Medicine and ResearchHelpful Hijacking: A System to Rewire Cancer-causing SignalsBy Alexander Egipto A group of Stanford researchers take advantage of aberrant signaling within breast and lymph node tumors to selectively target and kill tumor cells. Cold Caps: Hair Loss Prevention From ChemotherapyBy Lauren Young How does cooling the scalp to sub-zero temperatures before, during, and after a chemotherapy session help prevent chemotherapy-induced hair loss? Transfusions: A Life-Saving TreatmentBy Mohammed Majrashi There are many reasons a person may need blood from another person. What are the complications and logistical issues that can arise from needing blood that isn’t your own? Why is there always a need to donate? Public Health and WellnessThe Importance of Mindful EatingBy Samantha Ahn Food plays an incredibly important role in our lives, whether we acknowledge it or not. How we spend those moments eating and drinking can be crucial to our overall health. Are you asking the right questions about what you are eating? Structural Factors of the Opioid EpidemicBy Randy Yan Pharmaceutical companies are no doubt to blame for beginning what is likely the most devastating drug crisis in American history, but health care providers are partly to blame for overprescribing opioids. How does societal inequity factor into how physicians should be prescribing pain medication? Published in Newsletter |