influential groups around the city.

Revitalizing Forgotten Spaces: Starting With LA River (Team 4: Cassandra and Saurabh)


Part 2 

Part 1

Happier dogs, calm(er) Algelinos, and a river (finally) becoming visible

We have two locations and five ideas.

Location 1: Pan Pacific Park, Los Angeles

Idea #1: Dog Playground

Idea #2: Walking Labyrinth

Ideas #3: Healthy Snack Bar

Location 2: Silver Lake, Los Angeles

Idea #1: River Tours for Kids

Free the river and give people a chance to get closer to the river

Allow access to the river

Integrate landscaped spaces near the river into one unified experience.

How we imagine this unfolding:

An accessible and partly landscaped (and mostly wild) river bank will attract people towards the river. Schools leading guided tours for children could be great way to spread the news about the river opening up to

Clearly marked entry points will help channel people know the way to access the river.

The sights,  and sounds of flowing water, vegetation, and chirping birds in and around the river will engage people and help them disconnect with the city, even if it’s only for a short while. People would love to slow down and relax in a space like this. They’d also love to  be photographed and video recorded in an environment like this.

Like points of entry, clearly marked walkways towards points of exit, will help in managing the flow of people leaving the river banks and surrounding gardens.

All the images and videos that people would have collected during ‘their time with the river’ could be shared with friends, family and colleagues. This will help spread the word about La river welcoming Angelinos. It will also create momentum for a new movement to open more sections of the river for people and help Angelinos in getting closer to their river.


Idea #2: Carpool Access Only

Busy streets need to act

Way too many cars with vacant seats. Time to fix this.

(Don’t worry emergency vehicles and residents from the neighborhood can get in and out. Commercial vehicles from 9PM to 6 AM only).

How we imagine this unfolding:

People living,  and working in and around our location will be notified by the relevant department of LA County about the decision to designate Los Feliz Boulevard and Glendale Boulevard as carpool access roads. They’ll be informed how Silver Lake is working towards (eventually) becoming a car free zone that can promote a healthier lifestyle for all.

(Note: This notification would not apply to emergency vehicles, and electric cars owned by families with only one car. Also. commercial vehicles and heavy traffic will be allowed after 9PM and before 6AM).

People will be motivated to visit a part of the city that is discouraging cars in favour of bicycles and pedestrian traffic. By creating new parking spaces, before people enter this zone, and through better access to public transportation, we’ll be ensuring that people are not inconvenienced by the change.

Better pedestrian walkways, more bicycle lanes and a safer streets will help kids and elders play and walk freely. Lesser traffic will also mean cleaner air – another reason to step out and greet people in your neighborhood.

Clearly marked entry and exit points will help people find their way both in and out of the low traffic pedestrian zone. People would also love to talk about this with their friends and family and spread the word about LA’s pursuit of cleaner air and congestion free streets.




Madrid city center going car free

What we thought our cities will be like, in 1923. (Well, that did not happen ; )


Project 3, Part 1: Annie L. and Tara S. (Team 10)

Site Selection: Pacific City in Huntington Beach, CA

Idea 1: An interactive TV installation to educate about ocean acidification

Huntington Beach is best known as Surf City, and the Pacific Ocean anchors the town firmly as its westward boundary. We propose to raise awareness about the ocean, specifically the phenomenon of acidification, which changes the delicate pH of the water and is a by-product of carbon dioxide and other human emissions.

Our proposal: an interactive tv environment that invites Pacific City goers to touch and learn about the ocean and causes of ocean acidification. Some of our ideas are represented here on this mood board. Given the topic, we could combine digital pieces with physical displays that further enable interaction with the water and biology of the ocean. We would partner with Earth Eclipse.

Idea 2: Local fitness app engages locals in site-specific outdoor activities 

Participants get sponsored to compete in a health challenge that raises funds for the local chapter of a health organization such as the American Heart Association.

The fitness challenge features local spots where participants can scan a QR code when they complete the health challenge at that place. Outdoor fitness stations will be installed temporarily at Pacific City to facilitate the series. For example, a spot where runners can stretch or do pushups and situps. A running loop could feature QR codes to scan for mile markers.

Idea 3: An Outdoor digital art installation that focuses on raising empathy and awareness about homelessness and poverty in Huntington Beach. Most everyone is aware of the rising issue of homelessness in Orange County, but it’s easy to read the news and think there’s no solution. In fact, communities have been caring for the indigent and poor since, well, Biblical time. This project is in support of American Family Housing and the City of Huntington Beach’s efforts to house the homeless.

The installation will feature stories about local organizations and individuals who support and aid the neediest residents – a day in the life of a pastor whose church houses a shelter, a city health worker who does needle exchange.

A fundraiser at Pacific City complements the installation – one part is an expensive ticketed sit-down event to drive larger donations, and the second part is an inexpensive raffle or another virtual event that is more affordable and aimed at raising awareness among younger people and/or families.

Project 3, Team 8: Alexa + Omar

Final Presentation:

Check it out!

Part Two

Links can be found here:

Part 2.1

Part 2.2

Part One

Idea # 1 (Tunnels + pathways made from plastic bottles)


Location: Downtown Santa Monica near the pier

Nonprofit Organization/s: Sustainable Works, a nonprofit environmental education organization & The City of Santa Monica


Urban Intervention: Two to three tunnels made from painted, recycled water bottles constructed along the pedestrian, bike, and one-way (two lane) traffic paths on Colorado Avenue. The respected travelers can pass through these tunnels to experience them. They would be colored in blue tones, forming various waves to tie it to the ocean.

Santa Monica is a green city that promotes an environmentally-aware living through recycling and alternative modes of transportation. Since it sees many international travelers on a monthly basis, this could reach many audiences and make them more conscious of their waste within the city and worldwide.

Idea # 2 (Art installation promoting childhood cancer awareness)

Location: Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica or Santa Monica Place (where it is more enclosed, and less subject to weather restrictions)

Nonprofit Organization/s: The Pablove Foundation, a nonprofit organization specializing in childhood cancer and funding of pediatric cancer research ( & The City of Santa Monica

Urban Intervention: A balloon installation over the promenade that represents cancer cells (in marigold to homage childhood cancer). Below, there could be installation panels or a small pop-up structure/playground detailing childhood cancer research information.

3rd Street already has a lot of culture and public art to promote both relaxation and expression. Since it is pedestrians-only, this would intrigue passers-by to get a closer look and engage with the installation.


Idea # 3 (Cutouts of yoga poses to promote free classes + women empowerment)

Location: The Palladio Mall in Folsom, California

Nonprofit Organization/s: Girls Inc. This is a network of local girls, managed by a nonprofit organization serving girls ages 6-18 in United States and Canada. Their objective: “Our research-based programming is delivered by trained professionals who focus on the development of the whole girl, supporting, mentoring, and guiding girls in an affirming, pro-girl environment. Here, girls learn to value their whole selves, discover and develop their inherent strengths, and receive the support they need to navigate the challenges they face.”

