Law Library tours and related Library orientation activities are this week! Here’s some useful information for 1Ls, transfers, and visiting students.
Course & study materials – a few places to start:
- Course Reserves Search – for textbooks and other readings that professors put on reserve.
- Study Aids – how to find them in ANTPAC.
- CALI online lessons – ask me for the code.
Books in print or online – three places to start:
- ANTPAC – for books and journals at UCI campus libraries, including the Law Library.
- Melvyl – for books, journals, and other resources at libraries all over the world — resources that you can borrow via ILL (Inter-library loan.)
- Encore – for books at UCI, as well as journal articles from 5 databases.
Off-campus access to Law Library resources usually needs the VPN (Virtual Private Network.) Check VPN Instructions from UCI Law IT.
Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg questions can go to representatives.
- Lexis: Michelle C. Yacoob,
- Westlaw: Kristen Knepper,
- BloombergBNA: Sharon Pate,
Hours for the Law Library are updated on our website.