Skelin I, Zhang H, Zheng J, Ma S, Mander BA, Kim McManus O, Vadera S, Knight RT, McNaughton BL, Lin JJ. (2021) Coupling between slow waves and sharp-wave ripples engages distributed neural activity during sleep in humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118.
Esteves IM, Chang H, Neumann AR, Sun J, Mohajerani MH, McNaughton BL. (2020) Spatial Information Encoding Across Multiple Neocortical Regions Depends on an Intact Hippocampus. The Journal of Neuroscience
Deibel SH, Rota R, Steenland HW, Ali K, McNaughton BL, Tatsuno M, McDonald RJ. (2020) Assessment of Sleep, K-Complexes, and Sleep Spindles in a T21 Light-Dark Cycle. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 14: 551843.
Tatsuno M, Malek S, Kalvi L, Ponce-Alvarez A, Ali K, Euston DR, Grün S, McNaughton BL. (2020) Correction to ‘Memory reactivation in rat medial prefrontal cortex occurs in a subtype of cortical UP state during slow-wave sleep’. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 375: 20200258.
Demchuk AM, Dube ST, Mesina L, McNaughton BL. (2020) Limitations of the GENSAT Egr1-EGFP transgenic mouse strain for neural circuit activity mapping. Neuroscience Letters. 732: 135072.
Benthem SD, Skelin I, Moseley SC, Stimmell AC, Dixon JR, Melilli AS, Molina L, McNaughton BL, Wilber AA. (2020) Impaired Hippocampal-Cortical Interactions during Sleep in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Current Biology : Cb.
Tatsuno M, Malek S, Kalvi L, Ponce-Alvarez A, Ali K, Euston DR, Gruen S, McNaughton BL. (2020) Memory reactivation in rat medial prefrontal cortex occurs in a subtype of cortical UP state during slow-wave sleep. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 375: 20190227.
Chang H, Esteves IM, Neumann AR, Sun J, Mohajerani MH, McNaughton BL. (2020) Coordinated activities of retrosplenial ensembles during resting-state encode spatial landmarks. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 375: 20190228.
Eckert MJ, McNaughton BL, Tatsuno M. (2020) Neural ensemble reactivation in rapid eye movement and slow-wave sleep coordinate with muscle activity to promote rapid motor skill learning. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 375: 20190655.
McClelland JL, McNaughton BL, Lampinen AK. (2020) Integration of new information in memory: new insights from a complementary learning systems perspective. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 375: 20190637.
Mao D, Molina LA, Bonin V, McNaughton BL. (2020) Vision and Locomotion Combine to Drive Path Integration Sequences in Mouse Retrosplenial Cortex. Current Biology : Cb.
Karimi Abadchi J, Nazari-Ahangarkolaee M, Gattas S, Bermudez-Contreras E, Luczak A, McNaughton BL, Mohajerani MH. Spatiotemporal patterns of neocortical activity around hippocampal sharp-wave ripples. Elife. 9.
Allen LM, Jayachandran M, Viena TD, Su M, McNaughton BL, Allen TA. (2020) RatHat: A self-targeting printable brain implant system. Eneuro.
Abadchi JK, Nazari-Ahangarkolaee M, Gattas S, Bermudez-Contreras E, Luczak A, McNaughton BL, Mohajerani MH. (2020) Author response: Spatiotemporal patterns of neocortical activity around hippocampal sharp-wave ripples Elife.
Inayat S, Nazariahangarkolaee M, Singh S, McNaughton BL, Whishaw IQ, Mohajerani MH. (2019) Low acetylcholine during early sleep is important for motor memory consolidation. Sleep.
Lee JQ, Demchuk AM, Morgan E, McHugh R, McNaughton BL, Sutherland RJ, McDonald RJ. (2019) Place navigation in the Morris water task results in greater nuclear Arc mRNA expression in dorsal compared to ventral CA1. Hippocampus.
