DCE Instructors are asked to produce various course elements. We have provided guidance and best practices to assist you in the process. As you can see there are steps to the course development process.
Step 1: Syllabus
The syllabus is the first step in course development. You will need to turn this in to your planning unit for approval. Below are links that will help you with development.
- Syllabus Creation: This link will give guidance as you develop the syllabus for your course, using the DCE template (the template is also included in this link).
- Learning Objectives: This link will share information about how to develop effective learning objectives.
Step 2: Course Map
Once you have the basics in your syllabus, the next step is to develop each week/module in the course, including assignments, discussions, readings and media. The course map will make it easy for you to develop each as you have an overview of the whole course.
- Course Map (template): This template will help you organize and produce your course content. If working with DesignPlus, this document will be mandatory.
Step 3: Course Media/Presentations
Developing media or presentations is where many instructors spend a majority of their time. The links below will detail the resources available to you on creating course media. You have the ability to use UCI Replay for your presentations, if you desire.
- Google Slides (template): This is DCE’s template for Google Slides.
- PowerPoint (template): This is DCE’s template for PowerPoint.
- PowerPoint Best Practices: This guide will walk you through PowerPoint best practices.
- VidGrid – Overview Video: This video will walk you through the basics of VidGrid.
- VidGrid – Recording Media: This guide will walk you through recording media in VidGrid.
- VidGrid – Uploading Media: This guide will walk you through uploading media in VidGrid.
Step 4: LMS Development (Online)
When you have all of your content, the next step is to develop the course in the LMS. UCI-DCE uses Canvas as their LMS for both online and on campus courses. If working with DesignPlus, they will implement your course content into the DCE Canvas template for you. LMS development needs to be complete two-weeks prior to the start date of all online courses. Below you can get a preview of a sample course (with the updated template).
Quality Review
Course quality is our goal at UCI DCE. At the end of the course development process, DesignPlus will be reviewing courses for quality.
Resource Requests
Not all courses require resource requests, but if you will be using a textbook, need audio/visual classroom assistance, have guest lecturers, or need additional assistance, please consider the following items and the time it will take for you to request them, by visiting the Resource Request page.