MR Maltz, CJ Carey, N Pombubpa, H Freund, J Stajich, S Hart, S Aciego, S Aarons, C Riebe, E Stacy, M Blakowski, N Dove, M Barnes, J Botthoff, EL Aronson. 2022. Landscape topography and regional drought events alter dust microbiomes in California’s Sierra Nevada. Frontiers in Microbiology. 13:
Costa MT***, E. Ezcurra, O. Aburto-Oropeza, MR Maltz, K Arogyaswamy***, J Botthoff, EL Aronson. Baja California Sur mangrove deep peat microbial communities cycle nitrogen but do not affect old carbon pool. 2022. Marine Ecology Progress Series.
Z Chan, MR Maltz, S Ye, J Cao, R. Russell, H Shang. 2022. Effects of highly elevated CO2 and nitrogen fertilization on Schima superba growth and soil microbial community composition. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 22:1555–1571
Jackson D***, MR Maltz, J Borneman, EL Aronson. 2021. Bacterial dispersal by terrestrial slugs: Microbiomes and microcosms. Insects; Invited: Special Issue: Biology and Management of Slug and Snails. 12:575.
Maltz MR+, Freund H+***, Swenson M., Topacio T., Montellano V, Porter W, and E Aronson. 2021. Microbiome interactions and their ecological implications at the Salton Sea. California Agriculture. Invited, Special Issue. 76:16-26
Pickett B***, C Carey, MR Maltz, P Catalan, J Botthoff, E Aronson. 2021. Contrasting soil and root bacterial communities in Brachypodium hybridum native and invaded ranges. Biological Invasions. 24:1097-1116
Z Chen, MR Maltz, Y Zhang, BJ O’Brien, M Neff, Y Wang, J Cao. 2021. Plantations of Cinnamomum camphora with distinct soil bacterial communities mitigate soil acidity within polluted locations in Southwest China. Forests. 12:657
Biddle T, MR Maltz, Q. Li, R. Drover, D Lo. 2021. Investigation into the pulmonary health effects of Sea Spray from a decaying inland Sea: An in vivo study of aerosolized Salton Sea water exposure in mice. Science of the Total Environment. 792:148450
Chakraborty R, MR Maltz, D Del Castillo D, P Tandel, N Messig, M Anguilano, D Lo. 2021. Selective targeting of Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor 1 induces stable protection in a model of Crohn’s disease. Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis. 222:1-14
Biddle T, R. Chakraborty, Q. Li, MR Maltz, J Gerrard, D Lo. 2021. The drying Salton Sea and asthma: A “natural” disaster? California Agriculture. Invited, Special Issue. 76:27-36
NC Dove, Arogyaswamy K, Billings SA, Botthoff JK, Carey CJ, Cisco C, DeForest JL, Fairbanks D, Fierer N , Gallery RE, JP Kaye, Lohse KA, Maltz MR, Mayorga E, Pett-Ridge J, Yang WH, Hart SC, Aronson EL. 2020. Continental-scale patterns of extracellular enzyme activity in the subsoil: an overlooked reservoir of microbial activity. Environmental Research Letters.
MR Maltz+, Schmidt K+**, P Ta, B Khalili, C Weihe, M Phillips, E Aronson, M Lulow, J Long, S Kimball. 2020. Identifying mechanisms for successful ecological restoration with salvaged topsoil in coastal sage scrub communities. Diversity. Invited: Special issue: “Microbial interactions with invasive plant species.” 12: 4,150
A Frie , A Garrison, M Schaefer, S Bates, J Botthoff, MR Maltz, S Ying, T Lyons, EL Aronson, R Bahreini. 2019. Dust Sources in the Salton Sea Basin: A Clear Case of an Anthropogenically Impacted Dust Budget. Environmental Science and Technology.
M Phillips, E Aronson, MR Maltz, EB Allen. 2019. Native and invasive inoculation sources modify fungal community assembly and biomass production of a chaparral shrub. Applied Soil Ecology.
T Brewer, E Aronson, K Arogyaswamy, SA Billings, JK Botthoff, AN Campbell, NC Dove,D Fairbanks, R Gallery, S Hart, J Kaye, G King, G Logan, K Lohse, MR Maltz, E Mayorga, C O’Neill, S Owens, A Packman, J Pett-Ride, A Plante, D Richter, W Silver, W Yang, N Fierer. 2019. Ecological and genomic attributes of novel bacterial taxa that thrive in deeper soil horizons. mBio.
