“Though this be madness, yet there is method in ‘t.”
–William Shakespeare. Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2.
Romances & Renaissance & Restoration, oh my! Broadly interested in exploring and discussing current topics in early literature and culture. From dipping our toes into medieval matters to debating the effectiveness of Shakespeare in adaptation to discovering the gems of Restoration theater, we are interested in literature and the arts pre-1800. Meetings may include, but are not limited to, text studies, group discussions, writing groups, screenings, socials, guest speakers, and conference prep. If this interests you, and you would like to join us in our discussions and events, please consider joining our mailing list.
This group is created by graduate students, for graduate students, and is open to all departments and fields of study. Any interested faculty are welcome as well. We want this group to fit the needs of our members, so we are open to suggestions and collaborations. We typically have formal meetings every other week with independent study sessions open on the off weeks. No set time commitment necessary–attend whatever events interest you!