Team 2 Principle #5: Stickiness

Stickiness” is a principle that refers to the virality of certain ideas. The six variables that can cultivate stickiness are simplicity, surprise, concreteness, credibility, emotion, and story. When the idea has one or more of these variables initially, it can gain traction within society and build upon itself. This snowball effect can further increase an idea’s stickiness and persistence causing it to become a cultural phenomenon.

Example 1 – Original Source

This poster in support of Obama became a symbol for his campaign and the change he would bring if elected.
Source: Universal Principles of Design by William Lidwell, Kritina Holden, Jill Butler (2010).

Example 2 – Online

Memes are perfect examples of stickiness. Even when someone does not know the origin of the image, if it enters the cultural consciousness, almost everyone will recognize it.

Example 3 – In Person

This is a link to the Friends intro song. Similarly commercial jingles and slogans are examples of sticky ideas.

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