Urban Intervention: A set of life-sized cutout female figures spread across the mall. These figures will all be females performing either yoga or running. Images will include women of different ages, sizes, and life-stages including pregnancy. This will be to promote a free yoga class given every day for the period of two weeks. The purpose of this even is to attract the local female community at a fun event, raise awareness about the organization’s existence, methods of involvement with the organization, and a huge opportunity for donations.

Note: There is a yoga class that already takes place at the Palladio. It happens twice a week. This event will tap into the existing participants, but the aim of the event will be to increase participation and involvement of local community with the organization and the girls who benefit from the organization services.

Link to our project ideas in pdf format!

Project 3: Sahar + Serena


About Our Site
First, a brief recap! We chose Serena’s project two site, the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge is in the Bay Area, nestled between Fremont, the highway leading to Dumbarton Bridge, and the bay. Wetland restoration efforts are ongoing and many animals and plants have been reintroduced within the area. The refuge, which is part wetland and part hills, is criss-crossed with trails for walking and running, and boardwalks stretch across the wetter areas. It’s a popular location for runners, hikers, casual walkers, pet owners, families, volunteers, bird watchers, and photographers. We’re hoping to create an intervention that connects existing users of the space more deeply with their environment.

About Our Nonprofit
Save the Bay is an organization that partners with local parks, wildlife refuges, businesses, and volunteer organizations to “protect and restore San Francisco Bay for people and wildlife”. They have conservation, policy, and education initiatives, and their efforts extend to many spaces around the Bay Area. We’re hopeful that interventions designed for them, in this space, would be applicable to many of their other locations as well.

final map of the wildlife refuge, depicting motion and stillness

Part 1: Three Ideas

Idea 1: Navigation & Enrichment
Navigation app (for phone and watch) that provides direction and enrichment beyond a generic app like Google Maps, tailored to this specific location and including user-submitted content.

The space has few signs or maps, and it can be difficult to know where to find spots for activities, ideal running trails, and other niche uses. This app would make multipurpose use of the space easier, while engaging the community in knowledge exchange.

– Choose from different types of destinations, activities, and routes (runs, walks, family-friendly, pet-friendly, quiet spaces, good views, science/history facts, local events, volunteer opportunities)
– Guided workouts
– Family activity ideas
– User-submitted content (walking/running routes, favorite locations, favorite views, photographs from specific locations)

Idea 2: Citizen Science for Kids
Citizen science app that encourages kids to virtually  “collect”, identify, and learn about local plant and animal species.

Many families with young kids use this space, but it can be challenging to keep kids focused and engaged during nature walks. This app would give kids a mission, encouraging them to interact directly with the environment while learning about local species, the ecosystem, and conservation.

– For ages 4-12 (simple interface for younger kids; additional features & complexity for older kids)
– Add species to collection by photographing and identifying them
– View collection anytime, which includes a cartoon version of that species; add notes, feed animals & water plants, learn science facts
– Complete quests (“photograph four insects”, “find three different types of plants”)
– Earn badges/stickers as rewards for completing quests
– Digital coloring pages, matching games (animals to environment, predators to prey)
– Detects location and notifies when animated video is available to watch; teaches kids about a topic relevant to that location
– Parents can help with species identification, assign or adjust quests, access more detailed information to answer kids’ questions

sketches of two possible apps for the wildlife refuge

Idea 3: Nature-Inspired Play Areas
Physical structures that mimic the surrounding environment in an unobtrusive way, provide learning through play for kids, and relaxation for adults. These would be distributed throughout the site.

Currently, the space has a few standard benches and picnic tables, no playground, and no built-in activities for kids. Creating structures that blend in with or draw attention to features in the ecosystem brings both adults and children closer to the environment, while providing entertainment and physical comfort.

– Two types of structures: play & relaxation
– Mimics elements in the natural environment (e.g. a climbing web for kids, play areas built into hills, wooden geodesic dome to sit in and contemplate nature)
– Interspersed individually throughout the refuge

“The idea of a ‘green’ hour comes from research on creative play and health by the Centers for Disease Control and the Academy of America Pediatrics. Research also shows the best way to connect young people to a lifelong concern for nature, wildlife, and the outdoors is through regular positive experiences.” (

PART 2: Two Options for Nature-Inspired Structures

View in Prezi

Option 1: Physical structures for knowledge consumption
These structures, intended for both children and adults, would provide nature-related learning opportunities through educational games, signage, and imagery. For instance, benches at viewpoints, playground equipment mimicking natural elements or processes, and games that explicitly teach users about the local environment and conservation. Distributed throughout the site.

Option  2: Physical structures for learning through active creation
Also intended for both kids and adults, these structures would focus on experiential learning and include elements that are easily rearranged, changed, or added to over time. For instance, pollinator gardens, rearrangeable arches/benches/play equipment, living roofs, zen gardens, wish trees, etc. Distributed throughout the site.

PART 3: Happy Habitat – Eco Experiences for Everyone

Animated gif of all three pages of our poster
View full PDF

Image showing all three layers of our poster with die-cut areas on the first and second pages.

Our proposal is a printed poster (or even a large postcard) with three layers and die-cut areas, as shown above.

Accessible text content (for screenreaders):
Continue reading “Project 3: Sahar + Serena”

Exercise 3.2, Personas: Robin Kang


Kelsey is a full-time MBA student at UCI and works part time at Saks Fifth Avenue to pay for her tuition.  She currently lives with her parents, rent free, but hopes to move out when she completes her MBA program next fall.  When Kelsey is not in class, she works in the billing department at Saks Fifth Avenue.  Kelsey works long hours but tries to make personal time for herself when she gets home.  She enjoys meeting new people through online dating apps like match and coffee meets bagel. She’s hoping to connect with someone who is highly intelligent and kind.



All images used are free for personal and commercial use. No attribution required.

Project 3: Daniel Lau and Alex Rosales



A superblock or “citizen space” is the concept of repurposing streets currently occupied by vehicles within a nine block radius into mini-neighborhoods where pedestrians can freely walk around. The concept is taking off in Barcelona and other European cities. Road signs, bus routes, and other city infrastructure will need to be manipulated to accommodate the superblock. The superblock will create more accessible and public space that the city desperately needs. This would also increase the amount of green space in San Francisco.