Creighton SD, Collett HA, Zonneveld PM, Pandit RA, Huff AE, Jardine KH, McNaughton BL, Winters BD. (2019) Development of an “object category recognition” task for mice: Involvement of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. Behavioral Neuroscience.
Stimmell AC, Baglietto-Vargas D, Moseley SC, Lapointe V, Thompson LM, LaFerla FM, McNaughton BL, Wilber AA. (2019) Impaired Spatial Reorientation in the 3xTg-AD Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Scientific Reports. 9: 1311.
Mehla, J., Lacoursiere S.G., Lapointe V., McNaughton B.L., Sutherland R.J., McDonald R.J., Mohajerani M.H. (2018) Age-dependent behavioral and biochemical characterization of single APP knock-in mouse (APP NL-G-F/NL-G-F) model of Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiol Aging,75:25-37.
Witharana, W.K.L., Clark, B.J, Trivedi, V., Mesina, L., McNaughton, B.L. (2018)Immediate-early gene Homer1a intranuclear transcription focus intensity as a measure of relative neural activation. Hippocampus, 23036.
Mao, D., Neumann, A.R., Sun, J., Bonin, V., Mohajerani, M.H., McNaughton, B.L. (2018) Hippocampus-dependent emergence of spatial sequence coding in retrosplenial cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 115(31):8015-8018.
Mashhoori, A., Hashemnia, S., McNaughton, B.L., Euston, D.R., Gruber, A.J. (2018) Rat anterior cingulate cortex recalls features of remote reward locations after disfavoured reinforcements. Elife, 29793.
Skelin, I., Kilianski, S., McNaughton, B.L. (2018) Hippocampal coupling with cortical and subcortical structures in the context of memory consolidation. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 2018.04.004.
Bermudez-Contreras, E., Chekhov, S., Sun, J., Tarnowsky, J., McNaughton, B.L., Mohajerani, M.H. (2018) High-performance, inexpensive setup for simultaneous multisite recording of electrophysiological signals and mesoscale voltage imaging in the mouse cortex. Neurophotonics, 5(2):025005.
Mitchnick, K.A., Wideman, C.E., Huff, A.E., Palmer, D., McNaughton, B.L., Winters, B.D. (2018). Development of novel tasks for studying view-invariant object recognition in rodents: Sensitivity to scopolamine. Behavioral Brain Research, 344:48-56.
Chawla, M.K., Sutherland, V.L., Olson, K., McNaughton, B.L., Barnes, C.A. (2017) Behavior-driven Arc expression is reduced in all ventral hippocampal subfields compared to CA1, CA3 and dentate gyrus in rat dorsal hippocampus. Hippocampus, in press.
Moser, E.L., Moser, M.B., McNaughton, B.L. (2017) Spatial representation in the hippocampal formation: a history. Nature Neurosci, 20(11):1448-1464.
Neumann, A.R., Raedt, R., Steenland, H.W., Sprengers, M., Bzymek, K., Navratilova, Z., Mesina, L., Xie, J., Lapointe, V., Kloosterman, F., Vonck, K., Boon, P.A.J.M., Soltesz, I., McNaughton, B.L., Luczak, A. (2017) Involvement of fast-spiking cells in ictal sequences during spontaneous seizures in rats with chronic temporal lobe epilepsy. Brain, 140(9):2355-2369.
Thome, A., Marrone, D.F., Ellmore, T.M., Chawla, M.K., Lipa, P., Ramirez-Amaya, V., Lisanby, S.H., McNaughton, B.L., Barnes, C.A. (2017) Evidence for an Evolutionarily Conserved Memory Coding Scheme in the Mammalian Hippocampus. J Neurosci, 37(10): 2795-2801.
Kandler, S., Mao, D., McNaughton, B.L., Bonin, V. (2017) bioRxiv-CSHL-Journals, 199364.
Contreras, E.J.B., Chekhov, S., Tarnowsky, J., Sun, J., McNaughton, B.L. (2017) A high-performance, inexpensive setup for simultaneous multi-site recording of electrophysiological signals and wide-field optical imaging of the mouse cortex. bioRxiv-CSHL Journals, 177188.
