Occupancy update

Views of downstairs.
Views of downstairs as of February 28, 2013. Areas for final touch-up are marked with tape.

The downstairs has been revealed! Over the next few days, crews will put finishing touches on carpet and paint, and study room furniture will be delivered and arranged. Then next week (during the mid-semester review period) library staff will start putting the books away.

If you’ve recently asked at the desk about using the new space, you might have heard that we’re waiting for the fire marshal’s ok. That is, before students or staff can start officially using the new spaces, we need our “Certificate of Occupancy.” Library staff will be downstairs putting books away next week under a sort of temporary permit, but we can’t open the space to students until we get that final certificate.

If you’re curious about the law covering this process (e.g., why is the fire marshal responsible for inspections?) you could do the following:

  1. Start with our guide to treatises on Land Use and Zoning – California.
  2. Check the CEB title “California Land Use Practice
  3. Look at Chapter 11 on Building Regulations (it has sections on Inspections and Local Enforcement Obligations), as well as Chapter 20 on Code Enforcement.

 Check back here for updates!