The Sports Gene – Is there such a thing?

The book cover

The Sports Gene written by David Epstein

The Conclusion of the Book:
  • There is no single sports gene. Rather, the athleticism depends on the results of thousands of interacting genes too complicated for humans to discern.
  • Genes (50%) and practice (50%) account for sports greatness.
    • Both innate hardware (genes) and learned software (practice)
    • A high baseline aerobic capacity (genes) and ability to improve more than one’s peers (practice and motivation)

“To pursue athletic improvement is to embark on a quest in search of the practice plan that suits your inimitable biology”

Other Notes:
  • Speed is really difficult to train.
  • A real practice begins when a boy is 14 or older.
    • Athletic traits will be magnified during puberty, during which their athleticism explodes.
    • Thus, intense training should begin from high school.
    • It’s the child’s desire to play that matters the most when young.
  • Trainability: individual differences go up with the accumulation of practice hours.
    • No one-size-fits-all training plan. (Rather than giving up, try something different.)
  • Of all the sex differences in sports, throwing is consistently one of the largest. A woman can throw only up to 65 mph; a man can throw over 100 mph.
  • Endurance exercise has a profound impact on the human body.
  • An increase in blood volume is one of the telltale signs of a well-trained athlete.
  • Everyone benefits from exercise or sports practice in some unique way.
Notes regarding baseball:
  • In order to be successful at becoming a good baseball player, an inspiring athlete needs these three things:
  1. Sufficient talent (inborn capability)
  2. Momentous motivation
  3. Willing to suffer through vigorous training
  • A good set of eyes (especially depth perception) is very important for baseball players. Good eyes can also easily spot the ball rotation (how the seams embedded on a baseball spin).

Ted Talk by the Sports Gene author David Epstein