Let the UCI Libraries know what you think of Voxgov.com, a system that lets you efficiently search government news and other information from a variety of sources, including social media.
What this means for researchers is that you can search for something like “Benghazi Hearing,” and then narrow by legislative chamber, date, political party, and even gender. Search results seem to indicate that Republicans are saying a lot more about this issue than Democrats. (Does your favorite free Google-Bing-iPedia search do this well? Mine doesn’t.) From their “About”:
- Find official U.S. Federal Government documents, legislation, releases and social media updates from all three branches of the U.S. Federal Government, offices, officials and elected representatives
- Data includes official news, media and information including press releases, transcripts, fact sheets, newsletters, bulletins, speeches, statements, Legislation, Congressional Documents, the Regulatory Documents and much more
- See what U.S. Federal Government offices, officials and elected representatives say on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube
- Side-by-side comparison of government documents based on a wide range of selectable groups
- Content is both archival and near real-time, current news
- Search suggestions based on content trends and popular queries
- Drill-down to easily investigate topics, people or issues.
Send any feedback to Dan Tsang, dtsang@uci.edu. The UC Irvine trial runs through October 31, 2015.