UCEAP presents: Drop In Advising
10:00 am – 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm – 4:00p pm
More information on drop in advising can be found here: https://uceap.universityofcalifornia.edu/international-education-week
The Study Abroad Center presents: Go Abroad Fair
11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Student Center, Emerald Bay
Register Here!
Have you been interested in going abroad but not sure where? Are you curious about which academic program or internship abroad is right for you? Come to our Go Abroad Fair to get your questions answered! You will have the chance to meet study abroad providers, chat with recent study abroad returnees to get helpful tips, and speak with UCI exchange students from many different countries around the world. Benefits of registering: Students who register in advance will be given an opportunity drawing for awesome prizes! If you know your destination of interest, enter it so we can provide you with tailored resources, providers, and program suggestions!
Division of Continuing Education presents: International Greetings!
12:30 – 2:00 pm
CE1 Courtyard
Join us for Ohana Time! We will share international greetings among UCI students and international students. Listen, learn, contribute, and enjoy a relaxing meetup.
The International Center presents: What’s In Your Name Cafe
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Outside of SSII (Across from Zot N’ Go)
Welcome to our cafe where we care about your name! Explore the cultural significance behind names and grab free coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. Giveaways and games as well!

UCEAP presents: Berlin Calling
9:00 am
Register Here
Meet the UCEAP Berlin Study Center staff and hear about life in Berlin, our programs, our host universities in Berlin, student housing, and UCEAP support on site.
UCEAP presents: Drop In Advising
10:00 am – 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm – 4:00p pm
More information on drop in advising can be found here: https://uceap.universityofcalifornia.edu/international-education-week
The International Center presents: Multicultural Fair & Performances
12:00 – 2:30 pm
Ring Road/ Student Center
At 12pm, watch amazing performances from students from all around the globe at the Student Center Terrace! Also join us on Ring Road to interact with cultural organizations, play fun games, and receive free giveaways! Some organizations will sell yummy food and beverages!
UCI Study Abroad Center presents: UCEAP Summer Physics Info Session
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Student Services II, Room 1010
UCI Study Abroad Center & UCEAP invite you to the UCEAP Physics Summer Abroad information session where you will hear from faculty from the 3 locations and returned students.

UCEAP presents: Discover Ghana
9:30 am
Register Here
Meet the UCEAP Ghana Study Center staff and hear about about student life in Accra on our summer and academic year programs.
Office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct presents: OAISC Decision Making Workshop
10:00 – 11:00 am
Virtual Webinar, Location Provided with Registration
Register Here!
This Decision-Making Workshop is designed to assist participants in advancing and sharing their decision-making skills, through identifying personal values, ethics, consequences, and exploring steps for making responsible decisions.
Participants are expected to be present, open, curious, and contribute to the conversation, so we may all grow together. This workshop is conducted in a private Zoom meeting room via video conference.
UCEAP presents: Drop In Advising
10:00 am – 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm – 4:00p pm
More information on drop in advising can be found here: https://uceap.universityofcalifornia.edu/international-education-week
Peace Corps present: Peace Corps Information Session
12:00 – 1:00 pm
Please register for the virtual session
Serving in the Peace Corps is a great way to immerse yourself in a new culture, learn a new language, and have the experience of a lifetime. Join UC Irvine Peace Corps Recruiter, Kerry Carmichael, at this information session to: learn about volunteer experience, ask questions about service, learn about the financial benefits, and gain tips to guide you through the application process. Please note: This event is for U.S. Citizens only as the program requires citizenship for participation.
UCEAP presents: New in Mexico
12:00 pm
Register Here
UCEAP’s Mexico Study Center Coordinator will provide an overview of our Mexico City programs, (including the newest at Tec de Monterrey) and the unique experiences students encounter immersing into the local student life.
UCI Study Abroad Center presents: UCI Bilateral Exchange Info Session
2:00 – 3:00 pm
Virtual: https://uci.zoom.us/j/97957845058
Curious to learn more about our bilateral exchange programs? Interested in studying abroad in South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, or Canada? You can pay UCI tuition & fees while spending a semester abroad. Learn more about these programs and choose your next destination at our information session, Wednesday, November 20th, from 2:00-3:00 PM via Zoom. One more virtual session to come in December!
UCI Study Abroad Center presents: Open Dialogue: Study Abroad in Korea
3:00 – 4:00 pm
Student Services II, Room 1010
Join us for an immersive session to learn more about how studying abroad in Korea can offer incredible academic, personal, and professional growth. From navigating cultural nuances to discovering hidden travel gems, hear firsthand from study abroad returnees about the benefits of living and learning in Korea. Explore study abroad programs in Korea, and get answers to all your questions. Whether you’re drawn to Seoul’s bustling city life or Korea’s serene landscapes, this open dialogue will help you plan a transformative experience that’s more than just a voyage—it’s an opportunity to thrive.
UCEAP presents: New in Thailand
4:00 pm
Register Here
UCEAP’s liaison in Thailand will present about UCEAP’s newest opportunity to study at Mahidol University International College and what to expect when studying in Bangkok through UCEAP.
UCI Study Abroad Center presents: From Tapas to Travel: Your Guide to Studying Abroad in Spain
4:30 – 5:30 pm
Student Services II, Room 1010
From navigating cultural nuances to tips on traveling, we’ll dive into the ins and outs of studying abroad in Spain. Enjoy a fun game with prizes, learn about UC programs in Spain, and get your questions answered by study abroad returnees as we help you plan your next adventure.
Graduate International Connection and Graduate Division present: International Experience Symposium
4:00 – 6:30 pm
ISEB 1010/Lobby
Register Here!
Join GIC for the International Education Week – International Experience Symposium. Our event will highlight experiences of graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and faculty as their present their experiences in international education.
UCI Study Abroad Center & International Center present: International Game Night
6:00 – 7:00 pm
House 1094 of Arroyo Vista Common Room
Email Rishika Murarka for more information: rmurarka@uci.edu
Come join us for a night of fun and interactive games from around the world! Pizza will be provided