Mao, D., Kandler, S., McNaughton, B.L., Bonin, V. (2017) Sparse orthogonal population representation of spatial context in the retrosplenial cortex. Nature Comm, 8:243.
Wilber, A., Skelin, I., McNaughton, B.L. (2017) Laminar Organization of encoding and memory reactivation in the parietal cortex. bioRxiv-CSHL Journals, 110684.
Chemla, S., Witharana, W.K.L., McNaughton, B.L. (2016). Spatiotemporal after-effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on sensory-evoked activity in rat S1: A pilot VSDI study. Current Neurobiology, 7(2):30-35.
Witharana, W.K.L., Cardiff J., Chawla, M.K., Xie, J.Y., Alme, C.B., Eckert, M., Lapointe, V., Demchuk, A., Maurer, A.P., Trivedi, V., Sutherland, R.J., Guzowski, J.F., Barnes, C.A., McNaughton, B.L. (2016) Nonuniform allocation of hippocampal neurons to place fields across all hippocampal subfields. Hippocampus, 26(10): 1328-1344.
Schwindel, C.D., Navratilova, Z., Ali, K., Tatsuno, M., McNaughton, B.L. Reactivation of rate remapping in CA3. (2016) Journal of Neuroscience, 36(36): 9342-9350.
Michon, F., Aarts, A., Holzhammer, T., Ruther, P., Borghs, G., McNaughton, B.L., Kloosterman, F. Integration of silicon-based neural proves and micro-drive arrays for chronic recording of large populations of neurons in behaving animals. Journal of Neural Engineering, 13(4): 046018.
Mesina, L., Wilber, A.A., Clark, B.J., Dube, S., Demecha, A.J., Stark, C.E.L., McNaughton, B.L. A methodological pipeline for serial-section imaging and tissue realignment for whole-brain functional and connectivity assessment. (2016). Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 266: 151-160.
Navratilova, Z., Godfrey, K.B., McNaughton, B.L. Grids from bands, or bands from grids? An examination of the effects of single unit contamination on grid cell firing fields. (2016). Journal of Neurophysiology, 115(2): 992-1002.
Valdes, J. L., McNaughton, B.L., Fellous, J.M. (2015). Off-Line Reactivation of Experience-Dependent Neuronal Firing Patterns in the Rat Ventral Tegmental Area. Journal of Neurophysiology. DOI: 10.1152/jn.00758.2014
Wilber, A., Clark, B.J., Demecha, A.J., Mesina, L., Vos, J.M., and McNaughton, B.L. (2015). Cortical connectivity maps reveal anatomically distinct areas in the parietal cortex of the rat. Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 8(146):1-15. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2014.00146.
Ormond, J. and McNaughton, B.L. (2015). Place field expansion after focal MEC inactivations is consistent with loss of Fourier components and path-integrator gain reduction. PNAS, Tracking #: 2014-21963R.
Steenland, H.W. and McNaughton, B.L. Chapter 2: Silicon probe techniques for large-scale multiunit recording, In Analysis and Modeling of Coordinated Multi-neuronal Activity, Springer Series in Computational Neuroscience, Springer Publishing, (2014)
Steenland, H.W. and McNaughton, B.L. Chapter 1: Techniques for large scale multiunit recording, In Analysis and Modeling of Coordinated Multi-neuronal Activity, Springer Series in Computational Neuroscience, Springer Publishing, (2014).
Wilber, A.A., Clark, B.J., Forster, T.C., Tatsuno, M., McNaughton, B.L. (2014). Interaction of egocentric and world-centered reference frames in the rat posterior parietal cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34(16):5431-5446.
Schwindel, C.D., Ali, K., McNaughton, B.L., Tatsuno, M. (2014). Long-term recordings improve the detection of weak excitatory–excitatory connections in rat prefrontal cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34(16):5454-5467.