There are many benefits of a superblock in the Hayes Valley area. Traffic is a really big issue in San Francisco. Based on a recent study, half of San Francisco’s congestion problem is caused by ride sharing companies like Uber and Lyft. The width of the streets in Hayes Valley are already very thin. Two way traffic comes to a halt when a ridesharing service stops in the middle of the street. The extra congestion is also affecting air quality as well. San Francisco has seen fluctuating air quality from good to moderate on a weekly basis. Air pollutants may contribute to the leading causes of premature death in the city including ischemic heart disease; lung, bronchus, and tracheal cancers; cerebrovascular disease; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; hypertensive heart disease and lower respiratory infection. Air pollutants carry carcinogens that affect health negatively. Other issues superblocks can help solve are sedentary lifestyles and road accidents.


Open Market

As a result of the superblock, Hayes Valley will have more open space and therefore more opportunities to fill this space. These types of areas already exist around Patricia’s Green (the central park in the neighborhood) and are used for events such as fitness classes, craft fairs, and pop-ups for brands. Open air space has definitely made the neighborhood more unique, and there is an opportunity to use the space created by the superblock to provide an enriching experience for everyone.

Many of the businesses and events in Hayes Valley tend to cater to those who can afford them. Most notably, the lack of affordable dining in the area has made it difficult for the everyday person to partake in the exciting dining scene of the neighborhood. Furthermore, the areas around the neighborhood (in the Western Addition neighborhood) have become somewhat of a food desert, so access to food is also important in this regard.

Night Market in Chiang Mai. Photo courtesy of Paul Arps.

We believe an open market focused on food will serve as a socio-economic balancer. This concept is borrowed from the open markets of Southeast Asia, where rich and poor alike enjoy a bite to eat. Food stalls can be set-up in the pedestrian areas of the superblock where vendors can serve fresh meals daily. For those without easy access to fresh produce, a farmers market can be set up at some of these stalls as well. Taking a queue from the Heart of the City Farmer’s Market in nearby Civic Center, a nonprofit could also be established to provide more affordable produce for lower-income customers in this space. Ultimately the open market could provide a more casual neighborhood feel that allows people of all socio-economic backgrounds to come together through food.


Building Empathy for the Homeless

While Hayes Valley is now a gentrified neighborhood full of dining, entertainment, and residences, there are many homeless individuals who call this area home. This is partially due to its proximity to areas where social services are available in Civic Center. It is also a relatively safe area where the homeless can find rest and perhaps a helping hand in the form of donated food and money. However, due to the relative safety and affluence, these individuals unfortunately stick out more and are often targeted by those with less empathy for the poor.

There is a clear opportunity to build awareness to the homeless neighbors and create a more welcoming atmosphere. As our proposal includes creating more accessible open public space, this also creates more reasons to beautify the space through art displays with homelessness being a key component. So much of Hayes Valley, specifically in the park at Patricia’s Green features art installations; however, much of this art doesn’t have an underlying social context. Why not include a message for social good?

Clarion Alley in the Mission District

We cite immersive public art displays such as Clarion Alley in San Francisco’s Mission District as an influence. This is an alleyway accessible by pedestrians that covered entirely by murals. Most of the murals are commissioned by non-profits to bring awareness to a social issue. In this way, Hayes Valley art could be a more dynamic version of this while still retaining the cleaner artistic aesthetic of the neighborhood. For instance, instead of murals Hayes Valley could feature outdoor sculptures that tell the story of the neighborhood and build empathy for the homeless.


Click here


Project 3, Team 15: Robin, Q


Project final presentation.


Quick presentation of our proposal.


Prompt: Take the best idea and create two different versions of the experience.

Of the ideas generated, we chose to proceed creating experiences around the community garden located in the Great Park in Irvine, California. Two competing options have been mapped out through the use of Manu’s model.

  • A festival celebrating “backyard to table” food here.
  • A cafe and picnic space surrounding the garden here.


Prompt: Brainstorm ideas for an urban intervention at either site used in the mappings project.

Listing of our ideas here.

Project 3: Sofanah Alrobayan & Rona Cabrera (Group 2)

Part 1

Site: Discovery Park Business Center

Irvine, California

Idea #1: An Interactive Park


With the presence and abundance of greenery and tech in this business complex, why not combine the two forces and create a space that showcases what this area is known for? This business complex is home to many tech companies so it’s only appropriate to create a nature/tech hybrid inspired by Team Lab, a team of “digital technologists” from  Tokyo. No new buildings for construction will be needed for a “light show”  type of artwork but it will require engineers to be able to program the lights whether they are pre-programmed or if they are activated by motion sensors. A lot of projection mapping attractions also have soothing music so sound engineers will be needed. Piano music will be activated by people stepping on certain areas, such as specific tiles on the ground. 

Idea #2: An Interactive Seating Area


Seating – Redefined. There are multiple seating options scattered throughout the business complex that fulfill people’s basic needs of sitting. What is missing in this space is a seating experience. When was the last time you, an adult, have been on a swing? If it took you some time to think about it, then it has been too long. These swinging seats (that can also be used as hammocks) take your seating experience to the next level. Imagine yourself swamped with work and in need of a break to let loose and destress. You walk outside to the courtyard, sit on one of the colorful swings, attach your phone to the seat’s bluetooth, and play your favorite de-stressing playlist in the swing’s built in speaker. You can simply lay down on the seat or swing all your worries away. You’re here for a seating experience.

Idea#3: A Collaboration Area


Imagine working on a non-secret work project or having a project of your own, wouldn’t you like an outdoor space to go through your thoughts and collaborate with other members of the community? The natural scenery will open your mind up and set you in a more relaxed state to think about your next project or question more clearly. There can be white boards, glass boards, markers, erasers, outlets galore in this space for people to use. This space can also be used to host sponsored workshops for learning new skills that every company might be interested in. It is also a great place to meet and network with people.

Click here for presentation

Part 2



IDEA: Collaboration w/ Swinging Chairs


These tables will be in the center of the courtyard area. There will be one larger communal table and a few surrounding the space (one on each corner of the middle square green patch).

Option #1: Tech-free Space

The space will have these (shaded) tables and swinging chairs and nothing else.

Option #2: Tech Space

The space will have these (shaded) tables and swinging chairs along with built in bluetooth speakers & charging stations. The speakers and charging stations will only be for the non-communal tables.

Click here for Prezi


Part 3


Click here for final pitch presentation

Project Three: Graham Bachelder & Joe Davis



Logo with text Apex Historic Site on Purple and red graident

Prepared for the Apex Historical Society

PROJECT 3 ROUGH DRAFT |  Version 1.2

Link to Project

PROJECT 3 ROUGH DRAFT |  Version 1.0


PROJECT: Augmented Reality (AR) experience, transporting users through the historic timeline of Downtown Apex, NC.

