Team 8 Principle #6: Visibility


The principle of visibility relates to a system’s improved usability when its function, status, and feedback is clearly indicated for the user (Lidwell 250). This provides queues to the user (whose memory is limited) to help them complete tasks. Visibility to only essential information is important as providing every condition, control, etc. of a complex system can be overwhelming to the user.


Example 1: Three Mile Island Nuclear System

Three Mile Island System

There was little visibility to critical parts of the system that regulated water flow at Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station (Lidwell 251). As a result, operators were unaware of the status of problematic areas which led to the most significant nuclear accident in United States history.

Example 2: Instagram vs. Snapchat

Instragam UISnapchat UI

The design differences between Instagram and Snapchat highlight the importance of visibility as a strategic factor for mobile applications. Instagram’s user interface provides visibility to most features on the main screen. It does this through the use of understandable icons, attention-grabbing notification badges, and expanded detail on the most important feature of the app– the feed.

Snapchat on the other hand drops users straight into a camera view to share, but does not make any other features notably visible. The feed for user content and news are hidden on separate screens under ambiguous icons. Additionally, certain features are not discoverable on first sight at all and require gestures to access. Most notably the map feature requires a pinch gesture to view it; however, there is not indication in the UI on how to access this feature.

One may argue that Instagram’s ability to make the most important features visible has made it a superior app over Snapchat in the marketplace.


Example 3: Massage Chair Remote

Massage Chair Remote

This remote control provides visibility to all functions and status of a massage chair. Text provides an simple understanding of functions. The icons are clear signifiers of position, massage technique, recline, and adjustment of the massage “spot”. Raised buttons indicate that they can be pressed for said functions and lights next to the icon indicate what is currently selected. A large red “stop” button makes it easy to turn off the system.



Lidwell, William, et al. Universal Principles of Design. Rockport, 2010.

Instagram, Inc. Instagram. Version 66.0.

Snap, Inc. Snapchat. Version 10.42.11.

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