The International Center presents: IC Open House
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
International Center
Meet International Center’s staff members and learn about our programs and services
UCEAP presents: Drop In Advising
10:00 am – 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm – 4:00p pm
More information on drop in advising can be found here: https://uceap.universityofcalifornia.edu/international-education-week
UCEAP presents: Connect with Recent UCEAP Returnees from Europe and the Americas
11:00 am
Register Here
Learn from fellow UCEAP students what life is like abroad in Europe and the Americas. Ask recent returnees questions about anything from what to pack to how to handle homesickness.
Merage School of Business presents: Merage International Alumni Panel: Advice on your Professional Journey
12:00 – 1:30 pm
Executive Commons
Join Merage international alumni as they share advice and stories of their professional journeys after their graduate programs.
Division of Continuing Education presents: International Recipe Exchange
12:00 – 2:00 pm
CE1 Courtyard
Submit your favorite recipe highlighting your culture by 11/19, and we’ll share them on the date of the event.
UCEAP presents: Pre-Application Workshop
2:00 pm
Register Here
A deep dive into all the preparation necessary for identifying study abroad goals, selection the right UCEAP program, and submitting the strongest application possible.
Division of Career Pathways presents: In-Person: AI and the Job Search Lab
3:00 – 4:00 pm
Register Here – Room Information Sent to Registrants
Bring your laptop for this in-person, hands-on session to learn how to use AI in your job search.
UCEAP presents: Connect with Recent UCEAP Returnees from Asia and Africa
4:00 pm
Register Here
Learn from fellow UCEAP students what life is like abroad in Asia and Africa. Ask recent returnees questions about anything from what to pack to how to handle homesickness.
UCI Study Abroad Center presents: Open Dialogue: Study Abroad in Italy
7:00 – 8:00 pm
Virtual: https://uci.zoom.us/j/97175869237
Pasta, limoncello, and pizza galore! The cultural institutions of Italy offer a unique and enriched learning experience for college students. We will discuss how students embrace the Italian community and provide travel tips and tricks from study abroad returnees before opening it up to a Q&A about your future travels.

The International Center and ASUCI ISAC present: International Coffee Hour: Global Fair
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Science Library Terrace (Outside of the Science Library)
Join our mini global fair where you can interact with representatives from 10+ countries and enjoy cultural snacks and activities! Free coffee, tea, and hot chocolate will be served throughout the event.
The International Center presents: Learn to Cook American Cuisine
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Location Provided to Confirmed Attendees
Celebrate Thanksgiving with us! This is a dedicated event to our international scholar population

Multilingual & Philanthropic Inc.
12:00 – 1:00 pm
Jazz Cole is the president & founder of Multilingual & Philanthropic Inc, an organization dedicated to improving international an foreign language education in the United States, and she will be discussing the benefits of studying abroad, necessary travel updates to be aware of, and going through all the necessary steps to ensure a great abroad experience.
Graduate and Family Housing and the International Education Week’s planning committee present: WorldFest
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Register Here
Verano Housing Community Center
International Education Week’s (IEW) planning committee in collaboration with GFH’s Affinity Group will be closing out IEW week by hosting its 2nd annual International WorldFest Event on Saturday, November 23rd in the Verano Community Center from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Last year, with over 300 people in attendance, this lively, large-scale program celebrated the diverse UCI community by engaging in the international craft making, offered fun and cultural Henna tattoos, learned how to belly dance, sampled foods from over 5 countries, showcased live cultural performances and featured an endearing world instrument jam session and song with kiddos from our Family Resource Center! Join us again this year as we look to honor and celebrate the rich tapestry of culture that encompasses the UCI Community!
For more information, please e-mail Thais Bouchereau at tboucher@uci.edu