12:10 to 12:30 pm in the Law Library Computer Lab
Learn about the large collections of full-text documents in HeinOnline, and get an introduction to its powerful search syntax. Are you thinking about participating on a journal? HeinOnline is especially useful for source-gathering in journal cite-checking work!
[Handout – HeinOnline]
Oxford University Press eBooks
Thirty new books were in the January update to Law titles in Oxford Scholarship Online. (Groups of titles are added a few times a year.) Subjects include: legal history and philosophy, analytic and comparative work on legal doctrine, empirical research on law in modern society, etc. See titles from:
- Oxford Studies in European Law,
- Oxford Monographs in International Law,
- Oxford Monographs in Criminal Law and Justice,
- Clarendon Studies in Criminology,
- Oxford Monographs in Labour Law,
- Oxford Studies in Modern Legal History,
- Oxford Studies in International Economic Law, and
- the International Courts and Tribunals series, alongside many other works.
UC Irvine Libraries have other Oxford Scholarship Online titles, including the full text and abstracts of classic and newly published Oxford books in the areas of Economics and Finance, Philosophy, Political Science, and Religion.
Click through from ANTPAC.
20-Minute Training – Researching Paper Topics – Tues. 1/25
12:10 to 12:30 pm in the Law Library Computer Lab
Learn about resources to help you choose a paper topic and find existing literature on that topic, including LegalTrac, Current Index to Legal Periodicals, and BNA’s chart of Circuit Splits in US Law Week.
[Handout – Researching Paper Topics]
Audio Case Files
Courtroom View Network (CVN) Law School is an online resource geared to law students and faculty, offering audio versions of precedential judicial opinions. You can browse through and download audio files by 1L, 2L and 3L subjects, casebooks, and most popular cases. You can also access trial videos by case name, practice area or jurisdiction, including real courtroom video clips highlighting trial techniques with analysis.
Click through from ANTPAC.
20-Minute Training – Advanced Caselaw – Tues. 11/9
12:10 to 12:30 pm in MPAA 420
Designed to make you a more effective and efficient caselaw researcher, this session will cover topics such as dockets, advanced searching with segments and fields, and using Shepard’s and KeyCite to update and expand your research.
[Handout – Cases]
Legal Research Boot Camp – Wed. 5/12
Be sure to start your summer job on the right foot by joining the research librarians for a full-day legal research Boot Camp! We will run you through the basics of online legal research, help to synthesize and reinforce the skills you’ve learned thus far, and talk about how to successfully approach summer research projects.
When: Wednesday, May 12, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Where: MPAA 130
What we’ll cover:
- Introduction to the legal research process.
- Secondary sources
- Statutes
- Cases
- Regulations
- Legal Research Methodology, Applied.
2010 Celebration of Books – Wed 4/21
3:00 – 5:00 pm.
An event to highlight and acknowledge the authored and co-authored, edited and co-edited books by our faculty published from April 2010 through March 2011.
Honored in 2010: Dan Burk · Erwin Chemerinsky · Catherine Fisk · Christopher Leslie · Elizabeth Loftus · Rachel Moran · Tony Reese · Ann Southworth · Christopher Tomlins