S Aarons, L Arvin, S Aciego, C Riebe, S Hart, C Carey, MR Maltz , and E Aronson. Competing droughts affect dust delivery to Sierra Nevada Aeolian Research. 2019. Aeolian Research.
X Peng, MR Maltz, EL Aronson, D Cocker, D Lo. Establishment and characterization of a multi-purpose large animal exposure chamber for investigating health effects. 2019. Review of Scientific Instruments.
MR Maltz^§, Z Chen^, J Cao, K Arogyaswamy, EL Aronson. Ectomycorrhizal inoculation may ameliorate acid rain impacts on soil microbial communities associated with Pinus massoniana seedlings. 2019. Fungal Ecology; Special issue: “Ecology of mycorrhizas in the Anthropocene.”
Z Chen, J Cao, H Yu, H Shang, MR Maltz, EL Aronson. 2019 Elevated O3 alters soil bacterial and fungal communities and carbon and nitrogen dynamic. Science of the Total Environment.
M Bahram, F Hildebrand, K Forsland, JL Anderson, NA Soudzilovskaia, PM Bodegom, J Bengtsson-Palme, S Anslan, LP Coelho, H Harend, J Huerta-Cepas, MH Madema, MR Maltz, S Mundra, PA Olsson, M Pent, S Polme, S Sunagawa, M Ryberg, L Tedersoo, P Bork. 2018. Towards the structure and function of the global topsoil microbiome. 2018. Nature. 560:333-337
B Pickett, MR Maltz, EL Aronson. 2018. Fungal legacies of invasive plants. (Book chapter in Invasive Plants)
MR Maltz, KK Treseder, KL McGuire. 2017. Links between plant and fungal diversity in habitat fragments of coastal sage scrub. PLoS ONE. 12(9)
MR Maltz, CE Bell, MJ Mitrovich, AR Iyer,* KK Treseder. 2016. Invasive plant management techniques alter arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Ecological Restoration. 34:2
A Aprahamian**, ME Lulow, MR Major, KR Balasz, KK Treseder, MR Maltz†. 2016. Arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation in coastal sage scrub restoration. Botany §. 94:1-7
CI Looby, MR Maltz, KK Treseder. 2016. Belowground responses to elevation in a changing cloud forest. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. 6:1996-2009
KK Treseder, Y Marusenko, AL Romero-Olivares, MR Maltz. 2016. Experimental warming selects for fungal decomposers that use recalcitrant carbon. Global Change Biology. 22:3395-3404
MR Maltz, KK Treseder. 2014. Sources of inocula influence mycorrhizal colonization of plants in restoration projects. Restoration Ecology. 23:625-634
KK Treseder, MR Maltz, BA Hawkins, N Fierer, JE Stajich, KL McGuire. 2014. Evolutionary histories of soil fungi are reflected in their large-scale biogeography. Ecology Letters. 17:1086-1093
Manuscripts in Submission or Preparation
MR Maltz, K Arogyaswamy***, H Freund***, T Brewer, SA Billings, JK Botthoff, AN Campbell, NC Dove, D Fairbanks, R Gallery, S Hart, K Lohse, E Mayorga, S Owens, A Packman, J Pett-Ridge, A Plante, D Richter, W Silver, W Yang, N Fierer, EL Aronson. Geospatial location and depth determines soil fungal community composition and function. Scientific Advances. (in prep)
MR Maltz, R Hernandez, M Phillips, H Freund, H Shulman, J Botthoff, MF Allen, EL Aronson. Microbial community structure in recovering forests of Mount St. Helens. (in prep)
Maltz MR. Fungi, ecosystems, and global change. Book Chapter: The Regenerative Landscaper. Syngenta Press. Washington, D.C.
W Yang, …MR Maltz, et al. Eight big questions about biogeochemistry in the critical zone. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (in preparation).
* Supervised high school student; ** Supervised undergraduate student; † Corresponding author; ^ Co-First Authors; § Invited.
Non-Peer Reviewed Publications
V Montellano, N Rodriguez, L Garcia, M Maltz, E Aronson. Mind the microbes. Dispatch. California Invasive Plant Council.
T Cheeke, S Branco, D Haelewaters, D Natvig, MR Maltz, S Rodriguez, M Cafaro, G May. Diversity in the Mycological Society of America. Inoculum Allen Press, Lawrence, Kansas.
MR Maltz Ecological Restoration of Fungi. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California Irvine. Irvine, California
MR Maltz Fungi in ecosystems: A multi-trophic approach to bioremediation. M.S. Thesis, Sonoma State University. Rohnert Park, California