LOCATION: Historic Downtown Apex, NC

CLIENT: Apex Historic Society


An augmented reality app, allowing users to see historically relevant information about the site. Overlays will include both information about the town and photo-realistic historic models of past timelines. Users can take a walk downtown in the 1800s, to see the devastation of one of Apex’s most infamous and destructive fires. Additionally, the design should allow toggling between the present and various periods of the past. The timeline may also integrates plans of future developments, to allow residents to see what Apex may look like in the days to come.



PROJECT: Historic Scavenger Hunt & Graffiti tagging AR Experience

LOCATION: Historic Downtown Apex, NC

CLIENT: Apex Historic Society


An augmented reality app, allowing users to search and discover historic buildings. The design encourages users to take the time to explore the town through a scavenger hunt and appreciate the numerous historic structures. The town has seen tremendous growth in the last couple of years and has become a hot spot of urban development. We propose an augmented reality experience that will facilitate creativity for adults and kids of all ages. A highlight of this experience is marking/tagging sites discovered (Graffiti). A scavenger hunt game combined with 3D graffiti tagging allows users to express their creativity while bringing awareness to the past.



PROJECT: Augmented Reality (AR) navigation tool for a major retail and entertainment center.

LOCATION: Irvine Spectrum, Irvine, CA

CLIENT: The Irvine Company / City of Irvine


A multi-use navigation app, helping users maneuver through the massive center. Through the app, users are able to plan a trip and then navigate to the nearest parking, as well as find the fastest route through each location. Users may navigate via an augmented reality experience – using their phone’s camera – in which the navigation is overlaid onto reality with arrows and pathways leading the way. Users may also switch to a more traditional map, in which their live route is tracked via an on-screen map. The app has potential for discovering sales, new locations, hotspots, parking, advertising, etc.

Exercise 3.2 – Cassandra Hoo

Persona - Carly - By Cassandra Hoo


Carly has been cooped up in her apartment for two whole days trying to meet a work deadline. She’s only left her place twice to get take out for dinner at her favorite Chinese restaurant a block away. She’s restless, uninspired, and craves sunshine.

Carly decides to take a walk in her neighborhood to clear her mind and get some exercise. About 10 minutes into her walk, she stumbles upon Pan Pacific Park and realizes that she doesn’t take advantage of it enough. As she meanders down the path, she notices a brand new walking labyrinth. She decides to give it a try. Along the path, she notices small stones with motivational words written on it. She picks up the stone that says, “You are the best version of yourself” and meditates on the phrase as she continues weaving through the path. She leaves the labyrinth feeling relaxed and recharged.


Storyboard - By Cassandra Hoo

Fullsize Version


  1. Headshot of “Carly”
  2. Girl at Computer
  3. Walking Labyrinth
  4. Meditation Stone

Exercise 3.2, Personas: Ruilin Zhang


Maria teaches math to 4th and 5th graders in a private school . She enjoys interacting with her students and always trying to find ways to make her classes fun and engaging. Maria shares the challenges she has when teaching math is that most children are not fond of math because they often feel stuck in the middle of solving a problem and are afraid of going further to uncover the fact and logic behind the science. She hopes to see an application that makes math-learning fun at the same time provides feedback to help the teacher with managing the students’ learning process.

Project 3, Part 1: Christine B. & Tiffany T. (Group 12)

(Working Draft)

Idea 1: AR Technology
Balboa Park is a place that is visited by many locals and tourists on a daily places. There is plenty to do, see and learn. We were thinking about enhancing the experience by using AR Technology in an app. When people hold their phones over certain parts of the park, they can see the overlay of information and virtual objects that tells them more about the site they are at.


Idea 2: Scavenger Hunt Event
Every so often, Balboa Park hosts events that are free for guests to visit. We were trying to see how we can increase visitation and the overall experience. We thought it would be interesting to develop a scavenger hunt application where people will have to use clues and collect virtual objects. This hopefully not only gets more people to visit parts of the park that are less popular but also serves as a teaching tool as well.


Idea 3: Art Installation 
We were inspired by “The Gates” exhibit that was located at Central Park in New York City. We thought it would be interesting to have local artists come together to submit ideas for an art installation.  It would be interactive and something that only be there for a short period of time.


3.1.2 – Meeting in a Supermarket – Christina

As she embarked on a journey to the southern end of the state, she stopped by a convenience store to stock up on snacks. The store was within 2 blocks from her departure point, her second home. She picked up 2 salty snacks, 1 sweet snack, and a cold brew coffee in a bottle. Food to munch on, caffeine for the 8hr drive, and a receipt for her assignment. 12hrs of frustrating traffic later, she had lost her mood for food, left the caffeine untouched to skip bathroom breaks, and realized she had crumbled up and tossed her receipt out of habit. But even this realization couldn’t keep her awake for a minute longer when she finally arrived at her destination, her first home. It was a slow start to a long Thanksgiving.

Exercise 3.2, Personas: Tiffany Tam


Saya is a graduate student studying in the United States. She comes from an upper class family and is financially supported by her parents who live in Shanghai, China. She loves to travel with her friends and is currently on a trip in San Diego where she is checking out museums at Balboa Park. English is not her primary language and she does not like asking for directions. Her friends and her are using a map to figure out where they should go next. They decide to go to “San Diego Museum of Art” and follow their map to get to their destination.


Project 3: Youngsun & Kathy (Group 3)

PART 3 – Final Submission

Final submission


For Part 2, we have put our rough ideas into a Google Slide document.



Idea One: An outdoor gallery walk benefitting Hope Gallery

Hope Gallery SignThe Hope Outdoor Gallery originally started as a graffiti park in Austin that has expanded to support local artists and give back to the community through job creation, children’s programs, and education. The gallery has also expanded it’s physical boundaries through local art installations that give exposure to local artists that otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity. A few of these murals are located at the Domain Northside in Austin, Texas.

Our proposal is to expand on this work by holding an annual “Art Walk” at the Domain where local stores display art from arts with Hope. This could occur in the evening and invite members of the community to visit the various shops, interact with the artists, and purchase their art. Customers would feel good about the transaction because they are getting to interact directly with the person benefitting from the sale. Proceeds from the sales would go directly to the artists with a small percentage donated back to the Hope Gallery.

Car Painting from Hope GalleryHope Gallery and the Domain would also benefit from increased awareness generated by the foot traffic from the event. The Domain is a lively and interactive retail-tainment area with restaurants, shops, and bars. This would be an ideal location for this type of interactive and fun event.

Idea Two: A Taste of The District event benefitting the Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County.

Orange County California is home to great weather, shopping, and lots of wealth in the U.S. (need a stat), but there are also over 300,000 people here who don’t get enough to eat and need help*. The Second Harvest Food Bank is working to end hunger in Orange County through meals for kids, groceries for seniors, and fresh food for families and individuals.