Bermudez Contreras, E., Gomez Palacio Schjetnan, A., Muhammad, A., Bartho, P., McNaughton, B.L., Kolb, B., Gruber, A., Luczak, A.* (2013). Formation and reverberation of sequential neural activity patterns evoked by sensory stimulation is enhanced during cortical desynchronization. Neuron, 79(3):555-566.
Montes-Rodríguez, C.J., Lapointe, V., Trivedi, V., Lu, Q., Demchuk, A.M., McNaughton, B.L. (2013). Postnatal development of Homer1a in the rat hippocampus. Hippocampus. 2013 Jun 3.
Nieuwenhuis, I.L.C., Takashima, A., Oostenveld, R., McNaughton, B.L., Fernández, G., and Jensen, O. (2012). The Neocortical Network Representing Associative Memory Reorganizes with Time in a Process Engaging the Anterior Temporal Lobe. Cerebral Cortex, 22(11):2622-33.
Euston, D.R., Gruber, A.J., McNaughton, B.L. (2012). “The Role of Medial Prefrontal Cortex in memory and decision making”. Neuron, 76 (6), 1057-1070.
Navratilova Z, Hoang LT, Schwindel CD, Tatsuno M and McNaughton B.L. (2012). Experience-dependent firing rate remapping generates directional selectivity in hippocampal place cells. Front. Neural Circuits 6:6. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2012.00006
Navratilova, Z., Giocomo, L.M., Fellous, J.M., Hasselmo, M.E., and McNaughton, B.L. (2011). Phase precession and variable spatial scaling in a periodic attractor map model of medial entorhinal grid cells with realistic after-spike dynamics. Hippocampus. 2011 Apr 11. doi: 10.1002/hipo.20939.
McNaughton, B.L. (2010) Cortical hierarchies, sleep, and the extraction of knowledge from memory. Artificial Intelligence, 174:205-214.
Alme C.B., Buzzetti R.A., Marrone D.F., Leutgeb J.K., Chawla M.K., Schaner M.J., Bohanick J.D., Khoboko T., Leutgeb S., Moser E.I., Moser M.-B., McNaughton B.L. and Barnes C.A. (2010) Hippocampal Granule Cells Opt for Early Retirement. Hippocampus, 20:1109-1123.
Colgin L.L., Leutgeb S., Jezek K., Leutgeb J.K., Moser E.I., McNaughton B.L., Moser, M-B (2010) Attractor-Map Versus Autoassociation Based Attractor Dynamics in the Hippocampal Network. J. Neurophysiology, The Journal of Neurophysiol, 104:35-50.
Johnson L.A., Euston D.R., Tatsuno M., McNaughton, B.L., (2010) “Stored-trace reactivation in rat prefrontal cortex is correlated with down-to-up state fluctuation density”, The Journal of Neuroscience, 30:2650-2661.
Lansink, C.S., Golstein, P.M., Lankelma, J.V., McNaughton, B.L., and Pennartz, C.M.A. (2009) Hippocampus leads ventral striatum in replay of place-reward information. PLOS Biology, 7:1-11.
Takehara-Nishiuchi, K. & McNaughton, B.L. (2008) Spontaneous changes in neocortical code for associative memory during consolidation. Science 322:960-963
Cowen, S.L. and McNaughton, B.L. (2007) Selective delay activity in the medial prefrontal cortex of the rat: Contribution of sensorimotor information and contingency. Journal of Neurophysiology, 98:303-316.
Marrone, D.F., Schaner, M.J., McNaughton, B.L., Worley, P.F., and Barnes, C.A. (2008) Immediate-early gene expression at rest recapitulates recent experience. The Journal of Neuroscience, 28:1030-1033.
McNaughton, B.L., Battaglia, F.P., Jensen, O., Moser, E.I., and Moser, M-B. (2006) Path-integration and the neural basis of the ‘cognitive map’. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 7:663:678.
Sargolini, F., Fyhn, M., Hafting, T., McNaughton, B.L., Witter, M.P., Moser, M-B. and Moser, E.I. (2006) Conjunctive representation of position, direction and velocity in entorhinal cortex. Science, 312:758-762.33