Orientation – Class of 2014

Law Library tours and related Library orientation activities are the afternoon of Thursday, August 18. Here’s some useful information for 1Ls.

  • Books in print or online are found in several ways. Two places to start:
    • ANTPAC – for books, journals, and other resources at UCI campus libraries, including the Law Library
    • Melvyl – for books, journals, and other resources at libraries all over the world
  • For off-campus access to anything on the web that the library pays for, you usually need to connect to a Virtual Private Network (VPN.) During the school year, we encourage you to use the UCI Law VPN. Check the VPN Instructions from UCI Law IT.
  • Lexis and Westlaw account questions can be directed to student representatives.
  • Hours on the Law Library website are updated daily. There’s also a google calendar. UCI Law Library – Hours.
  • Course materials and related resources are available. Check out:
    1. Textbooks and study aids on reserve — how to find them, how to check them out. UCI Law Library Blog – Course Reserves
    2. Study aids in the Law Library – how to find them, how to check them out, and what kinds are available. UCI Law Library – Study aids
    3. Audio case files from CVN Law School
    4. Online lessons in a variety of doctrinal areas from CALI (Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction)