Our list of new books is now updated.
Last month’s new books included titles on intellectual property, academic success for law students, and international law, among other topics. One of these “other” books covers a newsworthy topic in Southern California right now—water. Historian John R. Burch, Jr surveys the history of this area in Water Rights and the Environment in the United States : a Documentary and Reference Guide. From the publisher’s abstract:
“[The author] reviews the conflicts among state, federal, and international agencies in dealing with water supply and points to competing legal rulings and laws as undermining the creation of a cohesive policy for all. Through an analysis of key documents, [the author] examines the recent calamities befalling the American water system—including droughts, oil spills, and natural disasters—and considers the future of water distribution to the American people. Organized into six parts, sections include doctrines and rights, waters of the West, border regions water management and flood control, environmental issues, and water supply and safety.
Check it out upstairs in the Reading Room at KF 5569 .B87 2015.
And for a more current, on-the-ground take on state and local water issues, come to the law school’s October 28 lunchtime talk with guest speaker Felicia Marcus, Chair of the California Water Resources Control Board.
The Law Library’s collection is constantly growing as we purchase books and other resources to support the scholarly and clinical work of faculty and students. Please let us know if you have a suggestion for a new book.