I am a 4th year computer science PhD candidate and NSF Graduate Research Fellow at the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of California at Irvine.
I obtained a B.S. in Mathematics-Computer Science from the University of California at San Diego with a minor in Cognitive Science: Machine Learning and Neural Computation. My industry experience encompasses a number of software engineering positions, including full-stack software engineering on a risk engineering team in the FinTech space.
My research involves the integration of brain-inspired computing paradigms to popular deep reinforcement learning algorithms. My research also spans developing interpretable artificial intelligence, as well as the ethics and regulation around this rapidly developing technology.
To recharge from work, I enjoy playing soccer and tennis, as well as taking advantage of Southern California’s diverse terrain with snowboarding and surfing.
- Jun-Aug 24: Interned at Meta as a Machine Learning Engineer in New York
- Jun 24: Our paper, “CyberRL: Brain-Inspired Reinforcement Learning for Efficient Network Intrusion Detection” has been accepted to TCAD
- Jun 03: Advanced to PhD Candidacy
- Sep 23: Gave a talk at SRC’s TECHCON in Austin
- Mar 23: Gave a talk at GOMACTech in San Diego
- Jan 23: Gave a talk at ASP-DAC (Tokyo)
- Oct 22: Received the NSF-sponsored Travel Grant to attend the 40th Annual ICCD Conference in Lake Tahoe
- Sep 22: Gave a talk at SRC’s TECHCON in Austin
- Aug 22: Our paper, “HyperDimensional Hybrid Learning on End-Edge-Cloud Networks” has been accepted to ICCD
- Apr 22: Received the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
- Sep 21: Started a PhD at UC Irvine