Information for Instructors Hired as Employees
Contract per Course: For each course you teach, you will receive an instructor contract listing the terms and conditions of your employment, as well as your compensation rate and payment date.
Signature: Please sign and return the instructor contract to your program planning department prior to the first class meeting to receive your compensation. Depending on the planning department, you will either be receiving a paper contract in the mail or an e-mail for electronic signature through AdobeSign.
Anything stated in any communication with a UCI Division of Continuing Education employee, whether oral or written, concerning terms and conditions of UCI Division of Continuing Education employment, including but not limited to courses, course content, schedule, and stipend, is not intended by the University to be enforceable and binding unless and until stated in writing in a UCI Division of Continuing Education instructor agreement, signed by the instructor and an authorized UCI Division of Continuing Education representative. Agreements are made between instructors and UCI Division of Continuing Education on a course-by-course basis and instructors have no guarantee, expressed or implied, of continued teaching for UC Irvine in any capacity. UCI Division of Continuing Education may offer courses previously taught by an instructor at any time in the future using another instructor.
As stated above, you will receive an instructor contract listing the terms and conditions of your employment (as well as your compensation rate and payment date) for each course you teach. All new instructors (non-UC Irvine employees) must bring all necessary identification to the Human Resources department and complete a hiring packet before they can begin teaching.
Payment: The payment schedule on your contract is determined by the date of your last class meeting. Your paycheck will be issued only after you have successfully submitted your graded class roster. Checks are normally issued on the first of the month following the last class meeting, provided the grade roster is submitted. For courses that end after the 12th of the month, payment will be made the first of the following month (and following the receipt of the graded class roster), i.e. for courses ending on 9/20, payment will be made on 11/1. If you are a UC faculty member, compensation will be included on your regular monthly paycheck.
- If a course is canceled prior to the first meeting, no compensation will be granted.
- If a course is discontinued after the first meeting, you will be compensated for the one class meeting at the rate set by your Academic Director.
- As an instructor for UCI Division of Continuing Education, you are automatically enrolled in the university’s mandatory retirement savings plan (DCP savings) which automatically deducts 7.5% of gross earnings from each paycheck in lieu of deducting funds to pay in to Social Security. These pre-tax deductions are then accessible to you when you terminate your employment with the university. For more information on the DCP program, see Please consult your tax advisor to understand how this could affect your overall tax situation.
- Instructors can access paychecks and W-2 forms on the University of California UC Path website.