No construction during Reading & Exams

The construction team confirmed today that their plans for a quieter Reading & Examination period are still on target. The schedule calls for crews plan to work very early mornings during that time. This means that, barring any delays in the next couple of weeks, there will be no construction when the Library is open (8 am – 11 pm) during exams (December 3 – 14.)

Before exams, crews plan to finish as much as possible. Inspections, drywall, and electrical work are all on the schedule. After exams, crews will resume the full-time schedule and focus on some noisier tasks like installing shelves. So if you’re planning to use the Law Library over the winter break, you might want to check back here for updates!

Upstairs study rooms – construction starts!

Work begins Thursday upstairs on the main floor, where there will eventually be more study rooms for law students.  Thursday’s activities should involve hanging plastic and removing carpet.

Please note that there will be a slight “simple green” odor from the carpet-removal process.  The crew plans to use an air filter to help with the smell. But the air filter will add a bit of noise as it circulates the air.

Related links: Earplugs and Study Space at UCI


We’ve got ’em—just ask at the Service Counter if you’d like a pair! In related news:

  • Walls are going up this week. Construction plans for this week call for framing and drywall downstairs, and we library staff have been told to consider bringing headphones from home. So if you’re planning to use the Library this week—especially in the mornings—please consider bringing your own headphones. Or try some of our earplugs!
  • Mornings might be noisy this week. The construction crew is going to try to do most of the noisiest work before the library even opens, but they can’t make any promises about timing and noise during this phase of the expansion. However, current plans call for the crew to finish working around 2:30 pm after those early-morning starts. So if you’re hoping for some quiet time in the Law Library this week, late afternoons are probably your best bet.

Study space at UCI

We’ve pulled together information about study spaces at UCI for those of you who are looking for options during the Law Library Expansion.

In the law school

MPAA 408, 420, and 430 are available as study space when there are no classes in session.

On campus

There are several other libraries here at UCI, as well as a variety of areas dedicated to quiet study. We’ve put a map with hours and other details on bulletin boards around the law school, and it’s also available online in PDF: Map of Study Spaces at UCI.

Our crack team of investigative librarians tapped into our network of UCI insiders* to get the scoop on these mysterious places beyond MPAA, and according to our sources:

Study Spaces at UCI – more details are at

If you want a guaranteed quiet space, Science is your best bet. You can even get a study room sometimes.

The Student Center is nice because it’s quiet, but sometimes the seating options are kind of limited.

The nice thing about the Gateway center is that it’s open all the time.

During Reading and Exam Periods

As a reminder, we want to reassure law students that

  • the law library is reserved exclusively for law students during reading and exam period, because we are closed to visitors during that time, and
  • it should be relatively quiet, because current plans call for a construction break during that time.

* I asked one of the library staff who went to UCI as an undergrad.

Where are all the books from downstairs?

Luckily, many books from downstairs were moved upstairs to the main floor! And our heavily used materials (KF 154-9999), which were already upstairs on the Main floor, have mostly stayed upstairs. (Did you know that KF is the Library of Congress Classification number for Law — United States?)

What’s still here?

  • Call number ranges KA – KE, KG – KZ, and K. (Note that “K” books are shelved at the end.) This should include our major treatises and practice guides, as well as other frequently-consulted secondary sources.
  • West’s Annotated California Codes
  • The United States Code and current issues of law reviews are behind the service counter in Reserves; please ask a staff member to retrieve them for you.

What’s in storage?

Most primary materials have been placed in storage.This includes:

  • Federal – reporters, digests, and both sets of annotated statutes (USCA and USCS);
  • California – reporters, digests, and Deering’s California Codes, and
  • all other state statutory compilations.

So how can you tell where everything is? Sign - call number ranges

  • Do check the signs on the shelves. These signs — the ones that show a call number range — have been updated to reflect temporarily relocated materials.
  • Don’t use ANTPAC. The online catalog has not been updated to reflect items being in storage or temporarily relocated to the Reading Room.
  • You can always ask a staff member if you need help finding something!

Detailed expansion plans

We’re excited to share plans from the architect! Check out the pictures below — they highlight areas where there will be additional study space for law students. And for even more detail, you can check the 2-page PDF Expansion Plan.*

Plans for the Main Level (upstairs) call for new study rooms and a re-configured computer lab.

Main Level Plan
Main Level Plan. New student space is highlighted.

Plans for the Lower Level (downstairs) call for more study space, an additional study room, space for library staff and book processing, and more shelves.

Lower Level Plan. New student space is highlighted.

*Provided by UCI Design & Construction Services, the group responsible for managing construction projects on campus.

Lexis and Westlaw printers move to MPAA…

this week, because the entire lower level of the Law Library is closing! The printers will live on the Fourth Floor of MPAA, near the Law Student Lounge.

  • Westlaw is scheduled to move its printer on Tuesday Oct. 16, before lunchtime.
  • Lexis is scheduled to move its printer on Wednesday Oct. 17, around lunchtime

For questions about these printers (which are owned and operated by Lexis and Westlaw) contact the student representatives. Their contact information is on the Law School home screens of each site:

Expansion Project – Starting Soon!

construction worker imageThe Law Library is beginning an expansion project! Some key dates from the current plan:

  • Week of Oct. 8 – Close the computer lab.
  • Week of Oct. 15 – Close the lower level and move books. (Primary materials go off-site, secondary materials go upstairs.)
  • Week of Oct. 22 – Begin construction.

The project is scheduled to end during the Spring semester of the 2012-13 school year. After the expansion, there will be more shelves, more group study rooms, and more study space. So stay tuned – we’ll be posting updates here on the blog!