
Teaching Associate (sole instructor)

  • C10: Fundamentals of CLS – Spring 2024 (undergrad)

Teaching Assistant

  • SE10: Research Methods – Fall 2019 (undergrad)
  • CLS C170: Issues in Policing (virtual) – Spring 2021 (undergrad)
  • SE 264A: Data Analysis – Fall 2021 & Winter 2020 (grad) – designed and instructed a weekly lab on basic STATA coding.
  • CLS C212: Policing (virtual) – Fall 2023 (grad)

Selected Student Feedback

“Meghan was extremely helpful in terms of answering all my concerns for this class. She even promised to check her email once a day during Thanksgiving break to help with our research paper. Regarding my numerous email inquiries she was very patient and encouraging but also forewarned me to narrow down my scope of topic. Her stats skills are amazing ~ I want to be just like her!” – (Undergrad Student, Fall 2019)

“Meghan was extremely helpful in assisting our group with questions related to our course material. She didn’t provide us with direct answers but always challenged our thinking. Meghan was clear and concise with communicating her expectations for our project and made sure we reached out if we had any questions. She was there to answer all our questions.” – (Undergrad Student, Fall 2019)

“[Meghan] really made time for you and checked up after meeting to make sure you are doing well.” – (Undergrad Student, Fall 2019)

“Meghan is a gem! She is non-judgmental, wants us to succeed, and has the knowledge and teaching skill to help us succeed. When I emailed her about 4 days before our paper was due, I had barely started on it. But she didn’t say “you should have started sooner” or “you should have emailed me sooner.” She didn’t say any of that, instead she answered my questions diligently, quickly, and scheduled for me to come to her office hours.” – (Undergrad Student, Fall 2019)

“Keep doing what you are doing and congratulations on your first lecture this quarter. One of the best TAs I have ever had.” – (Undergrad Student, Fall 2019)

“[Meghan] was very clear, helpful and prepared. She helped students who were struggling with the lab, and she was very good at explaining class contents. She gave us very detailed feedback regarding our homework, which was extremely helpful. She was an excellent TA.” – (Graduate Student, Winter 2020)

“Meghan is an amazing instructor — she explains concepts thoroughly and clearly, is helpful with questions over email and in person, and makes the material relevant and interesting. I would recommend taking this course or any other she teaches.” – (Graduate Student, Winter 2020)

“She was very knowledgeable about the criminology field and often provided her input or knowledge/ experience during lectures to help out [the professor] She was incredibly insightful and welcoming during her discussion session and provided really helpful tips and advice for those of us who had questions regarding grad school and work experience in the criminal justice field. Super nice and understanding! She and the other TA’s worked incredibly hard to ensure we as students had the best opportunities and chances to succeed in this class and were able to comprehend and apply what we learned in lectures. One of the best TA’s I’ve ever had!” – (Undergrad Student, Spring 2021)

I really appreciated the advice on schooling as well as other options for students to pursue after graduating. Sharing her own experiences and encouraging us to achieve our goals really made an impact on me that I didn’t have to worry about taking a wrong direction.” – (Undergrad Student, Spring 2021)

Her strongest points were her review sessions. When we were preparing for the midterm and she held the review session I found that it was immensely helpful in clarifying some of my confusions and doubts about certain points made during lecture and the readings. I found her explanations to be clear and very informative. I also liked how she was always very approachable and never judgmental of the questions she was asked because it did not make me feel stupid when I asked her a question I was genuinely confused about.” – (Undergrad Student, Spring 2021)

Meghan’s feedback on homework were excellent. She not only provided feedback on our answers, but on applications beyond the course.” – (Graduate Student, Fall 2021)

[Meghan] was extremely knowledgable about the content of the course. She was also incredibly nice and very helpful in all her explanations to my many questions.” – (Graduate Student, Fall 2021)

Provided me thorough feedback and was flexible with her office hours to accommodate my schedule. Very helpful!” – (Graduate Student, Fall 2023)

I really love this class and honestly have no notes as to what can be done better. It’s incredibly collaborative already and I actually grasp the material because she engages with us all the time. I love that there are “no wrong questions or answers” because it really helps students be comfortable in a learning environment. I also love that Professor Ballard talks about her experience being first-gen as it really helps so many of us feel welcomed and included at UCI.” – (Undergraduate Student, Spring 2024 – Midterm Feedback)

Professor Ballard is one of the best professors I’ve had at UCI. She is flexible, creative, effective, and efficient– not to mention well spoken and insightful. I look forward to her class every Tuesday and Thursday.” – (Undergraduate Student, Spring 2024 – Midterm Feedback)

Professor Ballard doesn’t just teach; she mentors. After I struggled with some health issues the first couple of weeks of school I was very behind and she devoted much time during office hours and scheduled zoom to help me understand what I missed and catch up. She even shared resources on learning styles that changed how I study for all my classes. This course has genuinely made me consider switching my minor to Criminology. Professor Ballard and this class have opened my eyes to a field I never thought I’d love. So, thank you, Professor, and please, university, keep this course and this incredible instructor! They’re shaping future lawyers, policymakers, and maybe even the next great criminological theorist. Who knows, it could be me!” – (Undergraduate Student, Spring 2024 – Final Feedback)