Writing for Publication – Research Tips

For students who are moving beyond legal research, here are some pointers based on recent Law Library presentations to students enrolled in Writing for Publication in the Law Review:

  • Develop a research plan and keep detailed notes about your search terms. See a sample research checklist, but note that you will need to customize the plan to fit your topic.
  • For help selecting databases particular to your topic, consult the Law Library’s Databases page, the “Databases To Get You Started Guide,” and subject-specific legal and non-legal research guides.
  • Expect to see different screens in different databases, and for searches to behave differently as well. Whenever you are in a new database or catalog, use the Advanced Search function and read the Help or Search Tips pages before beginning to search.
  • Zotero may be a helpful tool for managing your research. It allows you to save, annotate, and organize references to books, articles, and more. Zotero can also export those references into a bibliography using the Bluebook citation style. For additional information, see Georgetown Law Library’s Guide, “Citation Tools for Legal Scholarship.”
  • Remember that you can always come to the Reference Desk for help and suggestions!