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December 2020

Morning Sign Out 
Morning Sign Out at UCI
Erika Joloya
4th year Developmental and Cellular Biology
What do you enjoy about being a part of MSO? Or if you are a new member, why did you join MSO?
MSO is the perfect crossover between two things I like- writing & science! I liked to be around others that shared these same interests!
 What are your academic and/or professional interests?
Although I am still deciding, I am particularly interested in pursuing research, whether it be clinical, in academia, or the industry.
 What do you enjoy doing in your free time, or what is a “fun fact” about you?
I love cuddling with my dog & Disneyland!
Read Erika’s Articles
Read Our Latest
Over the course of this month, MSO’s writers and editors have been continuing the organization’s mission to expand health and scientific literacy by creating quality, enjoyable articles on current scientific developments. In this newsletter, we highlight our team’s amazing work published under MSO’s three committees: health and wellness, medicine and pharmacy, and global and local research. 
Overview of Birth Control for Women
Written by Elizabeth Montoya and Edited by Kevin Liu

“Birth control is instrumental to maintain the health of a majority of women. Today, women have various options to choose from. Read to learn about the different types and their benefits or drawbacks.”
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How Oral Hygiene is Tied with Overall Health
Written by Henry Lin and Edited by Sorina Long

“Oral hygiene not only maintains the integrity of our teeth, rather it influences the health of our body. By practicing regular cleaning, you are limiting your chance of developing a disease and maximizing your chance to catch an illness quickly.”
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HUMBLE Cells Against Type II Diabetes and Obesity
Written by Panamdeep Thind and Edited by Olivia Cooper
“Through CRISPR-Cas 9 technology… researchers used a specific type of adipocyte, a cell that stores fats, to engineer HUMBLE (human brown-like) fat cells [1]. These engineered HUMBLE cells were based on heat-generating adipocytes… Heat-generating adipocytes reduce one’s risk of type II diabetes and obesity…”
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Itching for a Cure
Written by Erika Joloya and Edited by Rasheed Majzoub
“Dupixent, also known by its generic name “dupilumab,” is a biologic injection that was approved by the FDA in 2017 to treat moderate-to-severe AD… dupilumab is produced from recombinant DNA in hamster ovary cell cultures. In short, dupilumab suppresses the activity of the signaling protein IL-4, blocking the subsequent inflammatory pathway [3].”
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Consequences of Parasitic Infections
Written by Rena Zhu and Edited by Sorina Long. 
“Parasites and their hosts engage in a back-and-forth arms-race; parasites evolve alongside their hosts, exploiting ways to guarantee their survival while hosts develop defense mechanisms in response… Their reproduction leads to serious infections that can cause tissue swelling, and even tissue death”
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Sending T-cells, the Soldiers of Our Immune System, to Fight Against Cancer
Written by Tonya Mukherjee and Edited by Catherine Zhang.
“As of August 2017, a new cancer treatment has been made available for clinical use. Chimeric Antigen Receptor T cells are genetically modified immune cells, which are created to bind to and destroy cancer cells by recognizing their unique surface proteins [1].”
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