International Student Excellence Programs & International Center present: What’s in Your Name?
11:00 am – 1:00 pm, In front of the SSI building
Are you curious about the stories behind names? Share the pronunciation, spelling, and meaning of your given name and receive a cup of coffee, tea, or a hot chocolate with your name on it.
Merage School of Business’s Merage Global Initiatives presents: Pathways for International Student Success in Business
11:00 am – 12:30 pm, Merage School SB1, 5th Floor, Porter Room – Register Here
Want to get connected with international alumni and create networking opportunities? A panel of alumni share their experiences with a time to network together.
Department of Continuing Education presents: Ohana Time Learn Greetings
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm, DCE CE 1 Courtyard – Register Here
Explore different cultural greetings and common phrases. Discover how to say “hello” in different languages, teach us how to greet others in your native language and learn the various ways that cultures welcome one another!
Department of Continuing Education presents: Monday Runday: UCL INTL. Beer Run
4:15 pm – 6:30 pm, Register Here
Join us for a casual run or walk around UCI’s Ring Road! All are welcome to participate. You can choose outer Ring Road for 1-mile loops or inner Ring Road for 0.5-mile loops. Once we are finished running or walking, we’ll gather at the Anthill Pub, located at the Student Center, at 5:15 pm for a refreshing beer or ale. Please keep in mind that you must be 21 or older to purchase alcoholic beverages. Don’t forget to bring your running shoes, photo ID, and some money for drinks!
Global Languages & Communication presents: VR Lab Open House
8:30 am – 4:30 pm, HIB 343F
The GLC VR Lab is hosting an open house! Want to learn how you can use VR applications for language learning and more? Come try Meta Quest 2 and see how you can use VR as a part of your teaching and research.

The International Education Week Committee presents: Multicultural Fair & Performances
12:00 pm – 3:00 pm, Flagpoles and Ring Road
At 12 pm enjoy student organizations’ cultural performances by the UCI Flagpoles
Following the performances join our fair on Ring Road to play fun games and receive free giveaways! Some student organizations will be selling yummy food & beverages! Learn more here!

Global Languages & Communication presents: VR Lab Open House
8:30 am – 4:30 pm, HIB 343F
The GLC VR Lab is hosting an open house! Want to learn how you can use VR applications for language learning and more? Come try Meta Quest 2 and see how you can use VR as a part of your teaching and research.
Peace Corps presents: Peace Corps Information Session
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm, Virtual – Register Here
Join Kerry Carmichael, Peace Corps Recruiter, at this information session to learn about volunteer experiences, ask questions about service, learn about the financial benefits, and gain tips to guide you through the application process.
Department of Continuing Education presents: Wellness Wednesday: Mental Health a Cultural Discussion
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm & 1:00 – 2:00 pm, DCE CE 1 Courtyard – RSVP to activities@ce.uci.edu
Let’s talk about mental health! Join us for a casual and open discussion to learn about how we can improve our mental health, talk more openly about mental health concerns, and how experiences may differ in your own home country.
Peace Corps presents: Peace Corps Coffee Chat
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm, Virtual – Register Here
Stop by to chat with Kerry Carmichael who will share what it’s like to live, learn, and work with a community overseas, provide tips to guide you in the application process, and address any of your most pressing questions about volunteering.

International Center presents: International Center Open House
10:00 am – 12:00 pm, International Center
Welcome to the Wizarding world of Pedro the Anteater and learn about the magical behind-the-scenes action at the International Center.
Department of Continuing Education presents: International Education Week Recipe Exchange
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm, DCE CE 1 Courtyard – Submit Recipes Here
In celebration of International Education Week, DCE is hosting a cultural recipe exchange!
Stop by and pick up a new recipe to try and share a recipe from your culture. You can submit a recipe in advance to get it printed or, just drop in and enjoy learning about other cuisines. No need to register, drop by anytime!
Study Abroad Center presents: Study Abroad Fair
11:00 am – 3:00 pm, Student Center Emerald Bay Rooms – Register Here
Have you been interested in going abroad but not sure where? Are you curious about which academic program or internship abroad is right for you? Come to our Go Abroad Fair to get your questions answered! You will have the chance to meet study abroad providers, chat with recent study abroad returnees to get helpful tips, and speak with UCI exchange students from many different countries around the world. Benefits of registering: Students who register in advance will be given an extra raffle ticket for awesome prizes! If you know your destination of interest, enter it so we can provide you with tailored resources, providers, and program suggestions!
Graduate International Connection presents: International Experience Symposium
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm, Natural Sciences II 1201 – Register Here
Join us as faculty, students, and staff share their experiences with international education and its impact on their professional careers.
Global Languages & Communication presents: GLC Intercultural Game and Snack Booth
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm, Humanities Courtyard
Want to learn to play board games and read through storybooks in Persian, Vietnamese, Arabic, & Asian? Come by the GLC Intercultural Game and Snack Booth!
The International Education Week Committee present: Closing & Reception
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm, Humanities Gateway 1030 – Register Here
Join our Closing & Reception to wrap up International Education Week! Food will be provided and spaces are limited to register soon! Learn more about our speakers and event here!
ASUCI presents: K-pop Dance Workshop – ISAC x Immortals Dance Crew
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm, ARC
ISAC and Immortals Dance Crew are excited to present their K-pop Dance Workshop! Come ready to get to know and learn how to dance K-pop style!

International Center, Counseling Center, and Center for Excellence in Writing and Communication present: International Coffee Hour
11:00 am – 12:30 pm, Science Library Terrace
Join us for a mini multi-cultural fair at the International Coffee Hour! Meet representatives from China, Vietnam, South Korea, Guatemala, and more and try delicious snacks from all over the world. Grab free coffee and tea while learning about different countries.
Social Sciences Undergraduate Student Affairs presents: Exploring Study Abroad
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm, SSPB 1222 & Virtual – Register Here
Are you a social science undergraduate student wanting to study abroad? Attend this virtual or in-person event to learn about course planning and the petition process for social science majors planning to study abroad. You will also hear from a panel of social science majors who have returned from study abroad trips and are excited to share their tips and tricks with you.
International Scholar Programs: Learn to Cook American Cuisine
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm, Limited to Scholars only – Check here for Registration Information
Multilingual & Philanthropic Inc. presents: How to Learn a Foreign Language on Your Own
5:00 pm PST, Virtual – Register Here

Graduate and Family Housing presents: Graduate and Family Housing World Fest
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm, Verano 8 Community Center – Register Here
Save the date – November 18th for GFH’s World Fest Celebration! This lively and large-scale community event is scheduled for Saturday, November 18th from 2pm-5pm in the Verano 8 Community Center! Join us as we learn and have fun by bringing together diverse communities and engage in international craft making, dance lessons, food tasting, music and live performances. It’s a newly created GFH Signature Event that you won’t want to miss! For more information about upcoming Affinity Group Programs, please e-mail Thais Bouchereau at tboucher@uci.edu