Background materials – Socio-Legal Studies workshop – Fri. Nov. 4

Bill Maurer (UCI Anthropology and Law) will talk about his research on the diversification of money: “Is Payment a Public Good? Lessons from “Mobile Money.” Professor Maurer recommends two recent essays as “background” for his presentation, both of which are available in PDF:

  1. Bill Maurer, “Money Nutters,” Economic Sociology, 12, 3 (July 2011), 5-13 (available in PDF from ; and
  2. Adam Levitin, “Payment Wars: The Merchant-Bank Struggle for control of Payment Systems,” Stanford Journal of Law, Business and Finance, 12, 2 (Spring 2007), 425-85. (available in PDF to UCI community members from

The Socio-Legal Studies Workshop is an interdisciplinary seminar that meets one Friday each month over lunch (12-1.15 pm) in the Law School. The conveners are Catherine Fisk and Chris Tomlins.

  • When: Friday, Nov. 4 at noon
  • Where: In the Law School (room 3500H).
  • Who: All interested law faculty members, faculty members from outside the Law School, law students, and graduate students are welcome.