Source Collection 2013 – Materials

Here’s some of the material from today’s Law Library presentation to the new editorial staff of the UCI Law Review.

Congratulations to the new editors! We in the Law Library look forward to working with you this year.

Summer Research Tips – Workshop Materials

Here’s a summary of our May 10 Legal Research in Practice Workshop, as well as selected material from the small group sessions.


Summer Research Tips

Want to start with a good secondary source?

Planning to use a database this summer?

 Connecting from off campus?


  • Ask a librarian! If you don’t have one at work, ask us. We’d love to help you make a good impression! Stop by, call, or email. [ (949) 824-6746 | ]
    Our summer hours are 9 to 5 (closed for lunch)
  • Try a law library close to your job. Check our list of Southern California Law Libraries

Legal Research in Practice – Fri. 5/10

When: 9:00 a.m. to noon
Where: EDU 1111

On May 10, the Law Library will offer students Legal Research in Practice (formerly known as “Boot Camp”), a half day of legal research training in preparation for their summer jobs.  The program will include plenty of hands-on experience and tips for dealing with common summer assignments.  

RSVP by filling out our online form to guarantee your spot. Space is limited. 

20-Minute Training – Legislative Histories – Fri. 2/22

11:15 to 11:35 am (or later) in Law 3650 
Get an introduction to legislative history, with lots of time for questions at the end.

Highlighted resources include the ones that do the work for you, i.e. sources of compiled legislative histories like:

Handout – Legislative History ]

 (This training is in response to a student request. Any UCI Law student is welcome to attend. Or request your own small-group training online!)

Tax Research

For students who are interested in tax and related issues, here are some research pointers based on a the Law Library presentation to students enrolled in Professor Lawsky’s Fall 2012 Federal Income Tax class. Highlights from the presentation include:

Related links: Slides and research assignment.

IP Research

For students who are interested in IP issues, here are some pointers based on a the Law Library presentation to students enrolled in Professor Burk’s Fall 2012 Seminar on Author’s Rights.

  • Develop a research plan and keep detailed notes about your search terms. See our sample IP Research Checklist, but note that you’ll need to customize your plan to fit your topic.
  • Take advantage of Research Guides. Two favorites for IP are from Duke and Minnesota.
  • UCI Law Library has a solid collection of IP Treatises in print and online.
  • There is much more than Lexis and Westlaw! Don’t forget to check the Help screens in new research systems before you try searches because they don’t all work the same way.
  • VPN is required for many specialized legal resources, and supported by UCI Law IT Services.

Legal Research Boot Camp 2012 – Materials

Here’s a short summary of the program, with links to selected documentation.

  • Approaching New Research Projects: Preliminary Analysis and Secondary Sources. [slides]
  • Off-campus access to UCI Law databases using VPN. Related link: Law Library Password FAQ.
  • Tips: Bloomberg Law, Lexis, and Westlaw.
  • Hands-on research examples  [ Note-taking template ]
  • Lunch and panel. Panelists were: Sheila Neville, Senior Attorney at Legal Aid Foundation Los Angeles; Michael Torres, Acting Assistant City Attorney at City of Newport Beach; Nathan Scott, Senior Attorney at California Court of Appeal, 4th District.
  • Primary Sources
  • Common Summer Research Projects [slides] Check the slides for starting tips on:
    • Dockets
    • Multi-jurisdiction surveys
    • Legislative History
    • Updating – taking an earlier brief, memo, etc. and checking for developments
    • Issue research
  • Externship Program remarks from Laura Fry