Our list of new books is updated. Last month, the Law Library received a wide variety of materials, from the entire run of The Good Wife on DVD to books on international arbitration issues.
One of our new titles is Unwarranted: Policing Without Permission, by NYU Law professor (and Director of the Policing Project) Barry Friedman. In the book, Professor Friedman argues
We allow… [policing] agencies to operate in secret and to decide how to police us, rather than calling the shots ourselves. And the courts, which we depended upon to supervise policing, have let us down entirely.1
Professor Friedman talked with Law Professor and Volokh Conspiracy author Orin Kerr about the book in March. Listen to their debate over at Fed-Soc.org. After you take in the debate, check out the book upstairs in the Reading Room at KF 5399 .F75 2017.
Our collection supports the scholarly and clinical work of faculty and students. Let us know if you have a suggestion for a new book.
1. Barry Friedman, Orin S. Kerr, & John G. Malcolm, “Unwarranted: Policing Without Permission by Barry Friedman – Podcast”, The Federalist Society: Multimedia (March 15, 2017), http://www.fed-soc.org/multimedia/detail/unwarranted-policing-without-permission-by-barry-friedman-podcast.