Law students: don’t forget to plan for your legal research accounts over the summer.
- Bloomberg Law. Sign up to request a student ID for Bloomberg Law. It can take a few days to process a request for a new password. You do not have to go through a special summer registration, and there are no summertime restrictions on using Bloomberg Law – you can even use your account if you’re at a firm.
- Questions about Bloomberg Law? Contact Shaina Zamaitis at SZAMAITIS@BLOOMBERG.NET.
- Lexis: If you’ve registered for Lexis Advance, you can use your Advance account to do research over the summer. You do not have to go through a special summer registration for Advance, and there are no summertime restrictions on using Advance – you can even use your account if you’re at a firm.
- Questions about Lexis Advance? Contact Michelle Yacoob at
- Westlaw: For Westlaw, there are important restrictions on law school accounts over the summer, regardless of whether you sign up for a Summer Extension. Non-academic* use is prohibited.
- If you don’t sign up for the “Summer Extension,” you have only 40 hours per month in June and July to use your academic Westlaw account.
- Need more than 40 hours per month? Use the Summer Extension form:
- Questions about Westlaw? Contact Kelly Z. Stein at
*Check Westlaw’s Summer Extension form for details about their distinction between academic and commercial use.