The District at Tustin Legacy would be an ideal site for a fundraiser for this important organization. The site houses a number of restaurants, bars, and cafes and has a wide variety of food and ethnicities. As an evening annual event, the Second Harvest Food Bank could hold a “Taste of The District” where shoppers can buy a “Taste Pass” for about $35 that is good at all of the restaurants and bars. Each restaurant/bar would provide a small plate or sample dish that represents them. Shoppers could stop in at any or all of the restaurants to sample their food and get their card stamped.

Volunteers from the food back would help run and promote the event and proceeds from the sale of the passes would go directly to the good bank. Local business would donate their food and would benefit from tax deductions and increased foot traffic/exposure.

Idea Three: Family-friendly space with art + technology

Children interacting with exhibitThe Domain Northside’s public area in the center of the shopping mall often attracts families with children, but it remains somewhat difficult to find interesting activities that entertain children in this space. Promoting family-friendly or kid-friendly activities in this space in unique and creative ways will enhance visitors’ experiences. One idea is an interactive digital screen or installation using art and technology. By incorporating specific themes, such as forest (nature) or animals, both adults and children can enjoy the area.

Children on playscape


(Edited out idea) Food pop-up shop & Kiosk

pop up coffee standThe Domain Northside features a mix of luxury stores, restaurants, bars, and art and live music, but the shopping areas on the west and east sides, which are somewhat far from the middle of the mall, are not as lively. In addition, it is difficult to find restaurants and other food-related shops in these more distant areas. A small pop-up shop, food truck, or kiosk style store could offer shoppers foods and beverages, luring shoppers to visit other events occurring in different areas. Ideally, these small shops would be supported by already established restaurants, bars, and/or cafes at the mall, thereby expanding their reach to other shoppers.

pop up food kiosk



Exercise 3.1.2, Narratives: Annie Luong

Follow your dream.

This is my friend’s bedroom. Last year around this time, after having a late brunch with her at Pacific City Mall, I went back to her house for the first time. My friend, whose parents were immigrated from Laos, lived in a suburban city in Arizona. She has 3 siblings, who all quit school and started having kids since they were 17. They were still relying on her parents for support.

She decided that she need to go to California and follow her dream. She said if she stayed, she will become like one of her siblings. She needed to get out of the nest, spread her wings. One day, 7 years ago,  she left her home around 3 am, drove from Arizona to Orange County in California. All she had were on the photo. Her room was still the same after 7 years. She is saving for her dream.

Follow your dream, and work towards it.

Exercise 3.1.2, Narratives: Christine Benedict

A Thanksgiving Eve poem for our neighborhood cat. We have named him George.

(Based off ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’)

A Thanksgiving Shopping List
‘Twas the night before T-day, when all through the flat,
Not a tenant was stirring, not even a cat;
Pie pumpkins were stacked on the refrigerator there,
In prep for the dish that Rob B. would prepare;
The humans were attempting to sleep in their bed; 
While raccoons found trash cans from which to be fed;
And a fridge piled high with ingredients galore,
For tomorrow’s festivities with those we adore,
When suddenly sounds from the living room came,
A cat who was screeching like she caught aflame.
Away to the front room stumbled I, half asleep,
To see what new terrors this venture might reap.
The moon sitting high in the trees of the Park ,
Shone a subtle glow from which I found my mark,
A small orange cat through the window I saw,
Strutting about as though he was the law,
My little cat Ella defended her place,
From a neighborhood cat who invaded her space.
I opened the door and shooed him off to the night,
Before scolding Ella for giving me such a fright.
As I trudged back to bed with sleep clear in my eyes,
I noticed the clock and made a gasp of surprise.
The clock read already a quarter to 5.
Which meant the time to wake up had quite almost arrived.
With a grumble directed to long cooking time,
I flopped down in my bed thinking it felt sublime.
The last I thought I had as I drifted to sleep —
“Good Friendsgiving to all, hope your leftovers keep!”
Ella the watch-catten

Exercise 3.1.2, Narratives: Lisa Grossi

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Being vegan is great. Really, people never believe me, but I feel so much better being vegan. I’m healthier, I lower my carbon footprint, and I don’t hurt adorable innocent animals. I mean, really, who can look at an adorable black and white calf, or a baby lamb and want anything but a wonderful life for them? But when those cravings come, they come hard. There’s nothing like a steaming bowl of mac and cheese, a piece of pie topped with a creamy sweet swirl of whipped cream, or a cup of hot cocoa with those little baby marshmallows—all things vegans don’t get to have. Vegans everywhere wish they could just go to their local grocery store and pick up vegan substitutes to fill those sad desperate cravings, but that would be too easy. Off to the local health food store we must go. Good luck if you can make it out of there with a dime left in your bank account. It’s all worth it though to get home and have that delicious treat that you usually don’t get, that fills that craving, no animal products necessary.

Exercise 3.1.2 Narratives: Cindy Wang

Spicy Hot Pot Soup and Coffees

When I drink a piping cup of coffee, I feel like a mermaid, swirling in cream, vanilla, sugar, bitterness, completely enveloped in warmth in comfort.

When eating piping hot pot, I feel like Te Ka, the goddess of fire and destruction, ready to punch the cold in my bones into the next century.



Ken Mead: Narratives, Part 2

man sitting down feeding a goose

Green Lake Park, Seattle
Saturday, November 24 | 4:37 pm

close up of goose

…and then she says to me, ‘I’ll take a gander if I want to!’

Mmm hmm.

Man's face

close up of goose

Yeah, she was a real firecracker. Name was Cayenne, if you can believe it. You ever been in love, Carl?

…have I been…say, don’t you want this piece of bread?

Man's face

close up of goose

That’s what I like about you, Carl. No nonsense. Get right to the point. People these days have got too many choices. Slows them down. Tires ’em out. I grew up next to a farm. You know what those farmers in Ottawa drank, Carl? Milk. Just the good ‘ol fashioned white stuff. Nobody thought about whether they wanted 2% or fat-free. I don’t gripe over whether somebody’s got sourdough or whole-wheat. Someone’s giving me bread, I’ll eat it, Carl. No questions.

…ah, yeah, well so, I can hold my hand a bit lower if it’s not easy for you to reach…

Man's face

close up of goose

You’re doing great, Carl.

close up of a duck

Can I get some down here?

close up of goose

Waddles, don’t be greedy. You ate that kid’s waffle cone earlier.

I’ll just, uh, drop it on the ground here and you guys can sort it out.

Man's face

close up of goose

Waddles…don’t even think about it. Anyway, bread is bad for the duck gut.  I read it on Huff Po.

close up of a duck

Fancy you saying that, Mr. bread-is-bread.

