New on the shelves – October 2013

Our list of new books is now updated.

book coverIn October, the Law Library received books on immigration, labor law, international law, and criminal law, among other topics. One of our new titles, Reflections on Judging, by Judge Richard Posner, was reviewed in the New York Times on November 8, 2013 by Professor Kenji Yoshino.  The book covers the influential judge’s thoughts on the federal judiciary, interpretation, and opinion-writing and advocacy. It’s shelved with other books about appellate practice, upstairs in the Reading Room at KF 9050 .P55.

This title might be familiar to students who follow Professor Rick Hasen’s Election Law Blog, where several recent posts discuss responses to a line in the book about Crawford, an important voter ID case. In the book, Judge Posner characterizes the Indiana voter ID law that he upheld as “a type of law now widely regarded as a means of voter suppression rather than of fraud prevention.”1

The Law Library’s collection is constantly growing as we purchase books and other resources to support the scholarly and clinical work of faculty and students. Please let us know if you have a suggestion for a new book.

1 Richard A. Posner, Reflections on Judging 84-85 (2013).