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To Snack or Not to Snack?

Written by Janki Patel

Image by 10015389 from Pixabay

Traditionally, most people eat three square meals each day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. However, with such fast-paced lifestyles, many individuals have grown accustomed to snacking in between meals. Snacking is defined as eating between regular meal times. There are many factors that lead to snacking, including hunger, social influences, and cultural norms [1].

Is snacking good for us? Does it benefit individuals in any way? Well, as mentioned before, it does help individuals satisfy their hunger. Being hungry for long periods of time can be harmful, especially if there is not enough glucose available in the body to directly break down for energy. When this happens, the body breaks down proteins for energy instead. However, these proteins are needed for proper bodily functions and stability, so losing them can be have consequences [2]. Along with eliminating hunger and avoiding excessive protein breakdown, snacking can also help someone reach their appropriate caloric intake. If an individual does not eat enough during his or her meals, the best alternative could be to have a snack instead. This is a great option compared to eating three larger meals a day since it allows one’s body to digest food more easily. Eating too much in one sitting can lead to bloating and eventually weight gain. Thus, eating small portions throughout the day is a great way to boost one’s metabolism [1].

On the other hand, snacking may not always be good for us. If a person becomes accustomed to snacking often, he or she may continue to snack even when it is not necessary. This can then lead to overeating and again, weight gain. Since snacking satisfies one’s hunger, they might choose to skip meals altogether. This is not a wise option as most snacks do not provide as much vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that complete meals normally do [3]. Often, many snacks consumed by individuals are not necessarily healthy, like cookies, chips, and other types of junk food. These may be a good sources of carbohydrates, but otherwise provide little to no nutrients [1].

With these pros and cons in mind, it can be hard to decide whether snacking is a good idea or not. It all comes down to moderation and what kinds of snacks are eaten. If snacking is done in moderation and does not interfere with one’s basic meals, it can be helpful. Additionally, if one chooses to consume healthier snacks over unhealthy snacks, it can have great benefits [1]. So, is snacking good for us? Overall, yes! However, snack wisely.

1. Bellisle, France. “Is eating between meals good for our health?” European Food Information Council (EUFIC), 2007. Web. 26 Nov. 2016.
2. Berg, J.M., Tymoczko, J.L., and Stryer, L. 2002. Food Intake and Starvation Induce Metabolic Changes. Biochemistry. 5: Section 30.3. 
3. Weisenberger, Jill. “What Science Says about Snacking.” Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2015. Web. 26 Nov. 2016. 

Published in Wellness

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