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February 2021

Published in Newsletter

Morning Sign Out 
Member of the Month
Rena Zhu
4th year Psychology Major 
What do you enjoy about being a part of MSO? Or if you are a new member, why did you join MSO?
I joined MSO so that I can work with a group of amazing individuals who share my passion of writing about the medical community.

What are your academic and/or professional interests?
I either want to pursue nursing, or study to become a psychotherapist!

What do you enjoy doing in your free time, or what is a “fun fact” about you?
I love retail therapy! Though, if you come shop with me, there is a 2493% chance of me breaking your bank and draining your wallet.
Read Rena’s Articles
Read Our Latest
Over the course of this month, MSO‘s writers and editors have been continuing the organization’s mission to expand health and scientific literacy by creating quality, enjoyable articles on current scientific developments. In this newsletter, we highlight our team’s amazing work published under MSO‘s three committees: health and wellness, medicine and pharmacy, and global and local research.
ilk Alternatives: Nutritional and Environmental Impacts
Written by Jacob Liu and Edited by Alexander Alva. 
Thankfully for lactose intolerant individuals, there are many milk alternatives available on the market. However, each drink comes with its own nutritional benefit and economic impact. 
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When Sweat Becomes a Problem: A Look Into Hyperhidrosis
Written by Daria Sysoeva and Edited by Sorina Long.
Read about the excessive sweating disorder of hyperhidrosis, its mental impact, and medical treatments.
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Medication for Thyroid Eye Disease
Written by Christina Young and Edited by Olivia Cooper
“Recently, the FDA has approved a drug, teprotumumab, that targets the onset of TED and the disease’s progression.”

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Shining Light on Ebola Virus
Written by Hannah Segal and Edited by Olivia Cooper
“… identified biomarkers, indicators of EVD that may aid in future treatment efforts. This study demonstrated that levels of two biomarkers, L-threonine (an amino acid) and a Vitamin D-binding protein, correlated to a patient’s chance of survival…’
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Consequences of Parasitic Infections
Written by Rena Zhu and Edited by Sorina Long
“Parasites and their hosts engage in a back-and-forth arms-race; parasites evolve alongside their hosts, exploiting ways to guarantee their survival while hosts develop defense mechanisms in response.”
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Unusual Mad Cows and How to Find Them
Written by Christina Young and Edited by Ashima Seth
 “In 1986, newspaper headlines read of curious stories of domestic cows straying from their normally docile behavior and subsequently progressing to a vegetative state (a state of unconsciousness and/or inability to move), before dying [1].”
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