Daily Archives: October 30, 2012

Finding your Space

As a first-generation Latina, I had to balance leaving home and carving out my own home once I got to UCI. This was eased with the family I found among my new roommates and hallmates from Jardin, forming long lasting … Continue reading

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Where do I start?

I hardly knew about UCI until I was accepted as an undergraduate.  The first time I went to UCI was Celebrate UCI/Wayzgoose 2007 with my mom.  We rode the shuttle around Ring Road, walked throughout Aldrich park, and attended a … Continue reading

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From Tokyo to Irvine: A Story of One Anteater

I stepped foot onto UCI in September 2007.  I was lost.  I was born in Torrance, but I had spent my entire life in Japan.  That was because when I was born, my parents decided to raise me in Japan … Continue reading

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A Sylvan Reminiscence

Whenever I think of UC Irvine, the first thing that pops in my mind is the trees. It may seem like a mundane or unimportant aspect of our campus, but whenever I think of UCI I think of how we … Continue reading

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Remember that One Time in SAEP when…

Since I heard about Main Street UCI in 2010, I have been thinking about what to write for the Archives. I keep coming back to different variations of the same thing and that is where it all began. Four months … Continue reading

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Mujer On Campus

I was raised in northeast Los Angeles, in the vibrant working class Latin@ town El Sereno.  I am a first-generation college student who stepped onto the UCI campus with great ambitions.  Coming to UC Irvine was a big change in … Continue reading

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