…I’ll just, uh, leave you two and…

Man's face

close up of goose

You leaving that bread, too, Carl?

I think I should take up fishing.

Man's face

Narratives – Greg Puett

I had originally written a story about a man walking down a crazy forest path though weird obstacles relating to my purchases, but then i reread the instructions, and it is supposed to be related to my project 2 site, so I had to make some modifications. I think it turned out OK.


The man opened his eyes, he was in a strange and unfamiliar place. He looked to his left and saw several buildings and storefronts, and on his right, a large sign that read “Desert Ridge Marketplace.” He was shocked to suddenly find himself in some strange place he had never seen before, and briefly wondered how he got here, and how he should get home. Thinking of home reminded him of his wife, and their small cabin in the woods, and their time spent together laughing and talking in front of their fireplace. He also remembered her spiced peaches, it was one of his favorite recipes that she had introduced him to only a few years ago, and now his mouth watered just thinking of them. Looking around once again, there was a clear pathway through the buildings in front of him, and a dangerous looking road behind, so he started walking. He first walked past a small green field with a large fountain in the middle, and seeing this reminded him of the flower fields near his home, with their running creeks and buzzing bees gathering nectar to turn into honey. He continued walking down the pathway through the buildings, and came to a long corridor, with palm trees running down the middle, and nothing inside any of the buildings flanking it. It was such a nice path that, for there to be nothing along the sides seemed strange to him, strange like a mild salsa. “Why even get salsa if it’s not going to have some spice?” he would always ask. And here he asked a similar question, “Why even have this path if nothing comes off of it?” He shrugged his shoulders and continued down the path towards a large clearing in the buildings. In front of him was a big round pad of concrete with several small holes in various places. As he stepped closer to investigate, the holes suddenly shot water into the air, and the man stepped backwards in surprise. As quickly as it came, the water left, down a small drain in the center. The man felt himself strangely drawn to stand on the pad, and to let himself get drenched in the water he guessed would return. He moved forward, and got to the very center of the circle. The small drain beneath his feet. Nothing happened. He looked around as if to ask the air “what now?” when as quickly as it came the first time, all the water jets turned back on, and sprayed water towards the sky. The man was buffeted by water and air as the jets sprayed, and he instinctively closed his eyes. Just as before, the water stopped as quickly as it started, and the now thoroughly drenched man opened his eyes. Only now before him, was not the slab of concrete, or the buildings he walked past, but a familiar cabin, with smoke puffing gently out of its chimney, and its two windows wide open letting the evening breeze roll in. Somehow, he didn’t understand it, but somehow, he was home, and looking down at himself, he was completely dry. The image of those spiced peaches passed through his mind again, and with a wide smile, he opened the door, and walked through.

Narratives: Sofanah Alrobayan

This receipt, although not from a grocery store, but from a restaurant on Thanksgiving Eve, details multiple cornbread purchases.

She is very busy. She spent the day at work, but it felt like a ghost town. It was the day before Thanksgiving, also known to some as Thanksgiving Eve. She had too many things on her mind. The loudest and most recurring thought was “I want to go home.” She can’t go home. After work hours ended, she checked her school work and assignment due dates. She gave thanks for the lack of assignments due in the next couple of days. She walked out the office doors and realized she didn’t have time to bake or cook anything for a Friendsgiving dinner she agreed to attend that night. She opened up her frequently contacted numbers and chose the best restaurant to order a “homemade” dish. She decided to order cornbread; multiple orders of cornbread. Nathan wasn’t working at the restaurant that night, a shame since he always snuck extra butter packets into her orders. Dave picked up the phone and he was okay. He did his job. He told her it was going to be an hour before it was ready for pickup. An hour wasn’t enough time for her to do something significant, so she decided to go home, get dressed, grab a few tupperwares, a knife, and drive over to the restaurant. She walked in and asked the hostess for the status of her order. They needed a couple more minutes. She paid and sat in the waiting area, alone with her phone. Level 1037 on candy crush was calling her name. Unfortunately, a staff member also called her name to tell her her order was ready. Another day, level 1037. She grabbed the bag, went into her car, turned on the heater, unpackaged the cornbread, sliced them, transferred each piece into the tupperwares, and closed all the lids. She drove over to her friend’s house and greeted everybody, with tupperwares in hand. “Yes I made this”, she said.

Exercise 3.1.2: Alexa Steinhauser

My mappings site was Downtown Santa Monica, near the pier. Locals usually go there to eat, shop and have a good time. One of my personally favorite things to do is go and watch the sunset (overlooking the beach) after having a drink with friends. The following narrative precedes Friendsgiving and what happens after my experience at the grocery store…

In a sleepless daze, my friend tells me that I need to bring pie to the party. Pie? What should be in it? Should it be savory or sweet? As I battle another driver in the Whole Foods parking lot for the last space, I prevail after realizing that I make amazing pie crust. Walking in, there are carts galore. I should have brought a hand basket instead of lugging around this huge metal bin on wheels. I do not try to explore, yet go in knowing exactly what I need to get to make this pie spectacular. Ground nutmeg, organic pumpkin puree, half-and-half… wow, this is going to be good! For all of my vegetarian friends, I have to opt for coconut shortening instead of the tasty stuff: lard. Fast forward to the party in Venice. Celebration time! The best homemade pumpkin pie dolloped with whipped cream and a glass of champagne to wash it all down. Let’s all ride our bikes to the beach and watch the sunset over the Santa Monica mountains.


Narratives, Part 2: Graham Bachelder

I sit and wonder why I’m here, posting a receipt,
while pursuing a degree, one that’s quite ‘elite.’
“Creative writing?” Nope, not quite! Wouldn’t that make sense?
Design it is! “Wait, what? That’s odd, you must feel pretty dense!”

It’s true, I do, for after all, I’m paying quite a bit –
That $50k is awfully big, my wallet took a hit!
But here it is: my grad school work! Posting a receipt.
“I’ll write a poem, it’s pretty bad…my degree’s quite ‘elite.’

It’s for clothes.

Narratives 3.1.2: Tara Suan

Bellevue, Washington

Winter is coming and with it the rain and darkness.

Suburban living, condo life. Rely on your ORCA card and the whims of the public transportation schedule to commute, catch a barre class, shop. On foot, it is too far to downtown and a 45-minute walk to the nearest stores.

At least there’s the discount grocery – good place for cherry tomatoes and kale. But it’s winter now, and the major food groups are chocolate, cookies, and peanut butter.

