Recent Talks and Lessons
Some of our recent work speaking at workshops and other events. Talks are from researchers, educators and teacher-leaders!
Lateral Reading
Daisy Martin, director at the UC Santa Cruz History Project discusses lateral reading, its uses and resources to learn more!
The Media Literacy Ecosystem
Joseph Aubele, PhD student at UC Irvine, discusses a theory based look at the media literacy ecosystem and the interactions that exist.
Evaluating Evidence
Jake Steiss, PhD student at UC Irvine, talks about important aspects of evaluating evidence.
Information as a Consumer and Producer
Nicole Gilbertson, co-director at UC Irvine’s Teacher Academy discusses how to orient students to analyze media both as a consumer and as a producer.
Digging Deeper at Images
Simon Fellowes, teacher-leader and World History teacher discusses how to dig deeper at images in order to add context and understand the truth behind snapshots
Doctored photos and Reverse Image Searching
Courtney Amaya, teacher-leader and World History teacher discusses how to investigate the intention and effects of doctored photos and how to see if an image has been doctored.