The quiet zone

Over the next few weeks, please be extra careful to keep the noise level in the Library as low as possible so we can provide law students  with a quiet place to study.

The California Room on the lower level has been designated as a “quiet zone” for silent study. Try this area if you’re hoping to minimize distractions.

Here are a few other things to keep in mind:

  • Voices carry. When it comes to noise, the biggest source of complaints is from talking. So if conversation is necessary, keep it brief and be attentive to how well others can hear you. Whispers can carry quite far in some parts of the Library. And cell phone calls are not permitted anywhere in the Library.
  • Even behind doors. The computer lab and group study rooms are not entirely sound-proofed, so your classmates nearby can definitely hear it if things get boisterous.
  • Kindness wins. We encourage you all to be patient with each other during the exam season. We also encourage all law students to contact anyone on the Library staff with Library-related questions or concerns.


Study Room Reservations (pilot program 2015-16)

Upstairs. One of the study rooms.
One of the study rooms.

Law students can now reserve study rooms online up to two weeks in advance.

Check out your key at the Service Counter when your reservation begins. To book a room:

  1. Choose one of the study rooms in the Law Library:
  2. Click “Book it”
  3. Use the retro-cool online booking system to choose the date and time. Note: be courteous to fellow students:
    • Only book once per day, and only book up to two weeks in advance.
    • Make sure your group size fits the group-use rooms.
    • Not sure if your multimedia need works in our multimedia room? Talk to Law Library staff before booking.

We’d appreciate any feedback you have on the system as we test it out!

Library keychains

library-keychain-greenHelp us folks at the service counter by flashing your UCI Law keychain as you enter the Law Library, so we know you’re a UCI law student. If you don’t yet have one of the nifty green and white keychains, stop by the service counter and pick yours up.

Everybody at the Law Library will get to recognize law students as the school year goes on. But for now, please help all of us at the Service Counter with our visitor policies, so that the library remains a comfortable place to study and collaborate.


Put the pieces together

library-puzzle Take a break from studying and work on the UCI Law Library community puzzle. Look for it downstairs, right at the bottom of the stairs.  (Next to the annotated and official United States Code volumes in print!)

Brought to you by the Law Library’s Access & Circulation department staff members.

Hours – Reading & Examination, Summer

library-hoursOur hours are different in late April and early May because of Reading & Exam period. After that, hours will change again for the summer. Check our up-to-date calendar: Law Library Hours.

Our visitor policy is also different during the Reading & Exam period so that our space is conducive to study. During that time — April 23 through May 8 — only UCI Law students and UCI faculty and staff can use the Law Library.

Related links: UCI Law Academic Calendar | Law Library Hours