Narratives 3.1.2- Sahar Abdizadeh

It was Friday morning I left my kids in the playground with their favorite nanny whome they call Aunti Zahra. I was supposed to feel relaxed. It was what I looked for. Spending a few hours in the morning with my husband without worrying about kids. It felt weird. We are not used to not having these two little monkeys around. “Let’s go get coffee,” I said. ” we can get coffee together when we picked up kids from the park, you know how much Daniel loves Starbucks. How about we go have lunch” he replied. “lunch, are you kidding me, without kids” I said. Then we both started laughing. I think we get so much used to having kids around that we miss them everywhere we go. In the end, we decided to cook to the day. Since we both hate to look for parking spaces we decided to go to Whole-foods across the street from our home. We stopped by whole foods to grab a few things. “do you want me to grab a cart” my husband said to me. “no I just need 2-3 items” I replied.  W enjoyed the Christmas music and decorations in the grocery store. I left Whole-foods with chips, Kombucha, eggs, tomatoes, two large one-gallon milk, steak, and fish. We could barely keep our balance holding all these items in hand. My husband turned back to me and said: ” I’ll never trust you when you say you don’t need a cart”. I think overall I really enjoyed my date with my husband, I think we should plan more of such fun days together;) .

Exercise 3.1.2: Narratives – Young Sun You

Hope everyone enjoy a great Thanksgiving, Friendsgiving and long weekend! On the day before Thanksgiving, I wanted to celebrate the long holiday weekend and decided to get some dessert for myself. I was going to go to my observation site and the Union Market located at the site but I wanted to get a cheap, fast and delicious types of dessert that night. I love Union market and all the food and dessert in there, but I didn’t want to drive up to there to get a luxury dessert for that night. So I ended up going to a Korean supermarket near my house, wandered around and bought a bunch of snacks. And luckily, I found my favorite ice cream, watermelon ice bar! It is super tasty and is only $5 per box (it contains 6 bars!). I was happy with my choice of going to the supermarket and to be able to buy a variety of desserts in a short time. (I got 2 boxes of ice cream, 3 different snacks, coffee, and more) I express my happy and satisfying feeling using my 3d avatar.


Narratives 3.1.2- Renee Reid

Next Customer Please

She couldn’t move.  Tired and achy she knew exactly what was making her feel like 50 pounds of bricks were balancing on her back and stomach.  Good thing she was in the comfort of her apartment which made this familiar monthly feeling somewhat tolerable.  She’s felt this way before. She’s a pro but that doesn’t mean she’s always ready.  This was one of those times. It was too soon to be feeling so awful and she was definitely not prepared.

Rawpixel; Unplash

As the pain in her back and stomach throbbed she contemplated how she was going to obtain her essentials for getting through the next week. Good thing she didn’t need to go far to get what she needed. ” I need to go to the store” she moaned to herself.  She took a deep breath, flung herself up, pulled her long curly tresses back, and with one swooping movement, rolled the black scrunchy off her wrist, twisted her hair up and put her hair in a bun.  Off to the neighborhood store.

After grabbing her keys she paused to look around her apartment. ” What else do I need? ” she thought to herself.  “Ugh, I don’t feel like carrying a whole bunch of shit back since I am walking, so I need to get only what I need right now. Hmmm,  I do need to scour the sinks, so I will pick  up some Comet, but that’s it!”

She made her way out her front door and down her shaded block,  kicking large brown dry leaves that had met their fate after falling from the tree’s she passed along the way.  She thought to herself,  “Do I go to WholeFoods or CVS?” Both happen to be equal walking distance. ” Remember, you’re not trying to carry a whole bunch of shit back”, she reminded herself with a smile.  “Yup”, she confirmed out loud and proceeded to walk to CVS.  She had remembered her history of over speeding at WholeFooods.

Every. Single. Time.


To ensure she would only pick up what she needed, her tired and achy self-elected not to get a cart or a crate and proceeded to walk to the proper section and grab her monthly essentials. “Buy one get one half off” she read.  With no hesitation, she picked up to packs.  As she exited the aisle,  she stumbled across a familiar bottle shape she had only seen at specialty stores. When she realized that it was indeed the product she had only purchased out of state previously at a store that sould Island goods,  she picked up the bottle of Florida Water, which is often used to help with healing and aiding skin. ” Oh, I need this” she whispered out loud to herself as she picked up the bottle and tucked it under her arm.  “Focus!” She yelled quietly in her head.

Remembering she needed to scour the sinks she made her way through the aisles to pick up some Comet but soon realized the store only carried Ajax and settled for just  1 can of that instead. All done.

But just when she was about to walk over to check out,  a display for bottles of Rose Champagne at the end of an isle caught her eye, her favorite. Just then the 50lbs of brick she was feeling shifted to feel like 70 pounds piled on her back and stomach.  It was just the discomfort she needed to give her the permission to pick up not just 1 but 2 bottles and then proceed to the checkout.  “1 bottle for each location of the pain”, she chuckled to herself.

As she proceeded to the checkout, Richard a CVS employee called out,

“Next customer please.” ”

“YES!” She cheered in her head.  Her in and out, then get back home time was about to be super fast. Just what she needed and expected.

Without missing a beat, she put the two bottles of Rose, the buy one get one free pads, the Ajax and her Florida water onto the conveyer belt.

” Did you find everything you were looking for today”, Richard cheerfully asked.  Glancing quickly at his CVS nametag pinned to his vest, she smiled back and replied, ” Indeed I did, Richard.  Indeed I did, thank you. ”

She managed to get the essentials she set out to purchase and limited the number of items to be able to handle getting back to her apartment.

After her quick walk back to her apartment, again kicking the piles of fallen leaves scattered up and down the sidewalk,  one the Rose bottles was promptly opened to soothe her discomfort and she settled back into her home feeling accomplished.

” I really appreciate being so close to everything.” She said smiling to herself.

‘Now what’s close by to eat?”

Personas: Daniel Lau


Chloe's Persona


Chloe Kim is a data scientist for Stitch Fix. She lives in Hayes Valley because she feels most at home in that neighborhood. She is an avid foodie, typically spending most of her expendable income on good food with friends. Sometimes she works really late at Stitch Fix and is starving by the time she gets home. Instead of cooking something, she heads over to a local fast casual restaurant, Souvla. She doesn’t need a car because it’s walking distance from her apartment. Her typical order is the chicken salad to go. The warm rotisserie chicken pairs wonderfully with the briny feta cheese and crisp lettuce. She devours it when she gets home.


Chloe's Storyboard


Storyboard Creator | Comic Strip Maker | Online Storyboarding Prototypes

Narratives: Joseph Hornig

Narratives Hornig 1

Peter the Anteater, this is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back.

Choose the Hawaiian pizza, and you’ll wake up on the sandy beaches of Oahu, believing whatever you want to believe.

Choose the Supreme pizza, and you’ll stay at UCI to fulfill your destiny as The One, our supreme mascot.

