Supporting Children’s Online Engagement Through Learning Experience Design, Situational Interest, and User Experience
Video Presentation
With the shift of students back into the classroom, instructors are continuing to look for ways to supplement traditional in-person learning with the affordances of online learning modalities. Therefore, we aimed to better understand how our learning experience design (LXD) efforts support or hinder children’s engagement during an online, video-based math course. This study operationalized LXD through leveraging e-learning instructional design (ID) for promoting situational interest (SI), emphasizing human-centered design to support user experience (UX), and integrating SI and UX to foster student engagement in an online environment. Results provide practical implications for intentionally iterating our designs to sustain children’s online engagement as we prepare for future instances of traditional, online, and even hybrid models of instruction.
Cohort Classes
students per cohort
videos recorded
team members
Wong, J., Richland, L. (Under Review, 2023). Supporting Children’s Engagement through Learning Experience Design, Situational Interest, and User Experience: Implementing a Blended Learning Math Experience in the Classroom. Journal of Educational Technology Research and Development.