Remember, all I’m offering is the truth. Nothing more.

Narratives Hornig 2


Narratives Hornig Receipt

Narratives: Alex Rosales

It’s Friday November 16th and the smoke in San Francisco is worse than it’s ever been. The Camp Fire rages to the North devastating entire towns, and here I am at Safeway complaining about the air quality. I am going to Tahoe this weekend to escape the city and celebrate Friendsgiving with my friends from Sofar Sounds. I am thinking about how I can observe this group further for my 281 project, as this organization is also the subject of my research; however, I decide to actually enjoy this weekend for once.

I’m really looking forward to my time in Tahoe, but first, I must deal with the smoke and the fact that I keep forgetting ingredients for my Friendsgiving dish! I had spent the day before gathering ingredients to cook a bacon and green bean dish as well as baking supplies for a cranberry dessert. Today I realize I forgot sugar, and I’m also not quite sure if the cabin has a baking pan. When Saturday rolls around, I find that there are PLENTY of sugar and baking pans, so I didn’t really have to sacrifice my lungs.

Don’t mind me, I’m just wearing the mask upside down…

As I walk to Safeway I snag a mask to shield myself from the smoke, but it turns out it actually has no filter. As a result, I still have a terrible feeling in my chest and I begin to feel more and more lethargic. I reach Safeway, dying a little bit, and search all the aisles for these supplies. Why is this specific Safeway so confusing and small? Will I actually find these items before I feel like I have to pass out?

I end up getting everything all right and make my way to Tahoe, each mile driven gets less and less hazy. In the end, I get a clear view of the lake and a great time with friends eating some amazing food.


Narratives: Clara Huang

Text over empty weight rack: Grocery stores in DTLA I want to shop at; Text over one remaining barbell: Ralph's
As seen at Planet Fitness in DTLA

“Friday night, long week at work. I just want to go home and stress eat in bed with my cat. I guess I can stop by Ralph’s on my way home. Ralph’s sucks, but I can’t deal with Whole Foods right now. Ugh, I should be healthy though. This works, right? Close enough. CICO, IIFYM, whatever that means.”

Grocery store receipt

Narratives: Omar Filippelli

I was driven today, by the absence of office forces in my life, to travel to Gilbert, Arizona and visit my friends there. I am not working this week, I took this whole week off, to catch up with the world of homework, maps, friends, and lastly, but not Least, family, during the Thanksgiving weekend 🙂

One thing I noticed here in Gilbert is that the force of vegetation is somewhat lacking, or at least, it is not as exuberant as it is in north California. So, if I was representing this force in a map, it will be different than what you see on my map today. Vegetation will take the least prominence. But their supermarkets are the same as in North Cal., that is why I came to Target, to get some of the necessary things we needed for our friend’s early family-Thanksgiving celebration. The force of parking was very prominent at Target. If I was representing this in the final map, it will take the greatest dominant color, may be RED, as red is a strong color used to show agitation. Because it was so frustrating to find parking here today! There were so many cars here, it reminded me of a rock concert I’ve attended 35 years ago, you’ve been in one of those probably as well. Concerts where you can barely move, completely compressed by people all around, shouting, jumping, and dancing. Well, imaging that, but with cars now, minus the strobe-lights, the music, the rock & roll band. Well, I don’t know why it reminded me of the rock concert, but there were cars waiting to get in, forming a line, other trying to get out, people hurrying to get in and take any available spot; you get the picture. But inside the store, the human traffic was better than I expected, getting to where the chips were, took us weaving through the maze of isles all the way to the end of the store. Mapping this would have been very similar to my human traffic force in my final (which is not final yet) map. Then, we went all the way forward again to the soda drinks isle, this is the only water-flow force I can identify for this assignment, Arizona is pretty dried. All in all, we did this shopping happily, knowing that there was amazing food waiting for us at the house. All the thanksgiving goods, turkey, mash potatoes, sweet mashed potato, salads, pies, and my favorite one, homemade bread, and many other mouthwatering goodies. The lunch was to die for! Now, to bring this all back to the receipt, we got drinks and chips for a force of 50 people. Everyone contributed by bringing something. The host family provided the home-made turkey and my favorite home made bread. It was so nice to be there with friends and family, all enjoying a good time and good food, for the sole purpose of being thankful with each other’s company and relationship. Happy Thanksgiving or Frindsgiving week to all!!!!

Narratives: Rona Matsumoto Cabrera

A typical night after work in Japan:

“Wow it’s not even that late and I feel really tired…but I’m hungry.
I should probably cook food… *Enters Family Mart convenient store* Oh wow there’s a salad with TOMATOES. That’s healthy. Why is it so expensive to get tomatoes in Japan…okay now I’m just going to give up making food. I’ll at least choose something healthy. Okay there’s soup and…oh are these individually packaged boiled eggs…? That’s so cute. Ah, but I’m afraid of heating it up and something going wrong so let’s play it safe with just the soup.”

*Checks vitamin section*

“Wow there’s always so much when I come back at night. I guess it’s for people who’s about to pull an all nighter?”

“Ah there’s always room for dessert right? Ah red bean flavor Häagen-Dazs…or a cream puff! It’s less than 120 yen!? (1 dollar) But the seven eleven cream puff is better…Nevermind. Healthy today. I’m going for healthy. *Cashier rings me up* That comes up to be 636 yen (5-6 dollars) for a salad and soup… It’s not much…but I’m sure it adds up. Okay time to go home.”

Narratives: Kathlyn Cabrera

“Oh, I’ve been a cashier here for some 5 years now, going on 6, but just part-time at this Safeway. Working in Financial District pays more – even though I do this commute from Hayward, it’s worth it. I also do performances at local theaters – musicals, you know? I sing, yeah, and I dance and act. That’s been my life since I was in high school. I was one of those theater kids, you know? I mean, I guess I still am, but the actors life is hard. I’m still not equity, no health insurance, and no guarantee I’ll get a gig, but I love it. It’s my passion and I know I have to do it because if I don’t, I’m not being true to myself, you know. My truest self is when I’m on that stage performing for all these people. That’s probably funny that that is my truest self, since I’m acting as a different character but really, that’s when I feel most alive. I recently did this one musical out in El Cerrito – Allegiance, have you heard of it? It’s a story about Japanese internment during World War II. George Takei wrote it. I played one of the Japanese prisoners, a minor role, but I got to learn how to hold one of those old-timey guns while also dancing! [laughs] It’s funny because all the male cast are gay, including me, so it’s just a bunch of gay men pretending to know how to work a gun [laughs]. Ah, crap you got me talking so much, I got distracted. I rang up red cabbage instead – that has to be voided. Gotta call my manager over, I’ll be right back, okay?”

Narratives - receipt